Arrow of Light

Tonight was our ward scout banquet. We had a pasta dinner that was delicious. Lily, Olivia, and Lex love scout nights as much as Mason. This night was extra special because Mason received his Arrow of Light award from Cub Scouts. He set this as one of his goals for this year and was unstoppable at achieving it. Mason has really loved Cub Scouts and this was the perfect way to make his exit. Next month he will retire his blue shirt and trade it for a khaki. He is comforted to know that his arrow of light patch will get to come with him as a reminder of his first experience in scouts.

He told me that some of some of his favorite memories of Cub Scouts are: Pinewood Derbies (making the cars), Earning his Bobcat "in like a week",  the Blue & Gold Banquet, knot tying, earning his engineer activity pin in Webelos, & collecting 14 belt loops.

Learning to Read

Olivia and I were both inspired when we visited my brother’s (Scott) blog and saw cousin Kate reading from a book that we have at our house. We tried using this same book (how to teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons) in the fall, but it wasn’t the right time. After seeing Kate, Olivia was excited to do what Kate could do. Olivia also set a goal at the first of this year to "learn how to read to JT" this year. She is doing soo well! We have enjoyed sharing this one on one time together. It has been fun to watch Lex, Mason, Lily, and Stephen be proud of her too.

This morning she came up the stairs as soon as she woke up and asked if we could practice reading! She is doing great and I love seeing her self-esteem soar! Today she read, "The sock is near a man. A Cat is in that sock."

Thanks Kate for your good example!

Also, this week Olivia is the VIP at Pre-School. She was very excited to take her poster to school yesterday and tell all about her favorite things with her class. She took cowtails for a treat to give to her class – we buy them at Sugar Food Town. They are basically a stick of caramel with white cream in the middle. Olivia loves to get them whenever we go to Sugar Market. Here are the favorites of Olivia at the moment:

food: chips, game: super mario bros., toy: Sarah her doll, thing to do: play with JT, friend: Ellie, color: blue & pink, number: 7, shape: diamond.

Super Glue to the Rescue

Saturday evening our family was all dispersed doing different things when I (the mother) heard screams of pain coming from the kitchen in the form of almost 2 year old JT. I ran quickly and entered the kitchen to find JT all alone standing in the middle of the kitchen with blood oozing down his face and very distraught! I then became panicked because the blood was pumping quickly and I couldn’t tell how badly the damage was. I noticed that their was a kitchen drawer pulled out and I assume he fell off of the counter top and hit the corner of the pulled out drawer to earn this gouge in his head. We gave him a double dose of ibuprofen and Dr. Parker went to work, giving us all a job to do. Mason retrieved the Super Glue and Lily and Olivia said a prayer. Lex and I got clean cloths and hydrogen peroxide. It didn’t take long to see how much love JT has being part of our family.  The wound was sealed shut with the Super Glue and he has been great ever since!

Side Note: I am developing a fond affection for Super Glue…it has been the band aide many times as we have mended various wounds. Super Glue is our friend…especially JT’s friend at the moment.


Riley said…

Sunday, February 28, 2010 4:56:20 PM

Patricia said…

Shucks! That’s too bad, JT. I’m so glad your family was able to help you get better. Hugs & kisses to the cute little boy at the Parker’s house. You better be careful and safe, little Joshey. XOXOXOXO Grandma B. loves you.

Monday, March 01, 2010 1:58:49 AM

Digger Blue & White

Lily came home from school a couple of weeks ago with a note in hand and excited expanations that there was a cheer camp coming up. She really wanted to particpate, "please, please?" She was very excited do something like her big sister Lexi, and also wear blue & white…Lily really has the Digger Pride! She was able to attend 3 after school practices and perform at the High School Basketball game last Friday Night during half time. She made such a cute little cheer leader.

Type 1 Diabetes

Lex and her friend Cortnie just finished doing their report on Type 1 Diabetes….they created this informative poster and Stephen was asked to be a guest speaker at Health class yesterday. Lex said that all of the kids were excited about getting their blood glucose tested. Lex told me that the thing she learned that she didn’t know before was that Diabetes attacks the pancreas. Food for thought…

New Spaces and Places

Stephen & Co. have been busy organizing and creating spaces & places. If you turn left at the bottom of our stairs and walk until you get to the first door on your left, we will NO LONGER be compelled to un-invite any to enter…RATHER, we will now with full pleasure, be happy to accept anyone (and their friend) to retreive an item in our recently renovated storage room! Thanks to Stephen’s & Mason’s hard work we are now able to find items easily, and everything has a place. Such a refreshing feeling! How have we endured the last 3 years without this kind of system? Organization makes life easy & happy.

