My First Ebay Experience

I am trying to save up some money to buy Optimus Prime and so I am selling my old Bionicles, free shipping to my family so please take a look it is a great deal.

Click here to see the auction


Aunt Anne said…

I will have to show Will, how much you asking?
Sunday, February 24, 2008 5:10:43 PM

Grandpa & Grandma Parker said…

Sorry we can’t buy any right now, we’d just have to pack them. Nice to see you recycling.
Monday, February 25, 2008 3:53:20 PM

Stacie said…

do they come apart? You’ll have to talk to Quinn about them! I haven’t ever bought him any he is kind of into power rangers! But maybe you could change his mind.
Monday, February 25, 2008 9:32:48 PM

mason said…

they are just like lego’s you have to build them so they come apart and you can build great big ones too by combining all the pieces.
Monday, February 25, 2008 10:09:32 PM

Aunt Amy said…

Mason, you and Jed are definitely related! Jed is always looking for something to sell so that he can buy something new… :-).
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 11:04:39 PM

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