A trip down memory lane

I was born 50 years too late

We have been talking about going to see the old house that my mom grew up in for quite sometime now, well today we just buckled up and did it.  I couldn’t belive how excited the kids were to see the old antiques and run down buildings.  They reminded myself of me when I would go visit this house when I was a child.  I couldn’t help but smile when I noticed old pieces of machinery that was there over 30 years ago when I made my first voyage out there.  There was still the old horizontal shaft gas engine left in the same place I last played with it.  The house has caved in now but there are still several side buildings that are standing and have an amazing story to tell if the walls could just talk.

I am grateful for my rich heritage that I can reflect upon and draw strength from, to see what they went through makes me fell I can survive in my nice warm bed with my fully heated home and bathroom just feet away.  They just don’t make them like they used to.

treasures, an old rusted bearing and a sprinkler head

old style of power outlets, very modern for 3rd world countries

Grandpa Sperry used to take me out to feed the cows in these old trucks

It leans but won’t give up

Gas Engine I worked on when I was a kid

Lex loved the Honey Wagon

It made it feel more real as we were freezing cold out there

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