Halfway there

Hard to see but the black line on top is what I have already ridden

Tonight I rode over the halfway mark of my 2500 mile challenge.  My goal is to ride across America on my trainer before the snow melts.  I started after the first snow fall and have been riding almost every day since.  I watch the amazing race while riding to help pass the time.  I plan on watching every episode of every season since season 1 by the time I am done. 1250 done only 1250 to go!


Magan said…

You are ahead of me by 250 miles! good idea about the amazing race, I listen to podcasts or as Eric calls it “Cheesy” music.
Sunday, January 30, 2011 1:30:24 PM

John said…

See you in NYC. You are going strong. Keep up the good work.
Wednesday, February 02, 2011 7:26:37 PM

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