Yesterday was a full day for me, it was full of surprise, suspense, excitement and more but the best was saved for last.
Alexis had her first volleyball tournament over in Jackson Hole. Mason and I thought we could make the most of it by watching her play and then hitting the slopes at Jackson Hole. We watched her first game and loved seeing Lex play like a champ. Then we were off to go snowboarding. We had a blast in the spring snow and warm weather. The terrain park was great we improved our jumping skills and really had a great time. It really was great to just sit and talk with Mason about life and the fun we were having. He is a great kid, and an amazing snowboarder. He shows no fear as he tackles the barrel and other amazing tricks.
An interesting thing happened on the way home, I thought to myself do I hurry home to make it to the Temple with Jodi or do I go and see if Lex is still playing. I came to the junction where I had to choose to turn west for home or east to go back into Jackson to take my chances on seeing Lex. At literally the last second I veered east, I asked Mason what he thought and he was on board with my decision to take the chance. As we arrived and Jackson High, I thought in my heart this will be the test to see if that was inspiration or just indecision that brought me back here. When I walked in the Gym Lex had just started the second set of a consolation match. When she was subbed out she ran over to me and with excitement said, "we are playing for third Dad". This was quite a sweet surprise after watching the first game. They definitely had improved. If was so fun to watch her play and influence the girls with her cheer background. She had the girls on her team doing all sorts of fun little chants and cheers as well as fancy high fives after they would score. It came down to the wire and they ended up loosing in the third set by 2 points. Great job Lex!
This would be enough right here to call it a day, but it was about to get even better. Jodi had texted me while we were snowboarding to see if we could shoot for the 5:15 session at the Temple. I was excited to go with her…so we planned accordingly on the hill so we would could be back in time. We had made arrangements for Lex to catch a ride home with her friends parents.
We made it back in time and shot up to the Temple. What a great place to feel peace and enjoy life to the fullest. As we were finishing up the session I walked past someone who looked very familiar. It was Dad, he was up there working at the Temple (at a key place). I didn’t think it would be appropriate to tap him on the shoulder so I sat in the Celestial room and waited for him to finish up. As I watched him humbly do his calling I was touched and thought why is it that I have such a strong admiration for my father? I came to the conclusion that just as it makes me have great joy to see my children walk in the way of the Lord, the feeling is reversed as I watch my father walk in the ways of the Lord. I am proud to call him my friend and father, just like I am proud to call my children my friends and eternal family.
A little icing on the day was when Jodi and I went to Bajio for a late dinner. What a great wife I have, she makes me want to be a better person. I am so thankful for her in my life.
Today as I taught the lesson in the teachers quorum about, "The Eternal Family" how appropriate after the great day I had with my family yesterday. I asked the boys what is greater, The love for your Father or your Father’s love for you? I can’t speak for my dad but for me I would say it is equally strong and growing.
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Dad and Mom Parker said…
It is always a great day for me when I see my children so naturally being and becoming better and better. Our kids are wonderful examples of the very best. What a blessing when special sacred moments come so closely together.
Monday, March 08, 2010 7:13:52 AM
Michelle said…
You sure know how to fill up a day with good things. Thanks for your example.
Monday, March 08, 2010 8:42:53 AM