Saturday Productivity

finished and ready for the shrubs and bark!

We were able to check something off of our lists this weekend! For two years we have talked about building an arbor and we finally did it, rustic style. Stephen recycled some wood from a caved in potato cellar – a man in our ward was getting ready to burn. The only pieces of wood purchased were the 4 posts, pretty cool huh? It feels so good to be productive and frugal all in one. It felt like old times – me running the chop saw, Stephen nailing, kids running wild and crazy, and a more than a couple of slivers to show off. At least none of us had to get a tetanus shot from the rusty nails we were pulling out! Alexis also participated in piano festival and did a fabulous job. Her morning consisted of practicing her 2 octave scales for 2 hours. She was very nervous about them, but all of that practice paid off! It sounded good from outside the door and she felt good about it in the end. The other pictures are from a crazy night this past week. It had been cold all day and a snow storm had blown in just in time for Lexi’s soccer game. We decided to stay home and warm. Mason and Lily got a little crazy with the rubber bands, but had lots of fun. Olivia ended up flicking herself in the face, that’s when all of the fun had to end.


Dad said…

Mom loved it. She wants me to build one like it at the new house.
Monday, April 20, 2009 7:24:53 AM

Magan said…

Yes, love the arbor
Monday, April 20, 2009 2:10:01 PM

Jana said…

Very cool, we all want one!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009 10:21:12 AM

Patricia said…

What a nice addition to you place. We can’t wait to see it when we come up. Your family is always doing neat things at your house. It’s all good; so very, very good!
Dad and mom
Friday, May 01, 2009 10:06:21 PM

Garbage can fetish

Today before church we went into the primary room to have Lex and Olivia practice their scripture. I let JT walk around in the room while I coached Lex and Olivia, we then headed back to the chapel for church. I noticed that JT’s pacifier was missing and that is a life saver in sacrament mtg. I scoured the bench looking for it, and sent Lily back down to the primary room to look for it, still no pacifier. I then went into the primary room myself knowing that JT likes to through things. I looked everywhere but it just wasn’t to be found. As I was walking out of the room I noticed a garbage can about JT’s height. I thought to myself, he wouldn’t put it in there. Sure enough though he had thrown it in the trash. Crazy dude….but wait there is more….

Jodi just told me that later that day when she was in the primary room JT had tipped the can over, pulled the liner out and had crawled into the can. All she could see was his feet sticking out. He then pooped his pants while he there….guess he was looking for his pacifier and just couldn’t take the stress of not finding it.


Dad said…

Maybe he will really enjoy caves and tight places as he grows up.
Monday, April 20, 2009 4:29:30 AM

Jana said…

Too funny…good thing you had that inkling or you might have had a rough Sacrament mtg.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 7:45:58 PM

Patricia said…

We sure love that little guy! G & G Baldwin

Friday, May 01, 2009 10:12:16 PM

Patricia said…

We sure love and miss that little guy. We can’t wait to come for a vist at Memorial Day. All of the kids better watch out. We are going to have so much fun! Love to all, Grandpa and Grandma Baldwin

Friday, May 01, 2009 10:12:16 PM

Did I shave my legs for this?

This is only for our family Lex – don’t be worried. I just have to document it for your daughter someday.

Alexis came home from school on Friday with Mason close on her heels. She walked straight up to me and said, “Look at this mom!” (kind of freaked out) I looked and there were some long hairs dangling down from her arm pits. She told me that Mason discovered them – and was jealous. He wished he could have some too! It just made us all laugh. We took her in my bathroom and zapped the hairs away before she went to her “Twilight” party.

Then last night Stephen and I went to Wal-Mart on our date and and purchased a very stylish razor – one worthy to do the first shave of the legs. Alexis allowed me to help her give her legs the first trim of their life. We had a good time and I felt happy to be sharing this monumental moment. It is nice that Alexis is filling us in on all of the new and exciting changes happening in her life. We love it and her very much!

Happy Shaving in the years ahead – it is a never ending task!!!

Easter Festivities

We enjoyed a wonderful weekend filled with Easter pleasures. One of the best gifts was the fabulous weather. We also got to have fun Ricks’ cousins all weekend to make it even better! Glad Steph and Trevin got to go have a get away and that we could get to have some good bonding time. Mason, Lex, and Lily especially had a fun 3 days.


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Looks like fun. Your weather is getting better than ours now. We sent the good weather home with John and Steph. It’s supposed to rain all week. It looks like Stephen lost his shaver again. It is good to see Mason doing well in his flying lessons.
Monday, April 13, 2009 6:27:06 AM

Susan said…

Looks like your “hunt” was a big success. What a fun thing to do as a neighborhood and family. You are all building great memories!
Monday, April 13, 2009 4:16:16 PM

A little treasured moment

Stumbled upon this sweetness and couldn’t pass up a photo opportunity! Lily can be a very loving sister. Olivia looks forward to her return from school every day. Lily and Olivia have a lot of fun together playing school, reading books, playing house, pet shops, dolls, piano, computer games, etc. Olivia is a shadow to Lily and really appreciates the attention from her big sister. Lily is sure to help Olivia keep her place as we read scriptures, although sometimes it can go the other way – a day last week as we were reading scriptures I couldn’t hold back the smile when I saw Olivia deliberately lay across Lily’s scriptures and then say to herself (before Lily could) “What are you doing? Stop bugging me.”

