Today was Lily’s first day of Kindergarten. It started when she woke up with Mason and Lex in the early morning hours of 6:30, and school just wouldn’t come fast enough! The bus wasn’t to come until 11:30. “Mom, how much longer? It takes forever!”, was a common rambling heard throughout the house. Much to her and my delight, moms were invited to come and experience the first day – even the bus ride. On the bus she ditched me to sit with her two friends, I was happy for her. At school she found her desk and met her teacher. Her teacher, Mrs. Thomson just had a baby 11 days ago – and the baby was there! We also met the two week long substitute teacher. Lily is o.k. with this notion – she is understanding mostly because I’m going to have a baby like her teacher. We weighed and measured Lily at one of the centers and guess what? Lily is 42 1/2 ” tall, and weighs 42 1/2 lbs.- easy to remember and fun! She also got to decorate a stick and write her name on a lot of things. She also made a bus necklace which tells the teacher her mode of transportation. When we walked out the door she asked, “Mom, can I go to school everyday?”
Author: Stephen and Jodi
Lagoon 2007
Fish Scramble
Alexis was excited to participate in the Beehive Credit Union’s annual Fish Scramble this past week. The incentive for her wasn’t as much catching the fish, as was the tag that is on the fish that declares if you win money. There are amounts of $25, $50, $75 and $100. After catching two fish she was disappointed that winning tags weren’t on either. I’m glad she is more adventurous than I, this was a lot of fun for her. She ended up giving her fish to someone at pack night later that night.
Dance Festival 2007
Lily’s Locks of Love
Today was a big day for Lily – Aunt Jana cut 10″ of hair off! Lily has been thinking about doing it since the beginning of the summer. Recently her cousin Paige cut hers off too, this reminded Lily that she wanted to do it as well. When I told her that they use her hair to make wigs for people who have lost their hair she said she wanted to give her hair to her dad or Uncle Scott. After explaining that it is used for cancer patients, she was o.k. with that idea too. She walks around shaking her head and exclaiming, “I just love my short hair!” When you see her next time she might ask you to take part in her poll, “Do you like my hair long, short, or both?” I think she looks darling with BOTH!
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FHE on Journals
Tonight for FHE Jodi gave a lesson on the importance of keeping a Journal I decided to share my experience as a blog entry. Lily got a really bad cut tonight when she was caught in the cross fire of a match box car. Alexis was attempting to scare her away but accidentally hit her in the eye. It was bad enough for stitches but we had some super glue so we glued it shut, better than new. Earlier today the kids all took part in a primary pioneer day parade. The kids decorated their bikes and Mason and I put a cover on his red wagon so he could have a covered wagon for the parade. He pulled Olivia around the block in the wagon while Alexis and Lily road their bikes. What a fun time they all had. It hit 100� today, way too hot for my tastes.
The Swing
Lily by the Lilies
Mason’s first big hike
7 1/2 miles, 8 years old, over 10000′ not bad for a first timer. Today Mason climbed Mount Jefferson. He surprised us all with his stamina, he was the first to the top of the over 10000 foot peak and also the first to return to the cars. “What a hiker” the other youth would say as he ran up the trail ahead of the group. He has proven he has the “Parker Blood” he wanted to stay ahead and be the first to the top, even though his little legs were tired. His heart kept him moving along. Great Job Mason.
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Mason the Snake Charmer
Mason and Matt were happy to be reunited at our Parker Family Reunion. They immediately began their adventures…whittling things out of wood, teasing girls, riding bikes, making guns out of tree stumps, digging holes in sand and making kingdoms of sand castles, Geo Caching, eating marshmallows, catching bugs, but the smiles got really big when they proudly showed of their beloved snake. Now that was a great day!