Our summer is rolling by with a full calendar and fun visits from aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. This past weekend we were delighted to have the Baldwins (Amy, Bridget, and Abby) up for a visit. They don’t come very often so it was extra special for all of the girls. Stephen decided to take Mason on a Father and Son weekend since they missed the one with the ward. This freed us girls up to have a lot of girl bonding. We made aprons, went to Hannah Montanna, and then went and did a photo shoot at the temple and BYUI gardens. The gardens are sooo beautiful – I could stay there for a very long time if I were there a lone with a book.
The Baldwin’s are night owls and we had some extra late night excitement which resulted in some girl drama on the following days by the Parker girls. It was all worth it to spend those extra hours with cousins.
Thanks for the visit girls and we look forward to more memories down the road. Here are some of our fun pictures…
This week we are anticipating a visit from Grandpa and Grandma Baldwin and then welcoming the Parker Grandparents home from their mission after 18 monts (JT is going to meet them for the first time)! Another exciting week to add to the rest!
 these girls weren’t cooperating |
 couldn’t keep this fella from the fun |
 Ah, the lazy days of summer |
 The clan at our photo shoot – I personally LOVE the colors in the back drop…green field, blue sky, & white clouds. |
 Olivia was excited to see her other cousin, Brookey, at the splash park. |
Anne said…
Summer is so fun! The pictures of the gardens make me excited to go to Angelica’s reception up there. The aprons are darling…love them. Keep the good times rollin…as long as you get to sleep in to catch up on those late nights!
Sunday, June 21, 2009 10:28:44 PM
Grandpa & Grandma Parker said…
You girls know how to have fun. The pic are great. Can’t wait to see you.
Sunday, June 21, 2009 11:37:11 PM
Magan said…
Fun times, we must be on the wrong side of the state, we haven’t had any Baldwin family visitors in over 3 years
Monday, June 22, 2009 9:40:04 PM
Grandpa Baldwin said…
I just read Magan’s comment. I feel guilty. We plan to visit Boise in September to be part of Grant’s ordination. Anyway, it has been too long since we’ve been there.
We enjoy returning to Rexburg. The more often we return and the long we stay there the harder it is to return to Orem. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve a mission and to serve in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple. We know our mission activities are important and that people can be helped in the difficult times we find ourselves in.
We really appreciate the good things our family are doing and love to hear about all the fun things you all do. We look forward to visiting the family whenever we can arrange the time. Who knows, maybe next summer will
be quite different and we will be pushing the window of over-staying!
Monday, June 29, 2009 1:12:13 PM