UVI Round two

Alexis has the best cheering section in Rexburg!


Patricia said…

Awesome, Alexis! I just loved watching the video of you. You are doing so great! I just wish I could watch you in person. Please know of our love and support!!! Good luck this Friday!
XOXOXO G&G Baldwin
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 10:58:26 PM

Michelle said…

Wow-you just keep amazing me with your talent! Thanks for sharing and good luck int he next round-congratulations!
Friday, March 26, 2010 8:52:55 AM

Haley said…

You looked and sounded awesome! You are amazing!!!!!! 😀
Friday, March 26, 2010 5:41:31 PM

Upper Valley Idol – Breakable

 Hey everyone just wanted to give you an update on my Upper Valley Idol, last night I pulled off making it to the second round against some stiff competition, thanks to all the support from all you family and friends. Thanks for all the loud cheering I heard you back stage!;)It was fun having all my friends help me do my hair and practice my song. Thanks to my parental support! Thanks Uncle Scott for the awesome accompaniment.

  So, next week I will be singing again on March 19 (Pocketful of Sunshine by Natasha Bedningfeild). Hope you can all come again!

  Mom was shaking like a leaf she was so nervouse so the video is a little rough.



Michelle said…

I think the judges were smart to put you through to the next round-wow what a good voice you have. Congratulations and good luck in the next in the next round.
Saturday, March 13, 2010 4:48:42 PM

Scott said…

Lex, you nailed it! You sounded so good! I wish we could have been there in person to see you.

Speaking of being “fragile,” my stomach was getting pretty fragile from the camera shaking at certain times. 🙂 I mean, I’m thankful to whomever recorded it so that I could watch it.
Saturday, March 13, 2010 8:00:50 PM

Jodi said…

I was very nervous for Lex and had to have Stephen take the camera from me – but he didn’t do it soon enough! Sorry
Saturday, March 13, 2010 10:28:28 PM

Anne said…

How fun! You did awesome :), way to go and good luck this weekend. Wish we could be there.
Monday, March 15, 2010 10:14:55 AM

11 year old style Birthday

Mason turned the big 1 1 yesterday and had a full day of fun! He invited me to have a slumber party in his room with him, but I counteracted for him to slumber in my room – I’m getting too old to sleep in the floor :). He didn’t mind sleeping on the floor at all…he was so excited about his birthday that he woke up several time in the night. Finally 6:30 am rolled around and he was up and at ’em.

We have a tradition of opening gifts before school – a tradition I didn’t even recognize until recently that is a memory from when I grew up. Kind of like Christmas you know? Anyway Mason was happy to get to do that and loved all of his gifts. I think the gift that surprised him the most was the money origami book. Grandpa & Grandma Baldwin heard that he didn’t have a new scout shirt and hooked him up with that and other scout paraphernalia. Mason loves scouts! In fact, Scouts were held yesterday on his birthday – perfect! They went to BYU-I to work on swimming stuff. He had a lot of fun swimming 4 laps. He said it was kind of hard. I was very impressed because I wish I could do that!

One of Mason’s stresses about his birthday were being sung to at school and church. Sunday at church he pretended to have to go to the bathroom right when the birthday songs were about to be sung. Little did he know, Sister Puzey was two steps ahead of him. She pretended to pull his stick out of the helping jar during sharing time and when he came up to "help" she had the Primary sing to him. He said he didn’t really like it, but he wasn’t mad at her. (haha) If you want to know the truth, Mason really doesn’t enjoy being in the spotlight…it makes him uncomfortable with people staring at him. Then he told us that at school the cafeteria ladies sing to the birthday kids…this was not going to work for him. I bailed him out and picked him up for lunch and took him to Wendy’s for 2 chicken sandwiches and a frosty. He is eating like a horse these days – he must be growing! Anyway I’m pretty sure I got some major browny points for rescuing him from the unfortunate birthday serenade.

After school, Mason was able to have all of his 3 best friends over. They had ridden their bikes to school and rode them back to our home. They had loads of fun riding and jumping the jumps Mason built this past weekend. After the riding we invited them in for some soup and cake. Grandpa & Grandma Parker were able to come and celebrate with us as well. We are glad to have them back in town for the birthday celebrations. By the way, when I asked Mason what kind of cake he wanted for his birthday this is what he told me, "I want a mountain and one half to be mountain biking and the other half snowboarding." So Stephen and I joined forces to come up with what you see pictured. Stephen even made the bike out of wire – pretty talented guy!

Mason had a wonderful day!


Michelle said…

Wow Mason-what a great day. Happy Birthday-you are growing into such an awesome boy. You are very talented and your family is lucky to have you.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 11:54:42 AM

Anne said…

Mason so glad you had a great birthday! Love the cool cake too. Hope you have a good year.
Monday, March 15, 2010 10:00:09 AM

Sister Scripture Cookies

Lily began looking up scriptures for the Scripture Cookies found in the March Children’s Friend today during sacrament meeting. Alexis, sitting next to her, decided to help her out. When the meeting ended they both asked if they could make them after church – I’m sure their fasting made the prospects of eating the cookies more delectible. I was happy to let them, especially when I saw the sparkle in Lily’s eye. They reminded me that they did not want lemon extract & dried fruit in their cookies – they would be substituting coconut extract & chocolate chips like any respectable kids would do.

