Halloween Weekend 2010

We had been anticipating Halloween weekend ever since we heard that my nephew, Carter, would speak in church for his upcoming mission to Paraguay! What a special and exciting time we had spending time with the Baldwin and Babcock families. We had extra bonuses of Parker excursions to bike parks and REI garage sale with a pinch of our great friends, the Sanders, who have recently moved to Alpine. We packed it all in with a full schedule and never stopped going until we walked in through our Sugar House door last night.

We feel so blessed to have such amazing family and friends to bless our lives and testimonies. The example of each person (old or young) is very important and the special conversations and influences combine to strengthen home and family and friendships. I am appreciative of young adult and teenage cousins who bridge the age gap and make little 2, 5, & 9 year old cousins feel special. I love that my 11 year old son (as well as all the rest of my children) can see the righteous example of his cousin, who is willing to sacrifice his time, defer his scholarship and education, take a break from his awesome soccer skills, and go serve the Lord and share the gospel.

Highlights: Family bikes with Lance; my date with Anne (Plato's Closet & Zuppas); Cleaning with my sister and having ADD moments; Dinner with the Sanders; REI garage sale for Stephen; Halloween Festivities @ Michelle's house; Carter's talk on the Book of Mormon; Helping in the kitchen serving 100+ people waffles – it was crazy fun (those boys can eat)!

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