A note from her teacher

This is one of the many positive comments her teacher has to say about this special little gal.This kind of feed back can sure make a parent smile, not because we did anything special, but because she is “wonderful” all on her own! We are proud that Lily chooses to be her best self at school. When she makes her mind up about something there is no stopping her – even when it comes to being good at school!

She also had to share a game that we played when we were kids – she did “bubblegum, bubblegum” and “thimble”.

Lily was suppose to tell her class about a tradition – So of course I tapped into the turquoise jewelry thing. Remember my blog abouth that?

My first Easter

I had my first Easter Egg hunt this weekend. Mom noticed that just like my brother and sisters, I was happy and content to only pick up the first thing I laid eyes on. I also got to wear my first tie to church today and eat my first Eater Dinner. We went to Aunt Stacie and Uncle Rick’s house for a yummy ham and potato dinner. Mom gave my a spoonful of hot twice baked potatoes and my mouth got scorched, but I forgave her when she scooped a spoonful of raspberry pretzel salad in. Mom says that I am making some very creative noises these days. My most common sound is spitting with my tongue out. I get really excited when I play with toy cars, and think that pinwheels were a great invention. Oh, yeah – my sister’s have been pushing me in my swing, and Mason talked mom and dad into going on a bike ride yesterday. I have a lot of fun with my family.

Dare Graduation

Lex, Emi and ShayLex is an official D.A.R.E. graduate now. This past week she got to put on her fancy shirt and sing “D – I don’t do drugs, A – check my attitude, R – respect others, and E – educate myself.” Alexis wrote the following essay to wrap up her DARE experience. Her friend Shaylyn was selected to read hers at the graduation, she was proud of her friend.

DARE Report
By, Alexis Parker

If your friend stuck her tongue to a frozen flag pole would you? If you did, it could really hurt. It wouldn’t be worth it just to follow the crowd. Drugs can be like the flag pole in your life and really harm you. Friends can be important to you and you might lose them by saying no to drugs and violence, but I think you’re future is more important than that. Here are the effects of some drugs.
Meth can cause many sicknesses such as gross skin, high temperatures, and it can also raise your heartbeat. There are some popular commercials playing on television saying, “Meth � not even once,” and it’s true! Nine people out of ten will be addicted to Meth after using it for the first time. Do you want to take the risk?
Another type of addiction can be alcohol. It doesn’t just make you light headed; it can cause accidents and death. I have tried on beer goggles before and decided that I wasn’t going to drink alcohol. Alcohol goes right to your blood stream and causes your brain to slow down. Accidents and death can happen to you as well as others. People who choose to drink and then drive can cause injury or death to many people. Do you want to cause injury or death?
If you do drugs while you are in a sport it will only slow you down and harm your body, so don’t think it’s some type of medication. If you swim and do drugs, prepare to drown because you’ll be so dizzy that you’ll give up and sink. Do you want to drown?
Inhalants can kill brain cells and can also make you dizzy. Anything scholastic will not help you in a situation with this drug. Many of the things you have spent time learning all of your life will go away such as, names, facts, or even important events. If you are questioning to take any drug just don’t do it, there are better things in this world namely, sports, music, or watching a good movie. Do you want to have a bad memory?
All drugs can also cause people to act violently. When drugs change your mind and body controls there is no going back. You lose the ability to think before you act. Once you have acted in violence the damage is done and behind bars you go. Do you want to go to jail?
My pledge to myself is I will resist drugs and violence by just saying no. Specific ways to get out of being tempted are, turn your back, walk away, use humor, or change the subject. I want to be able to play sports and musical instruments with a good mind. I want to graduate from high school and then go to college. I want to see and play with my kids as they are growing up without drugs slowing me down. I will always say no to all drugs. I am in charge of my own future and I’m not going to let that flagpole get in my way!

Lex and Christina (yes they are the same age!)

Taking her walk of glory

Conference Weekend Memories

We had a relaxing conference weekend and a little productive too. Stephen decided to finally refinish the church pew that has been sitting in our garage for 2 years. We were able to get a nice bench to put out back on our deck and a smaller one to use with our kitchen table. Favorites were listening to amazing talks and just being together. When Stephen went to the priesthood session Mason started playing with his food and started a fun creative outlet for everyone. Here are some of our pictures to help us remember the good times.

Here Chicky Chicky

Paul has some new chicks, the kids all want some now…they do look kinda fun to have around. And hard to beat fresh eggs.


Patricia said…

Oh how cute! Baby chicks are lots of fun. Sure wish I could hold one. Grandma Baldwin
Monday, April 06, 2009 12:09:51 AM

Dad and Mom Parker said…

They are so cute, and so are the chicks. It looks like you might have a ducky too. Remember they grow up and cause damage to plants. Be careful not to get to attached.
Monday, April 06, 2009 6:54:53 AM