Solar System Exhibit

Here I am with my project in my classroom.Today was my 4th grade Solar System project. We got to walk around and look at all of the kids projects. Me and my mom got to make cookies last night to share with the class. My dad helped me build my solar system model. I drew a design and then we made it using balls from around the house and some we bought from D.I. Look close at the last planet (Pluto) it is a b.b. My dad drilled a hole through it. I wrote the diameters, the distance from the sun, and the temperatures. My favorite planet is the sun because it was a princess bouncy ball, which is funny (the sun was actually suppose to be 3xs bigger than that). The most interesting planet to learn about was Jupiter because it is the biggest planet. Somebody made a solar system using pumpkins and another person made one from potatoes – they were cool.

This is us when we were making it.

We used fish line to tie the planets to the board.

I got a 300 out of 300 A+ on my Solar System book.

It was fun to have Olivia and JT come see me. My friends that are girls kept saying they were so cute.


Grandpa B. said…

Awesome project, Mason, my former students could learn a great deal from you! You are so lucky to have wonderful support from your family.
Saturday, November 08, 2008 12:21:07 AM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

That was a fine exhibit, Mason. We are proud of how good a thinker you are. Keep up the good work.
Saturday, November 08, 2008 3:26:24 PM

michelle said…

Cool project Mason. You look like a great student-keep it up.
Sunday, November 09, 2008 9:02:47 PM

Thanks and Giving

Our family came across a good idea, so thought to share it. (If you’re like me, it’s nice to have somebody think up good ideas and then all you have to do is implement them. I AM THE QUEEN OF COPYING GOOD IDEAS – so watch out!)

You make two trees – one with the word thanks under it and one with the word giving under it. For each day in November you get to put a leaf on each tree – one on the thanks tree for something you are thankful for and then one on the giving tree for a service you did for somebody that day.

We have done the tree with leaves of thanks before, but I had never thought to do one for serving! I loved that idea!

Gratitude and Service are wonderful things – quite possibly some of THE most important attitudes one can hope for!


Patricia said…

Great idea! I’m sure the kids are getting lots of leaves on the trees. I am grateful for your sweet family and all the good you each do. You are great examples of service and giving thanks!
Friday, November 07, 2008 12:55:44 PM

Stephen B. said…

Love the idea. And, love the picture of Olivia.
Saturday, November 08, 2008 12:06:33 AM

Mom and Dad Parker said…

Great ideas. It never hurts to make yourself actually think about and write down things that mean a lot to you. Gratitude seems to be the beginning of our faith in our Heavenly Father, and we serve happily because we’re grateful.
Saturday, November 08, 2008 3:18:42 PM

michelle p said…

I love the idea-sounds like a good FHE for tomorrow! thanks for sharing.
Sunday, November 09, 2008 9:16:03 PM

lol :-D

We just added some new artwork to Alexis’ bedroom. It is so fitting for her because she loves to “laugh out loud”. Mason asked what the two dots, the line, and the D meant. I told him to look side ways and envision a smiley face.

Best thing about this project is that it was free, easy, fast, and fun!


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Alexis, you are a fun person. We love your smile. It warms our hearts. Keep happy!
Thursday, November 06, 2008 3:47:32 PM

Dad said…

Love it.
Friday, November 07, 2008 4:40:30 AM

Anne said…

It is always fun to change things up a little. Looks fun! Keep LOL ing.
Friday, November 07, 2008 7:20:20 AM

Grandma Baldwin said…

I appreciated the explaination of what everything represented. I figured out the “lol” but the rest was a puzzle I couldn’t see. Cute and sassy! You are so fun! The room really “rocks” now! Love you!
Friday, November 07, 2008 1:17:43 PM

Grandpa B said…

Awesome young lady! Beautiful room – more importantly – beautiful person. I love the 1M 1880 license plate – from the “Lube”?
Saturday, November 08, 2008 12:18:00 AM

It’s official

We started potty training one year ago and I’m happy to report that Olivia is officially a “Big Girl!” We’ve had a good couple of months with only 1 or 2 accidents! It has been a tricky year, but once SHE decided it was what SHE needed to do for herself – she has not regressed. She is even staying dry at nights. One of the biggest motivations was getting to go spend the week at Dana’s house. (One of my friends was going to watch Olivia when we went to Portugal – she is extremely disappointed that she isn’t going to get to go now!) I am just grateful that we had some form of inspiration, because I was down to my last rope. I am so happy and proud of Olivia – she really is amazing when she’s determined!

