Bike Date with Mason

Mason's best friend is his dad. He loves to spend time with him and can't wait for him to come home from work each day. You can imagine his loneliness a couple of weeks ago when Stephen left town for an entire week for some training in Washington D.C. By the time Thrusday came around Mason was itching for somebody to hang out on his bike with. He said slyly to me, "Mom, I haven't ever been on a mt. bike ride with you around our house since you got your new bike, how about we go on a ride tomorrow after school?" I looked out the window before I committed and took note of the wind. I replied with, "As long as it's not windy outside, I would love to." Mason kept his eye on the weather and when he arrived home Friday after school he was a bit down. When I asked him what the matter was, he remarked how we probably wouldn't be able to go on our bike ride because it was too windy. I couldn't resist him and despite the wind, told him to load up the truck and we would head out. He was soo happy! I was so happy to see his happiness. I text Stephen and jokingly said, "I'm going for mom of the year." I really don't enjoy biking in the wind – especially with dirt blowing.

We ended up taking along one of Mason's friends and had a memorable time. I love being one of Mason's biggest fans, even though I get very nervous and anxious about him getting hurt on the jumps. He is very talented and has worked hard to develop his biking skills. I think he is turning into a wonderful young man. I am flattered that my 13 year old boy would want to spend Friday afternoon with his old mama! This date will be one of my favorite memories from getting to be Mason's mom.

A visit with the Sun

We got spring fever an started our Spring Break a couple of days early. haha 🙂 The rest of Sugar City closed the doors of the schools on Monday, but we headed out of town on Thursday. Just couldn't wait to see the sun and some of our awesome cousins, aunt & uncle – the Lance Parker Family.

We rolled into the town of St. George with high hopes and it didn't disappoint. For me, the mom, it was the perfect vacation spot for the crew I vacation with. There were plentiful bike rides, hikes just the right size for our varied ages, shopping options to fulfill or shopping urges, good choices of places to eat, and the perfect temperatures to enjoy it all! I can't wait to visit here again.

On Thursday after a very long drive we met up with the Lance Parkers. Lance had a fun bike ride planned for the older guys – Mason included and the rest of us headed to a very cool park to get some energy out and feel the sun on our faces. When we returned to the hotel the swimming pool was the first place determined to visit.

Friday morning Anne took us to Snow Canyon State Park. There were many beautiful spots to stop to see. We chose the pioneer names hike and the petrified dunes. I was so proud of Anne and how tough she is climbing along the steep slopes after just enduring surgery recently. Mason and Stephen unpacked their bikes to experience the trail on wheels. We later found out that bikes really aren't suppose to be on the dunes – but they sure had fun, and impressed some of the other hikers on the dunes. After Snow Canyon we met Lance and the little ones at a really awesome red rock park. The remote control cars were unloaded and the kids scrambled among the rocks for good pictures and fun. We later attempted to do a family bike ride with a newly purchased bike trailer at Bear Claw Poppy. We unloaded the bikes and Stephen started unfolding the trailer and soon discovered that a key piece that connects the bike to the trailer was missing! Of course he tried to jimmy rig something – but it didn't really last long. He ended up returning to the store for the piece while the rest of us road around some awesome little trails. We had fun just puttering around at the looping trails. The night ended with a swim in the pool by dad and kids and moms going for a quick shopping trip.

Saturday morning we journeyed out to an Easter Egg hunt that began at 9:00 am and ended at 9:01. It was amazing how many people and eggs were there! We got there just in the nick of time and I think it made things feel more like Easter. After the hunt we did a fun little hike to the Ivin's Petroglyphs. We then ate lunch at In and Out Burger – delicious, and headed for Red Cliff Lake. The hike was packed with people and we had to be shuttled to the trail head. It was a very fun spot with fun pools to take a swim in. I enjoyed watching the swimming – the water was ice cold! My non-adventurous nature won out and I stayed conservative with only going up to my knees. Most everyone else jumped in – crazy people! Sami was the water queen as usual and Mason had fun trying to keep up with her. JT and Josie were great troopers, but by the end they were all tuckered out. After Red Cliff Lake hikes, Lance and Anne headed for home and we headed back toward St. George. On the way home the girls decided we would go hang out at the pool and relax with JT while Stephen and Mason went on another bike ride named Barrel Roll. When they got back we cleaned up and head out for our early Easter dinner. We chose Golden Corral for our restaurant and decided afterward that should be our last time going to a buffet. (I'll have to elaborate on another blog about that)