So after dinner they set out to make the cookies unassisted. They had fun (Olivia even got in on it) managing the kitchen on their own, but were a little deflated with their deflated cookies. Apparently the recipe should have called for more flour?! Mason and JT thought they were swell though.

Two Years

JT celebrated his second birthday this past Friday. He had been feeling under the weather the entire week before and we were more than pleased when he woke up with a smile on for his big day. He felt extra special as he opened his gifts before most of his fan club trotted off to school and work. He had lots of fun playing with his new "stuff" all the day long. He loves playing with his new drill, talking on the cell phone Grandpa & Grandma B gave him, and playing with his cars and folding them into his car caddy.

A few weeks ago JT retired his crib and has been sleeping in a "big boy" bed. He has done fairly well, but we are still getting used to his random roaming around in the middle of the night without a cry of warning. Last night he walked into our bedroom with a piece of paper, a puzzle piece, and a magnet. He only starts to scream when we try to have him lay down by us and go back to sleep. He’ll figure it out (soon I hope)!

He is quite a great communicator. He continues to try to explain himself using sentances, always referring to himself as JT. He has a contagious laugh and smile. He really likes to play with cars and tools (as mentioned above), that is when he isn’t playing in the spice cupboard of the kitchen, trashing Stephen’s office, or throwing marshmallows into the toilet. 🙂 Stephen and I both love to watch him try and suppress his smile when he is mad and we are trying to make him happy. He is always up for an adventure and is often heard exclaiming, "I wanna come!" He also loves to hear the garage door open – a sign that the fan club has returned.

We are so grateful that this little guy is a part of our family.


Riley said…

Happy birthday JT!!!
Monday, March 01, 2010 5:37:02 PM

Patricia said…

What a cute little 2 year old! He is definately a keeper. What would we ever do without him?
“Hugs & Kisses” from Grandma and Grandpa Baldwin

Monday, March 01, 2010 11:01:29 PM

Michelle said…

I can’t believe JT is 2! Looks like a fun day-he is such a cute little guy. I love the picture of him sleeping on the stairs.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010 7:55:37 PM

Anne said…

What a cutie! Happy B-day 2 year old :-).
Wednesday, March 03, 2010 8:22:25 AM

Half Time Show

The SSJH cheerleaders surprised us with a half time show last week at the Basketball game. They did a really great job and it spotlights Lexi’s favorite part of cheerleading – stunting. She is the girl on top on the left at the end. The cheerleaders are preparing this dance for a competition in March.

Lex is almost done with her 7th grade cheerleading career. She will be done cheering after these home basketball games (march 2 & march 11) and after the cheer competition.  So if you want to come and watch her cheer (some have asked) these will be the last opportunities. The 7th grade games start at 3:15 (after school). She is still deciding if she will cheer next year as she is thinking about trying out for Volleyball? This girl is always up for trying new things, which makes our life fun trying to keep up. 🙂

Our Valentine’s Day

We love Valentines’ Day and it has been a wonderful one.

We celebrated with traditional pink pancakes and milk. As a bonus this year (using inspiration from my groundhog meatloaf discovery) I decided to serve individually shaped heart meatloafs to my family for dinner tonight. Interesting? I know! Wish we would have gotten a picture, but they were actually a hit.

Stephen and the children gave me an awesome picture, "Family Love" (inspired by John I hear). Stephen also gave me a handcrafted necklace from Stephanie’s collection – loved it! Stephen received a year’s worth of planned dates for each of the remaining months of this year….some nostalgic, some fancy, some simple, all going to be lots of fun!

Lily especially had a wonderful year. She was extremely excited about her Valentine Party at school where valentines had been distributed all week long into an envelope that was off limits until the party. She was also the most excited about pink milk and also left notes taped to Stephen and I’s door for when we got home from our date last night.

Lex gave all of her friends a valentine with a cough drop taped to them as a joke. Mason also had an eventful day.

Olivia, JT, and friend Ellie and I made Valentine cookies and Valentine mints – both equally delicious! Now that they are eaten maybe we can get more serious about eating less sugar?! Whew…


The Bugle Boy

Mason participate in his school’s 5th Grade America Program. They sang many songs about America as well as speaking parts. The 5th graders were the only people on the program. My favorite part was watching the dances. Each 5th grade class performed a song. Mason’s class got to do the Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy – I love that song! I was very proud of Mason, he was even smiling while he danced. That is something I wasn’t expecting. He is a great little dancer. He chose to dance with his friend, Lindsay Wise, from our ward. She is his little tutor in class, she helps him if he has a question on his homework. We like her a lot because of that. She has helped Mason earn straight A’s! It is fun to watch Mason progress through life as a handsome, talented, and intelligent young man.