I’m finally 4

Mom made me a sunflower cake, I was excited to eat a zinger!

Yesterday was my birthday. I woke up and opened some presents with my family. I loved my new stick horse. Mason and JT gave me Trix cereal which I ate and shared for breakfast. I then went to church where they sang to me in Primary. My mom said that I had the prettiest smile while they sang – she thinks I like all the attention I was getting. After church my friend Ellie came over to bring me a present, I had fun playing with her for a second before my dad said it was time for dinner. I told my dad and mom that I wanted mashed potatoes and gravy for lunch. I had lots of fun at my party with my grandpa and grandma parker, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I really love Brookey a lot. She is one of my favorite friends. I have fun playing with her at soccer games too. After my party we had a Parker Parade and walked to the Sugar Cemetary to go visit my Aunt Michele – it was her birthday to, she would have been 40 years old. I am happy to be part of such a happy family and that we can all be together someday.

Four means that I get to be in Pre-School something that I’ve been waiting for the last 2 years. Mom said that it will only be a few more weeks until I get to go. Some of my mom’s favorite things about me are my smile, my singing, my patience, and my eagerness to learn. She knows I am very special and is happy to have me as one of her daughters.

The Parker Parade begins – my dad has made some fun bikes (Sancha pictured and a two pedaled bike car) for everyone to ride.

Visiting Aunt Michele

Love being the birthday girl!

I really wanted a barbie and Lily gave me this and a special note with jewels in it.

Just what I love.

Lexi gave me her old CD player and these two books.

Pink is one of my favorite colors and my unicorn also makes noisies!

I have wanted a stick horse for a long time.

It is fun to have Grandpa and Grandma Parker home.

Seventh Heaven

I am loving 7th grade my only problem is my locker! I had to haul my math book around in sixth period. I was so glad to see all of my friends!There are also some fun new kids!In choir I got to see my friend from 8th grade and learned a lot from her.I really enjoyed wearing my new school clothes!Love you All!!!

Back to School 2009

first day family

It’s official: school is in session!

I dropped the children off this morning and they are tucked safely in their desks.

Lex got to open 7th grade with performing at her first assembly. She was cute to watch (check her blog out for the video footage). I embarrassed her a little when I made her get a picture by the SSJH building – hopefully she’ll thank me someday. We had fun yesterday decorating her locker and practicing her locker combo. She is sure to have a great year.

Mason is geared up for 5th grade with Mr. Kennelly as his teacher once again (he had him for 3rd grade too). He packed his new orange soccer ball in his messenger bag and was off with a pleasant attitude – we just hope it sticks. School can be a little much for Mason – he likes to be moving not sitting in a room all day. Enjoy the video footage of our fashion show because we were informed last night that he will never be participating again. We are just happy he graced us this last time because he is a cute "skater boy".

Lily said she was a little nervous for 2nd grade, but as soon as she met her teacher, Mrs. Smith (also Mason’s 2nd grade teacher) she was good to go.  She was the first one up this morning and proceeded to wake everyone else up too. She is a teacher’s dream student: ready and excited to learn and aims to please. She was excited to wear her skinny jeans and thinks she can run really fast in her new tennis shoes!

Olivia and JT are finding it nice to just have each other to hang out with.

I am basking in the semi-quietness and low maintainance in my kitchen for the last 2 hours! Check back later for a first day report from the crew.

Stephen is trying to recover from his gut-wrenching bout with the flu yesterday.

Today is a day to remember.

Mr. Sicko

olivia get to go to BYUI preschool next month

getting these trays out each year is like setting up the christmas tree at oue house…. it is funny how excited everyone gets for this simple meal

famous bus cake – do you like stephen’s apron?

the back to school meal – this toffee apple dip was sooo amazing you have to check it out in the family recipe section

kind out hard to make croissants with a broken finger!

this girl is as nostalgic as her dad – she is all about traditions

good at playing with his food


Magan said…

“JT” is the star of the fashion show!
Great looking kids headed back to school
Friday, August 21, 2009 5:45:44 PM

michelle said…

Great Show-Looks like a great first day of school! You all look great too!
Saturday, August 22, 2009 6:25:29 PM

mr. rubiks

mason has been very diligent about trying to solve his rubiks cube this summer. he has been printing out booklets, and watching youtubes, even asking people he knows the tricks involved. well, of course he figured it out and this picture is what he looked like the day that he did. he looked so cute and so proud, i loved it! he is currently trying to challenge himself with speed. he has been clocked at doing it under 2 minutes. all i can say is he is a patient person… i look at a rubiks cube and want to scream.

next pic is of his self made bike gloves. he has seen stephen and i wearing ours and one day i caught him with a pair of scissors and an old pair of "magic gloves" you buy for $1 at christmas time.  he solved the problem of not having bike gloves with his resourcefulness – you can count on him for that. He is a lot like his dad!


michelle said…

The only way I can do a rubix cube is to take the stickers off. Good job Mason. You are so impressive and you sure do use your mind!
Monday, August 17, 2009 9:27:23 AM