Easter morning came and we decided to enjoy it by sleeping in! What a luxury. We chose to attend the 11 o' clock sacrament service in a building next to the temple and participated in a wonderful meeting refelcting on Christ's atonement made for us. Afterward we walked around the beautiful temple grounds before heading for Zion National Park. We took along of picnic fixings and ended up having lunch at the trail head of Cannon Overlook. To get to the trail head we drove through an awesome rock tunnel that was 1.1 miles long. We walked along the cannon overlook trail. Lily was concerned about us "hiking" on Sunday – so we decided to be more leisure and stroll casually and with the least amount of energy up the trail. 🙂 Notice in the pictures that I was in a skirt. 😉 We talked about the wonderful world that we get to live in and how beautiful and magnificent Heavenly Father's creations are! We headed back to the bus stop and rode on the bus to observe some of the amazing rocks offered to view in Zion National Park. We hopped of at the Emerald Pools and walked around there. The "walk" seemed to be a little longer than we anticipated, but is was lovely. This walk was the last we enjoyed before heading back to our temporary home at the Economy Lodge. We watched the movie, "to this end was I born" and had a great discussion on how important Jesus Christ is to us in our lives. I love my kids and their faith and desire they have to follow Him. Got back into town just in time to take a picture of St. George Temple at night and drive pass Dixie College and see what it's like.

Monday consisted of us doing a fun family bike ride to Gooseberry Mesa. It was a bit involved for Lily and her bike, but the rest of us enjoyed it. Other than the fact that Lexi was beginning to feel sick. JT and Olivia rode in the bike trailer for a bumpy ride. Mason and Stephen sure heard me tell them to be "careful" a lot as they were getting a little to close to the cliff. In the end it was a great memory. I decided to ride out to the main road with Mason on our bikes. We had fun adding 5 more miles to our odometers and feeling the wind blow in our faces! I was so happy when the van caught up to us and Lexi proclaimed that she checked her email and found out that she made swing choir – the top choir at Sugar-Salem! She was stressing about it a lot on the previous days as she had auditioned just before we left for our vacation. When we got back to the hotel we all went to the pool and soaked up some more rays of sunshine before doing our last minute shopping trip. Lexi and Mason were excited to go to Dick's Sporting Goods to pick out their souvenirs – new soccer cleats. Lily and Olivia loved going to Del Rio. At this point Lexi and Olivia were starting to feel like sick heads, so we ate dinner and went back to the hotel to pack and prepared for an early morning and long drive home.

Next day we made our way home and stopped off in Idaho Falls for Lexi's soccer game before opening the doors of our Sugar City home. It felt good to be back in our own beds, but we sure did have an amazing and well needed weekend of playing in the sunshine.

I am now even more convinced that Stephen and I need to have a winter home in St. George when we retire!

from Norway to Sugar City

So our family decided to host an exchange student for the 2012-2013 school year! The fam has been tormenting me for the past 2 years about it. (that question intermingled with… "when we can get a foster child" or "why can't we adopt a black baby" or "can we have dancers stay with us during the Dance Festival") It seemed inevitable that I would finally cave and say "yes" to one of them, and I truly am excited about this new adventure. A few weeks ago I got a call offering the opportunity (again) to host an exchange student. For some reason I found myself being open minded about it this time….weird?! Stephen and I discussed and we asked our children and of course there was a resounding "YES!!!!!" Lexi squealed like a little girl with the prospect.