Just one more kid to go…argh!


Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

Good job Olivia, that will be a big help to your mom now. It reminds us of her dad, when he made up his mind to do something there was no stopping him, (maybe that is still true,) but that can be a really good trait. Big girls can do more fun things too.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 3:26:40 PM

John said…

Nice work. Dry pants make everyone happy!
You are so good.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 4:46:40 PM

Anne said…

Way to go! Good hill to reach the top of!
Friday, November 07, 2008 7:22:01 AM

Grandpa B. said…

Way to go, Olivia! Can’t wait until you get to come again for a visit; we have a fun time.
Saturday, November 08, 2008 12:25:31 AM

Hands that stay busy

airplane aholicMason’s hands are always working … seriously! They don’t rest until his eyes close and he is finally asleep, most nights we have to pull the paper out of his hands and be the one to turn out the lights. When we see Mason in the morning his hand is connected to a piece of paper in folding motions. We really don’t know how many trees have suffered for the cause of origami creations and countless airplanes. After picking up one too many airplanes off of the ground, on the table, in the bathroom, backpack, piano, computer desk, couch, etc., we finally had the good sense to use them for room decor. The only stipulation for “making the ceiling” is that no one airplane can be alike. These are only a “few” of the many, many planes created by Mr. Mason.

Even though this has become an obsession and sometimes have to use “no airplane making” as a punishment, we are glad that Mason’s mind is at working and he isn’t sitting around being bored or a couch potato.

Stephen, Lexi, Tara, and Mason hung these up on Sunday Evening.


Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

Busy hands are happy hands. They could be doing less positive things. That looks like a real talent to make all those different things. Good job, Mason.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 2:53:35 AM

Uncle John said…

Way cool planes. I love the bedroom. It is just the beginning of many more great things. Just keep your hands doing good things. Your hands could do all sorts of amazing things and help countless people.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 4:49:49 PM

Grandma Baldwin said…

So cool, Mason. You are a doer!!! I can’t believe how many airplanes you made while you were here at our house last. They are all so unique and neat!!! I’m glad you are putting them to good use.
Friday, November 07, 2008 1:14:31 PM

Making Mucas Memories

JT has had some congestion problems off and on over the past few months. We have put the bulb syringe to the test in cleaning out the problem. The first time we did this, he started grinning from ear to ear. I made Stephen come in to watch because it was so comical. Our other four children pretty much screamed bloody murder when the bulb made it’s way even remotely close to the nostrils. But Ole JT thinks he is at the day spa being pampered. He has held positively consistent with this grinning reflex and seems to actually ENJOY the process of having mucus excreted from his nose. Here is the picture to prove it!


Bruce and Sharon said…

JT you are crazy, that is not fun. Maybe it just feels good to be able to breath again. He sure is cute, can’t wait to hold him.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 2:51:22 AM

Grandma Baldwin said…

JT is a blast. What other kid would grin like that in a situation such as this??? He is the best natured little boy. What a keeper. I sure love him.
Friday, November 07, 2008 1:31:54 PM

Stephanie said…

Riley loved the bulb she use to laugh too. They must be related.
Sunday, November 16, 2008 9:31:50 PM

Radio ME!

High School Musical 3 on Radio Me! this week. I am starting something new!!!! I’m calling it Radio ME!! I’ll have weekly songs posted. Here are this weeks songs…


mom said…

Good Idea Lex – I like your idea and the name, Radio ME. Cute!
Monday, November 03, 2008 10:24:02 PM

Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

Hey, that’s great, did you email that girl from Portugal? She loves High School Musical. Her walls in her room are covered with their pictures. Give her a try. She is not a member of the church but her mom is.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 2:40:45 AM

Alexis said…

I just sent her an email. It will be fun!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008 7:16:49 AM

Grandma Baldwin said…

Sweet idea!
Friday, November 07, 2008 1:20:55 PM

Grandma Baldwin said…

Sweet idea!
Friday, November 07, 2008 1:20:55 PM

My Music

Here are some of my favorite songs!….