Alexis Unplugged

This video explains a lot about Alexis…she is a funny girl.



Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

You have some nice close ups. You got it all figured out. Good job. You look great and you have some great stuff inside too.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010 7:53:21 PM

mom said…

I’m glad you are in our family! You make life fun :).
Tuesday, February 02, 2010 9:00:36 PM

michelle said…

Pretty fun-you crack me up with your fun personality.
Wednesday, February 03, 2010 3:21:38 PM

Pinewood Derby 2010

This year Mason wanted to raise the bar for the difficulty of his car.  He chose to make a Ferrari Enzo, it was a combined effort from Grandpa Baldwin helping him get the wood all glues together and built up.  We then used Grandpa Parkers bandsaw and dremmel to cut out the body and shape the car.  From then on it was slow and tedious, we had to carve each wheel well out with the dremmel and slowly shape the rest of the car.  Mom and Lex helped paint the cool features on it, it even has a European license plate on it.


John said…

Great looking car and boys. You did a great job Mason.
Monday, February 01, 2010 4:11:55 PM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Nice looking car, Mason. It looks like JTis ready to be Cub Scout too.
Monday, February 01, 2010 5:43:07 PM

mom said…

Mason you had such great sportsmanship – it made me proud (in a good way)! I think you’re car was THE coolest. Your cub scout days are going quickly. Way to go on your Webelos Badge too!
Tuesday, February 02, 2010 9:07:15 PM

Polar Bear Swim 2010

One more year of fun.  Alexis started recruiting early this morning, and before we knew it she had Grandpa, Paul, Matt, Riley, Mason and Myself.  It was just as cold as I remember it being last year.  I told Jodi I only have to do it one more year and that will make 5 years in a row.

Early this morning Jodi and I ran from our house to the Temple and back (9 miles round trip), I was worried I would be sore but after that dip in the ice cold water and then the hot tub after I am feeling great. The benefits are amazing!  Next Year I want to see even more of the clan out there cooling off.


John said…

Great Photos. I love the facial expressions. I want to see some married ladies in the water next year. Michelle says she may be willing to give it a go. It looks like all had a good time watching and participating. Both looked to be pretty entertaining. Nice Work!

Monday, February 01, 2010 4:12:54 PM

dad Parker said…

That wasn’t exactly what I had planned to do, but Alexis is hard to turn down. It really was invigorating and made the day better.
Monday, February 01, 2010 5:38:24 PM

Jodi said…

I was sooo excited to see you all (Paul, Bruce, & Stephen) on the front page of the Standard Journal today!
Tuesday, February 02, 2010 9:09:54 PM

Scott said…

One word: CUCKOO!
Wednesday, February 03, 2010 3:56:26 PM

Upper Valley Idol Auditions

Tonight I auditioned for Upper Valley Idol. I sang Lenka’s The Show,and made it!

So here’s the deal, last night I ran through it 3 or 4 times then the next morning I went through it a few more times.

The next day I auditioned and made it with a "Purple Ticket’

I would love to see all of you at my next show in March at the Westwood Theater.(I’ll notify you all)

So come vote for me!!!! Love you all!

    Alexis Parker 🙂


Jessica said…

Good job alexis. you sounded just like lenka
Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:10:34 AM

Riley said…

Lex You are the most talented singer I know!!!! Congrats!!!
Saturday, January 23, 2010 9:17:51 AM

Kassie 🙂 said…

GOOD JOB!!!! That is AWESOME! You did so good! I wish we could come and watch you! Good luck and good job!!!!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:12:50 PM

Mom said…

Lex, I admire you for knocking over the “brick wall” I put out for you to go through on this. I think it is so cool that you were determined (and brave) enough to do something you’ve always wanted to do, and you did it so well! YEAH FOR YOU!!!
Sunday, January 24, 2010 9:36:12 PM