
Fun GirlsWhen Alexis opened up her American Girl Magazine and saw the idea of having a Valentiny Party she was all over it! She showed it to me and I loved it as well, what a clever idea and it was already planned. Lily was easy to convince and the rest is now historty because today was Alexis’ and Lily’s Valentiny Party.

t was so much fun we are going to have to make it a tradition with all of the girls from our house every year! I had a lot of fun making the miniature treats and watching my girls interact with their friends. I even got a little misty eyed as I listened and watched, I am getting more and more nostalgic everyday. Today made me realize again, just how much fun being a mom to girls is! Pink, crafts, hearts, and giggles – you can’t beat that.

Fun Game – you play it like backward BINGO, if the words from one of your hearts is drawn from the bowl of conversation hearts, you take it off. The goal is to be the first one without any hearts.

Marshmallow Dipping – don’t they look so cute?

Playing Boogie Super Star and hula hoops were a nice ending to a fun party.

I know, they are soo cute. American Girl magazine had the funest ideas ever!

More fun mini treats…I made mini loaves of bread this week in honor of our party.

Every girl loves sprinkles!

The spread – I loved mini sodas when I was a kid, didn’t you?

Loony Spoons game – two teams try to see who can pass conversation hearts down the line up and fill up a bowl first.

Making cupcake jewelry boxes – we tucked in a rew fortunes for future good luck!


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Those are wonderful, enthusiastic, happy, pure young ladies. What an enchanting age. Thank Heavens for little girls. (and big girls too)
Sunday, February 08, 2009 1:02:21 AM

Patricia said…

What a blast!!! How fun to have a Valentine’s party! Your mom is so supportive. You must love her for that. Happy Valentine’s Day to all of your family. We love you! XOXO G&G Baldwin
Thursday, February 12, 2009 10:15:11 AM

Anaconda Squeeze

On Sunday night after I said good-night to my kids, Mason got half-way down the stairs then hurriedly ran back. He said he forgot to give me something. He then gave me the “anaconda squeeze” – it quickly became my favorite part of the day! He is a sweet boy and I hope he will always give out the “anaconda squeeze”.

He knows just how to flatter me too…whenever I play the piano I usually see him poke his head in or come and sit down to listen.

Last night when I told my kids that their thrown down backpacks and snowy boots were talking to me (saying my mom is a servant) he was the first one to rally everyone to clean up the mess. I love this guy!


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Righteous reflexes are best developed in our youth. So is wisdom according to Alma. Perfect practice makes perfect. Keep it up Mason.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009 12:21:31 PM

Patricia said…

Mason,You are such a winner! I love and appreciate your goodness. You are always so good and kind to me, too. Thanks for the squeeses you give me. You and your mother are great friends. That is so awesome. Keep up your goodness. XOXO Grandma Baldwin
Thursday, February 12, 2009 10:05:33 AM


My Friend likes a boy ,and that boy likes my friend.They are both getting each other gifts for Valentine’s Day.He is giving her a giant candy bar and she is giving him a dog with a heart in its mouth.Young love!For those of you wondering if I have a valentine I DON’T.I’m just blogging about it.Happy Valentine’s Day!I love you all!



Mom said…

When I was your age, my dad was my Valentine – he even brought me flowers. Boys make good friends, you’ve got it figured out!
Tuesday, February 03, 2009 8:36:04 AM

Grandpa Parker said…

Your Mom is a wise person. You can’t go wrong following her advice.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009 12:18:38 PM

John said…

You are surely cute enough for lots of boys to like you. I am glad that you are staying clear of the boys for now. Moms are always right. Just ask my mom and she will tell you.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009 4:20:23 PM

Peppermint Bandit

This month JT turns one! Not only is he getting quick, he has a super strength…today at church he grabbed the bread tray and wouldn’t let go – needless to say a few pieces of bread flew. He also pushed a row of three primary chairs. He has quick & strong hands, but he is as cute as a button. He gets “oohed” over at church all day long. I think one of his biggest fans is his big sis, Lex. She thinks he is the cutest. Yesterday she commented to him, “I am so glad you are in our family.” I am too!

Check this video out of the “peppermint bandit”.


Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

We can’t believe he is a year old. The candy grabbing video is so cute. He is happy no matter what, if he can just see what he wants, he keeps trying. We were wondering how many times he would go around the table. He is a cutie. Sounds like everyone in the family loves him.
Sunday, February 01, 2009 11:30:48 PM

lex said…

You are so cute,can’t wait for you to turn 1!!!!
Monday, February 02, 2009 6:20:52 PM

Michelle said…

So funny! I thought it was thoughtful of JT to take the lid of before reaching in for a treat. This video cracks me up. There’s nothing like a good treat to make you smile!
Monday, February 23, 2009 10:14:59 AM

Too tired to care

Sometimes you just have to sleep no matter what the circumstances…

Olivia is very mindful of the days of the week. In fact, last week she continued asking me which day is was so often that I stopped and taught her the song of the days of the week. She can now figure out which day we are on or which day is coming up. It is pretty funny to listen to her prayers as she drops what day it will be tomorrow. For instance she said in today’s dinner prayer, “I hope we can have a good day tomorrow on Monday…”

She is also a member of the Sunbeam class and absolutely loves her teachers. When her teacher Brother Muir, got up to bear his testimony today, she got so excited. I am grateful for loving Primary teachers!


Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

It’s good to always be learning new things. Olivia is like sponge that way, she loves to know things. We are thankful for Primary too. Yesterday Alexandre bore his testimony without a paper, his dad writes down the words and he reads his testimony. But it was great to see him speak from his heart. Primary is great.
Sunday, February 01, 2009 11:35:20 PM

Patricia said…

Olivia, you make my heart feel warm and good inside when I think of you. You are such a sweetheart!!! I love you! G.Baldwin XOXO
Thursday, February 12, 2009 10:34:01 AM


Rex”Burrrrg” is a quaint little town with great community events! It is fun to go and supports such great family events – even in the most chilling weather (burr). The first one of the year is “Snowfest”. There are many Snow activities made available for enjoying the snow. Our family favorite has become the Polar Bear Swim.

For the past three years since moving back to Rexburg our family has gotten a thrill out of jumping in a pool of ice water immediately followed by a dip in a hot tub, this is called “The Polar Bear Swim”. There is something about it that makes us want to keep making it a tradition. Alexis almost passed it up this year, but cute cousin, Hannah, inspired her to do it. They are loving the cool brown hats that proclaim them members of the Polar Bear Club.

Cousin Ashley and her friend Courtney who were up this weekend on a road trip came to witness the event – I’m not sure if they were happy or sad that they didn’t bring a swimsuits?


Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

It looks like that would be a shock to your heart when you hit the water. Way to make memories with the kids.
Sunday, February 01, 2009 9:23:34 AM

Magan said…

Jodi wear is your brown hat!
Sunday, February 01, 2009 3:28:23 PM

Stephanie said…

I will do it next year if they let me wear a wetsuit. And if Jodi does it too. Gear up Jo!
Monday, February 02, 2009 9:38:34 AM

Patricia said…

I can’t decide if you are all “cool” or “crazy”! I’m glad you had fun!
Monday, February 02, 2009 9:43:33 AM

John said…

Nice work! It looks pretty chilly. You don’t forget good times like that one. Jodi is going to glide the whole distance underwater next year!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009 4:18:45 PM

Magic Carpet

The Family wagonWe went to the cabin in Island Park this weekend because our kids were out of school on Friday. We had loads of fun and having Paul and his friends come up made it all the more fun.

We loved the sledding hill despite a few minor injuries. The first day Jodi bruised her tail bone on a crazy run (that will explain some of the classic facial expressions in the pictures) and Mason accidentally went over a jump that made him fly about 6′ in the air and landed on his back – he’s a tough kid. It would have been a good shot on camera with that air. Our favorite photo is of Stephen floating through the air in the black sled that is parallel with the ground. It really looks like he is flying…”I can show you the world…on a magic carpet ride. A whole new world…”

We all had fun playing Wii fit too! We were so happy when Matt got the high score on the ski jump game and we all loved the hula hoops. Paul proved that he is indeed balanced as well. It is great burning calories while you play in front of a t.v.

The air in Island Park is good to breath.

Happy days!

Paul is the king of the hill

Go Paul

Lily had just told me the story of Great Grandma Parker putting her leg out and getting hurt. Guess she wanted to try too.

