Mason came home from school a couple of weeks ago with this note! That girl is very smart and I would have to agree with her. Mason was flattered, but basically matter of fact about receiving this note.
Guess what Mason gave for his class valentines – of course origami hearts! He made 24 hearts in an hour! His teacher received the big one with the fancy valentine paper he is holding.
Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…
We would just say he’s ruggedly handsome. Way to to go the extra mile with the hearts. You are an ambitious guy.
Monday, February 16, 2009 8:29:43 AM
michelle said…
I love how you made oragami hearts! You are so good it amazes me. Watch out for those girls-they are already after you!
Monday, February 16, 2009 3:48:20 PM
Patricia said…
You are super cool, Mason! What a great idea to make orgami hearts for your friends. A gift from the “heart” that you make is truly a gift of love. I love friends. It’s good to have as many as you can. You are “The Man” Mason. I love you. XOXO G.Baldwin
Friday, February 27, 2009 9:13:31 AM