Jana said…

I love that song too! It is a fun one to dance around to or clean the house! Thanks.
Sunday, November 02, 2008 8:22:35 AM

Grandma Baldwin said…

We had a great time going to the High School Musical 3, didn’t we? I loved the music from it, too. I’m glad you like music. It always makes me happy when I hear good music!
Friday, November 07, 2008 1:23:24 PM

Another Halloween Come and Gone

Next to impossible to get everyone to look at the same time and smile!Candy, treats, and more sweets – it’s all about the candy for kids! All in all it was good while it lasted, but it will be nice to see November 1 on the calendar.

Olivia, JT, and I were able to help with Lily’s class party today. Instead of a traditional Halloween Party they learn about King Tut and Egyptian stuff. Olivia loved watching the kids be muffified with toilet paper and couldn’t wait for her turn. JT slept in the corner the entire time!

I was happy that Stephen let us know about the AMX trick or treat that happened at his office. Kids were able to walk from one office or cubicle to the next filling their treat bags. Lily was excited that she could wear her costume because she didn’t get to wear it to school this year. Such a great alternative for a mom with five kids. It was a total win/win situation. JT loved the sucker that Uncle Ryon gave him. He sucked it with the wrapper on until it eventually fell off! He sucked on the whole thing until it was gone – funny boy. Olivia loved to have a black nose and whiskers drawn onto her face, and Mason went for his Anakin Skywalker outfit from last year – he just couldn’t decide what to do until this morning. Alexis put Lily’s hospital gown to good use and chose to be a hospital patient. We were glad she remembered to wear clothes underneath :-).

We only had one family of trick or treaters tonight, and that is just fine by me! I loaded them up to the hilt and their eyes were big with delight. We chose to stay home and play games and watch a Don Knot movie from long ago, “The Ghost and Mr. Chicken” with friends. It was a great solution.

We had a Happy Halloween and life is going well! It is nice to have all of my kids close, I realize that time is moving quickly and it won’t always be like it was tonight. I am glad to have experienced one more fun day with all of the people I love the most!

Alexis the hospital patient.

Full costume

Anakin Sylwaker strikes again.

Here kitty kitty.

Bat Boy struck gold with his first ever candy!

Halloween Pictionary

Found out ping pong works using plates, paddles, and books.

Halloween morning before school. It was sooo dark – time change Sunday will be good for that .

Lily’s interpretation of “Ice Princess”.


Michelle Babcock said…

I love your family!
Friday, October 31, 2008 11:48:24 PM

Anne said…

Looks like fun! Glad you had a nice trick or treat time! Everyone looks so cute!
Saturday, November 01, 2008 6:41:49 AM

Stephen Baldwin said…

Love the pictures, Jodi (and Stephen). You guys are always doing something exciting, even when not taking 90 mile an hour rides in an ambulance. We had a wonderful trip to Manti – you can check out out blog.
Saturday, November 01, 2008 9:47:50 AM

Amy Baldwin said…

Cute costumes. Ah, you’ll have your kids close until they become teenagers and want to “hang” with their friends. 🙂
Saturday, November 01, 2008 1:26:55 PM

Jana said…

It was fun to get to see your kids all dressed up at AMX…glad you all survived another great Halloween. Looks like you had a good one.
Sunday, November 02, 2008 8:25:54 AM

Grandma/Mom Baldwin said…

It was so fun to see the family in their Halloween costumes! Sounds like everyone had a good time. We shipped the Halloween excitement this year and enjoyed a wonderful experience at the Manti Temple.
Monday, November 03, 2008 12:55:52 PM

That’s my Boy

I came home from work tonight to a pleasant surprise of Mason doing the dishes all by himself. Made me think of Dad when he would “slick up the dishes” or even be the ring leader of the effort.


Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

Nice job Mason, and it looks like you really dressed up for the occasion. You are going to make a great hard-working missionary, in fact, in some ways, you already are.
Saturday, November 01, 2008 1:14:01 AM

Anne said…

Way to go Mason! What a great kid you are, keep up the good work!
Saturday, November 01, 2008 6:44:22 AM

Jana said…

Come on over to my house Mason..I’ll put you to work! What a nice surprise for your mom and the rest of you family.
Sunday, November 02, 2008 8:23:49 AM