JT waving at Mason


Olivia and Lex Loved it

no shoes

“I can show you the world”

Queka time

coveralls and a snowboarder perfect match

Mason was the official Taxi

A seat just for JT


Mom and Dad said…

Fun pictures! It was good to see you guys using that snowmobile. I was afraid it would just set and plug up the carburator. It looks like the snow is good to play in already.
Sunday, January 2
5, 2009 9:28:14 AM

Paul said…

Thanks for the fun! It was good to get in the outdoors and play around a little.
Sunday, January 25, 2009 10:53:55 AM

John said…

Looks like a blast. Nothing quite like floating through the air in a sled. It looked like a wonderful time with some great people. Thanks for sharing.
Sunday, January 25, 2009 9:10:03 PM

Jana said…

Thanks for the laugh!! You guys have all the fun…we expect a call so we can come try out the wii fit. Looks like you all had a blast, sorry about your bum!
Monday, January 26, 2009 8:50:44 PM


Meet iCar the latest in Pinewood Derby cars. Mason invented this little fella to scale of my iphone. It turned out to be a cute little thing, and pretty fast too. It even sports the camera on the back side.

He also received his Bear Award tonight – that is why he has red paint on his cheeks. He is quite a happy Cub Scout, it is one of his favorite things to do every week! He won the “Most Unusual” Award of the night.

He commented on how one of the boys must have thought that the pinewood derby is all about winning. When we asked him what it is about he said, “learning about sportsmanship, and having fun building a car”. We have to thank the “Down and Derby” movie he has been watching (thanks Grandma B) to help reinforce what we’ve tried to teach.

He definitely had fun coming up with his idea (he saw a larger version on the internet, he modified it to make it his own) and was a great sport.

notice it is upside down so we had to take another shot


Mom and Dad Parker said…

In some ways that icar may be a better communication device than the real phone.
Friday, January 23, 2009 12:32:10 AM

Uncle John said…

Wonderful Car Mason. You and your dad are a great team. I always loved the pinewood derby. Especially the making of the car and the time with my dad. Keep up the great work. I am glad to hear that the red stuff was paint. I was thinking you were getting a few victory kisses from the fans.

Friday, January 23, 2009 9:34:58 PM

Paper Airplane Incentives

If you want Mason to do something for you, all you have to do it give him the right incentive. He could move heaven or earth! He found an airplane calendar that I bought that was half price. He wondered who it was for? Of course it was for him, but I was saving it for a possible birthday present. He was really excited with his sparkling eyes and I just wanted to give it to him, but new that wouldn’t be the best parenting – giving a kid something just because he wants it.

I noticed that my walkway needed to be shoveled – this is his job anyway, but it isn’t his favorite. I came up with a plan – “Mason, every time you shovel the sidewalk you can have 2 airplanes from the calendar.” He was so excited he ran to get his shovel barely stopping to get his shoes on. He worked so fast I couldn’t believe it! He was so happy to get his airplanes…and by then he really DESERVED them.

I have heard his voice longingly looking out the window wondering when it was going to snow again….


Grandma and grandpa Parker said…

Motivation is the key to teaching. Mason doesn’t mind hard work anyway. He probably enjoyed doing the walk and getting the paper planes.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 3:46:20 PM

Susan said…

I love paper airplanes too. I had a white wing collection once, but it went the way of most of my “things!”
Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:07:51 AM


Alexis came home from school with a pile of corrected homework for me to go through. There was a lot so I sat it aside and decided to look through it later. Later came after all of my children were nestled in bed. As I looked through the papers I noticed two notes to her friends that she had composed, both of them saying thank you for helping her carry her books or tray. It made me happy that she has a heart that is grateful!

I also loved the note she recently left for me…Sunday night I had to go to a few meetings. When I came home there was a note on my bed that said, “Mom come to my room when you get home.” Unfortunately by the time I returned home she had fallen asleep, but I was so happy to get an invitation to talk and be with her.


Grandpa Parker said…

I love notes from Grandma Parker. It is always fun to get a note of thanks or a kind word. Grandma used to put them in my lunch box.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 3:43:02 PM

Susan said…

I tend to save every little love note I’ve ever received. I think they are most precious and will keep me warm in the winter of my life! Way to be-Lex!
Thursday, January 15, 2009 11:04:45 AM