As of yesterday we can say it is official. We've emailed our new friend and received word back.  Our family is about to be a family of 8. Astrid, (pronounced Austreed-kind of like Ostrich with a d, I think?) is from Stavanger Norway and comes from a farm of 650 sheep and pigs! She is also a great soccer player and has a twin brother. She is almost 17 years old and will be a senior in high school when she gets here. We can't wait to learn more about her country and culture and show her all of the beautiful places in our neck of the woods.

This experience for me is feeling kind of like pregnancy and having my first baby. I'm not sure what to expect, and as much as I try to think about it, study, and prepare for it, it will probably end up being a roller coaster ride. Her due date is: August 4th. 🙂


michelle said…

Wow-what an adventure. I bet your family will have some great experiences.
Sunday, March 25, 2012 10:28:36 AM

Magan said…

WOW! Exciting!
Monday, March 26, 2012 7:55:00 PM

Driver’s Ed

Lexi is half way through driver's ed. What a joy. I personally cannot wait for her to get her license so she can drive herself to where she needs to go. Yippee. I am not excited about worrying that she is safe and paying more for insurance though. 🙂 I do have a lot of confidence in her and think she will make a responsible driver. Driver's Ed consists of driving every Monday from 3-4:30 after school, and Tues & Thurs morning classes (6:30-7:30) this is the schedule for 2-1/2 months. She absolutely hates writing chapter summaries – which are due every Thursday. They are very time consuming and she has to type them, but it will all be worth it very soon.

We had a fun day last Friday when she got out of school. The final scores were turned in for the last trimester and she aced it receiving her first 4.0! After seeing her work so hard for it, I decided it was time for a "fancy pants" scholarship. She has been wanting some cool jeans for awhile. We set out to find the perfect pair and came home with some fancy pants. She wore them proudly on Monday to school. Fun days.

Other photos were from a fun photo shoot her and Stacy Roberts went on. Love the turquoise house.

Lovin’ Lily

So Lily was excited about doing something special for valentine's day. This is such a perfect holiday to fit her personality! Anyway, she made each person in her class a valentine water bottle that said "Love Juice". Attached was a packet of lemonade to mix with the water. She had a blast making them up and labeling them. Only problem was that the crate of 20+ water bottles was too heavy to take on the bus. So I took them to school, only to discover that she was very particular that her friends not see them before it was time for delivery.  So her teacher, Mrs. Hexam, helped her find (during the middle of class) a hiding place across the hall. She is a very patient and nice teacher.

Another lovin' Lily moment came in a photo shoot that Stacy (Lexi's friend) and Lexi did for Lily one random night.

First Late Night

Olivia inquired what she was going to do that was "fun" while everyone went to ski school this January. I told her we would have loads of fun and we tried, but nothing was as much fun as the night that was declared "late night". She was able to invite 2 friends over to have some fun. We rented movies and a wii game, and did crafts. We also made heart shaped pancakes. I almost had as much fun as Olivia, Emery Hatch, and Emily Miller. Cute & sweet little dolls.

We had only one minor hitch, when Stephen called declaring the he was hung up at work and not going to make it to ski school. This effected me because he had Mason, Lexi, and Lily's boards in his truck! I got the honored privilege of driving up to Kelly Canyon, with 4 kids in the car that needed to go to the bathroom, to deliver the boards and then quickly make it back home to put on a late night. Never a dull moment….:)

He’s a Star

Mason is progressing along the ranks of scouting and at this past Blue and Gold Scout Banquet/Court of Honor found himself with 6 more merit badges, a 10 month camper award, and a scout advancement to Star Scout. He is has only 1 more required merit badge to go for his eagle and is beginning to get excited about his upcoming project. He would love to groom and mark a mt. bike trail up at Kelly Canyon for his project. He will see what the committee says when the time comes closer!