Trevin and Stephanie said…

You are awesome! Girls love a guy who can solve the Cube.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 10:30:15 PM

its a wrap

overlooking the waterfalls at Yellowstone

our summer has been a whirl wind of fun times! so much fun we  haven’t had time recently to do any journaling.

one of the best things we’ve done is witness the marriage of paul and karma. they had a lovely wedding day and made us all proud. it was great fun to see all of my daughters along with their girl cousins eye up the day events – they were sweet. i can’t wait to go to many more temple marriages in the distant future.

our garden is looking good and producing well! Olivia and Lily loved helping me pick the beans and peas and prepare them. they were so proud that they helped them grow and take care. stephen is getting excited about biting into one of his tomatoes!

swimming at the ashton pool was a treat as well as floating the canal.

oh and we also went to the cabin with our puzey friends and took time to travel through both yellowstone and grand teton national parks. it was so relaxing and enjoyable. we had primary at the cabin to help us remember it was sunday. mason was the chorister, lex was the self proclaimed primary president, lily and olivia shared scriptures and talks. i am always amazed at the beautiful world we live in. i was a bit disappointed we weren’t able to see a bison though. we ate the imfamous alomd joy ice cream at arrowleaf and lex, lily, and i went to guys and dolls at the playmill. riding bikes and catching frogs was again a hit. stephen also took another chance at the rope swing – i guess to overcome fear and see if he has an iron rib cage.

stephen had a birthday and turned 36, he acts like he is still 18 though. it can be a problem to try and keep up with him :).

we have been trying to keep up with the soccer games every tuesday and thursday evenings. it is bam, bam, bam. one kids game after the next – this year we decided to take dinner to the field and it’s been helpful. stephen is coaching lily’s and lexi’s teams this year.

this is the official week of summers end for us – thursday is the first day of school! best word to describe it, like i do every year, is bittersweet! and it’s a wrap folks…

putting on another show

lex and grandma parker made the birthday cake – toffee poke cake, very yummy!


after church snack

old faithful

lily by the lily pads at the continental divide

grand teton national park after JT’s old faithful poop explotion (notice my red shirt is gone and he only has a jacket on)

crazy eyebrow photos – there was a lot of time to come up with things to do in the car


lexi’s soccer team

this kid can catch a snake anywhere

lazy summer days in sugar

love this – very nostalgic of my childhood

lex decided to swing out and then back to shore –

that is a big log cabin

dinner in the rain

s were made inside this time

geysers at yellowstone

lily loved this one best

cute friends




swimming in the rain

insanity strikes again

cute cousins

another round of cuteness

we are all hitched now

lots of neices and nephews

these 2 were tired!

parker boys

love the wishing well

famous aunt dot with olivia

these 2 remind stephen and i of lex and mason

chinese lanterns were fun

unique exit – we all loved it


stephen’s water jumping shoes

looks like an elf from whoville

never to be slowed down

looks at the pride in these girls’ faces

boys will be boys even if they are dressed up

first five

lovely garden growth

ashton pool is fun

taylor and lily had a custard date – compliments of lily’s reading coupons from school



Diana said…

What an awesome summer! Thanks for letting us be a part of some of those memories!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 4:29:37 PM

Trevin and Stephanie said…

What fun memories. I love the shoes, are those grandap Parker’s slippers? I am glad you got back on that rope and showed it who’s boss. You guys are fun parents, I can tell you like to be with your kids; rain or shine.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 10:47:59 PM

Job well done

Lex had her first real job, aside from babysitting. She heard that a farmer in our ward was having some kids weed his corn. She decided on her own that this was something she wanted to pursue. She called him up, she set her alarm and was pulling weeds in his field at 6 am the next day. The farmer was impressed with her weeding speed and ability – he was quick to tell me all about it. I was a proud mom of my girl. She even got bold and asked if Mason could join in as well. He was anxious to earn a little bit of cash too. Lukcy for them both, the job didn’t last over 4 days, because reality started to set in…but then they got their checks!  May this be the beginning of many more ambitious "work" days and reinforce the benefit of higher education which will produce even better jobs.


michelle said…

Impressive! Good job Lex-you are an ambitious girl-keep it up.
Monday, August 17, 2009 9:26:04 AM

Trevin and Stephanie said…

Way to look out for your brother. I want to know how many pairs of shoes you bought? Your mom is right, it’s good to work hard labor so you will appreciate an education.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009 10:34:31 PM

Catch Up!

It has been a fast, action packed month with many good times and memories.

Thank heaven for Michelle and her inner tube – they both saved Stephen’s life after a bad jump!

Trevin set the bar high

Stephen’s near drowning – the rope wacked him in the ribs and knocked the wind out of him making it hard to swim back to shore!

Go big or go home!


Too cute!

Top three things I love!!!

1.Money, love to shop!

2.Family,love you all!

3.SHOES!!!! You can never have to many shoes!


michelle said…

I would like to see you wearing those giraffe shoes!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009 8:56:54 PM

HayHay said…

Those green shoes are way cute.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 8:18:19 AM

Kate said…

I hope you wear them.
Sunday, August 16, 2009 3:09:49 PM