That is the beast behind us
What a birthday! We woke up around 5:30AM, Dad came and picked us up and we were on our way. Dad, Paul, Hayden, Mason, Jodi and I taking on Teewinot. The 50% chance of rain had us a little nervous but worth the gamble. I told Jodi that all I wanted for my birthday was to have her climb Teewinot with me. I know it was a great sacrifice for her and I really appreciated it.
We were at the trail head at exactly 8:14 AM I liked that since my birthday is 8/14. Mason was the leader for the first mile and he about wore us right out, pretty fast pace to say the least. It started out steep and just kept getting steeper. I was concerned that is may be a little much of a climb for Mason but he proved us all wrong. He was strong like an Ox. We made it to the tree line at about 10:00 only 1 more mile to go. But this is where it gets seriously steep, you have to put it in 4-wheel drive. We call it heart break hill since it is just a brutal steep and relentless climb.
By about 11:15 we were at the snow glacier, I love this part of the climb. You have to climb up about 100 yards of steep snow kicking your feet in to make steps as you go. Mason enjoyed it as well, Jodi I think she had a little different idea about it. She smiled but I think she was pretty nervous. At about 900 feet from the top our plans were modified, Jodi grabbed a big rock as a hand hold and it pulled free from the mountain and crushed her hand breaking her finger. I was so sad for her, it made me hurt to look at it. It was all mangled and bent out of place. Dad quickly volunteered to stay with her and help her back down to safety. It was a hard situation I was torn, do I stay with Jodi or do I take Mason to the top. Dad made the decision much more apparent, I am thankful he was so selfless to sacrifice for all of us.
Paul, Hayden, Mason and I kept climbing up to the summit, Mason was a little mountain goat. I tied him to me just to be safe. He climbed like a champ, I was impressed. We peaked out at about 12:20PM from the summit it is just breath taking, the view and the exposure are in contrast to each other. I prefer the view but the exposure a rush as well. we took some photo’s from the top had a quick bite to eat then headed back down because it was starting to sprinkle and hail on us.
Dad and Jodi were waiting for us at the bottom of the snow glacier, Mason was pretty excited to let mom know he made it. The decent is much more pleasant than the climb. We enjoyed the walk down and took some pretty pictures as well. We were back to the car by 4:00PM. What a great time we all had, Jodi is a real trooper, thanks for spending the day in the mountains with me! It will be a day I will cherish forever.
 what a view, the grand directly behind us and Mt. Owen to the right |
 close up of Mount Owen, Paul and I climbed it last year, you have to jump across that crack at the top. |
 the tree line just before heart break hill |
 the 10,000 foot kiss |
 one tired little man and Dad too |
 ouch! |
 is that a real smile? |
 the idol and worshiper |
 this is really living |
 heart break hill |
 Jodi is in major pain |
 don’t look down |
 sweat back |
 heart break hill |
 the snow glacier, this is for real |