Four came a knocking at the door

My sweet little boy turned 4! He had a great Sunday birthday. He came to church all geared up to be sung to in Primary and he wasn't disappointed. He got his treat and went to visit the bishop for another special prize in 6th ward fashion. I love being able to see Primary through his eyes – it is truly a sweet blessing in my life. He loves to sing, "Choose the Right" and "Nephi's Courage". Nephi is his scripture hero and he wants to "go and do the things the Lord commands".

Because his birthday was on Sunday we delayed opening presents until after church. He was so excited to unwrap his gifts and he enjoyed each tear of the paper. His big gift was a CD Player. He has been enjoying it everyday and blasts it so loud that I have to threaten him that I will take it away if he can't turn it down. A special treat was getting to have the Puzey Family up for dinner – some of JT's favorite people. We had fun with an impromptu talent show and then Grandparents – Baldwins and Parkers arrived to share some Lego Cake and Ice Cream.

A note on JT's personality. He is quite a talker – until he is around someone he doesn't know, and then he turns into a shy guy. I am working with him to say good-bye & thanks to his pre-school teachers. I hope that by the last day we conquer this! As soon as he hops into the car he won't stop talking about all of the great adventures he had. He really likes to play games on the computer now that he has mastered clicking with the mouse. He also loves to play games on my iphone or the ipad. He seems to really enjoy Scooby Do, and likes to play with Olivia and tease her too. His favorite color is blue. He likes to watch Mason jump his bike and play with remote control cars, he "helps" Lexi practice her voice lesson or clean her room – she likes to spend time with the little dude, and Lily is one of is best babysitters and cleaner of his room. He will never turn down spending time in the garage with Stephen. He loves his dad to tuck him in to bed at night, but when he comes to mom and dad's room in the middle of the night – he seems to like to find Mom.

JT is a special guy and our family is soo lucky to get to experience his life with him in our home.

President’s Weekend

We took a ride north for President's Day Weekend and found ourselves on an icy path the new Parker Cabin. It isn't quite finished, which is one of the reason's for our visit, but it was just as much fun! We spent a little time cutting and nailing trim and then topped off the visit with a spin in the snow. It was a fun time to spend with Grandpa and Grandma Parker, Paul & Karma, and the Miller Fam. Paul & Karma got our family excited about acrobats – hence the fun photos. Chalked up to another great family memory.

p.s. sorry the pictures are such terrible quality.

I’m gonna go and take a chance….

Meet the new Lexi! She is sporting a new "do". Yesterday, she took the plunge and chopped off almost ALL of her hair. She is so bold, brave, & confidant. I am a bit jealous of her qualities. I guarantee that I don't have the kind of self-confidence she does, let alone back as a freshman in high school! Being the conservative person that I am, I went through all of the reasons with her that she may not like short hair, but she stuck to her guns. In fact, I think she even wanted it cut more after these conversations. When we got to the one about how basically 90% of all boys like long hair better on girls, she said, "I don't care about any stinking boys. I don't have to impress them. They should like me for who I am – what's inside!" Bamm!! That is right! Way to be Lex – you are so right on. She is lucky to have a beautiful face and be able to carry long or short hair well. Kacie Hatch King cut it for her and was so dang cute while she cut it. It was a fun experience for Lex. I'm sure this will be a moment she will always remember. She was so excited the night before her hair cut that she couldn't even sleep. She has always loved the song, "Whole Wide World" from Mindy Gledhill – it must be "her" song, listen to it and decide for yourself. Once this girl makes up her mind with anything involved she is unstoppable. I think she is a bit like her dad – LOVE that about her!


kenzie said…

WOW lexi!!!!!!!! i love your new look!
it’s super cute!!!
Thursday, January 26, 2012 10:05:59 AM

Jana said…

I love it Lex…you look awesome!
Thursday, January 26, 2012 2:57:34 PM

Stacie said…

I am loving it! Way cute! You could get away with anything though! You are so adorable! Love ya!
Wednesday, February 01, 2012 8:06:22 AM

Paige said…

i love it lex! you look adorable!!!!! And i love what you said about the boys who should like as you are! 🙂 i love you!!!!
Wednesday, February 01, 2012 4:06:37 PM