Treasures from Stephen
This month has just flown by!
Alexis & Mason have been participating in Madison’s club soccer with Stephen coaching Lexi’s team. Lots of fun, especially when it isn’t snowing, raining, or blowing too hard. So our weeks have been full of soccer games and practices.
Stephen went on a business trip to Guam for 10 days. His dad was able to travel with him. They had fun stopping for a day in Hawaii on the way and Korea on the way home. Stephen reports that the Korean temple was the highlight of his travels. Our family was lost without him and I (especially) was excited to see the whites of his eyes. It is not easy to be a single parent or have your BFF gone for that long.
My parents stopped in for a visit while Stephen was away and that helped me get through Stake Conference, bless them! It was also nice to have an adult to talk to for a few days.
We are now down to 2 days left of the 2009-2010 school year. Olivia is so excited to attend her Pre-school Graduation Picnic with Mrs. Jill. She is looking forward to another year of preschool at Central Elementary where she will get to ride the bus home with Lily, Mason, & Lexi everyday. She still loves to do reading lessons and play webkinz on the computer. She also loves to play with her doll and tease JT.
Lily can’t wait for tomorrow at school when she gets to wear her pajamas to school and celebrate her teacher’s birthday as a surprise. Lily can usually be found writing & illustrating a story these days. Her and Alexis make great roomates and have lots of laughs in their bedroom at night. Lily is very sweet and sensitive, always looking for an opportunity to make a card of love.
Lex is learning the inner strength that can come from loosing (she ran for student council again and this time didn’t make it, she also tried to get on the yearbook staff and only 2 out of 18 could make it, she wasn’t one of them). We are proud of her for trying and doing her best. She had a defining moment as she decided to drop out of cheerleading this month. I beamed with pride as I witnessed her being inducted into the Junior National Honor Society at her school a few weeks ago. Alexis is very excited to start voice lessons, finish learning her "10 hymns from the green hymnbook", go to girl’s camp, and practice volleyball & soccer hard all summer long. She will be 13! next Monday.
Mason & Stephen got to go to the Jamboral in Blackfoot with the scouts from our ward. Mason looks forward to going to Camp Little Lemhi in June with the rootbeer patrol. He has been able to learn the benefits that come from turning homework in on time and the pain in the neck it is to do make-up work. He also is happy to see the majority of A’s on his power school report showing him the fruits of all of that labor. Mason loves to ride his bike whenever possible and still loves paper folding.
JT is excited to go outside whenever possible – to go down the slide or ride his bike. He misses Olivia when she is at school, and loves it when you lay down by him when it is time to go to bed at night. He has a fun personality and a super cool laugh. My favorite sound he makes is his tractor sound.
As for me, I was thrilled to spend all day Saturday in uninterupted cleaning of kids bedrooms with success. Yesterday I took advantage of the beautiful day and mowed the lawn, weeded flower beds, planted flowers & garden vegetables, I also learned how to use a weed eater! I love weed eaters – what an amazing invention. I needed to be outside in the sun and loved every minute of it. I also have LOVED having many dandelions brought to me by my little sweet children.
We are all looking forward to a relaxing weekend @ home – we might even sleep in!
Magan said…
Very proud of Alexis!
Thursday, May 27, 2010 1:35:47 PM
Michelle said…
I agree-time is flying right now. Thanks for the fun update. We are excited to see you guys this weekend.
Thursday, May 27, 2010 3:02:37 PM