Summer in Sugar enjoyed with a bike ride (led by Lex) for a Slushy. These are the happy, simple pleasures of a kids life! We are lucky enough to live where the magic still happens. I loved riding my bike to the Burton Store, when I was a child, to buy treats in the summer. I'm so glad my kids get to have that same joy.
Author: Stephen and Jodi
Alexis is now 14 years old! Did I really just write a 1 and a 4? How could this be? It is scary how quickly the time is going by. Alexis is such a wonderful young lady. We are so glad she that is in our family and strives to be extra-ordinary. (there is a story behind that statement 🙂 )
For her birthday the three generations went shopping in Idaho Falls (my mom – Grandma Baldwin, Alexis, and me). We decided it would be the perfect day to gather cute items to decorate her room with. We came home with some darling items from TJ Maxx and Ross! Grandma Baldwin bought her a pillow pet – an item off of the top of Lexi's wish list. 🙂 We met Stephen and Grandpa Baldwin up at the University for a birthday lunch date. It is one of Lexi's favorite places to eat in Rexburg. She also finally got to go to the LuLu Bella Boutique she's been wanting to go to. When we got home from all of that we decided to do a quick paint job with chalk board paint in her room. She paid for the paint with the money Grandpa and Grandma Parker gave her. It turned out very cute and has been fun for her to decorate with her own drawings! Stephen helped her cut an old salvaged garage door for a head board. We cleaned and painted it turquoise as well as her desk. By the time the ice cream cake was served it tasted very delicious. When all was said and done I think one of her favorite gifts came from her friend Tanner – a pink Addidas Jabulani Soccer Ball.
The mia maid class from our ward came and kidnapped her the next morning for a welcome breakfast at Sister Hatch's house. We have such great girls in our ward. It is a good place to live and raise kids here in Sugar City.
Alexis has spent most of her summer thus far playing soccer as often as she can with a bunch her high school friends. They are awesome and self motivated to run/bike ride in the mornings and practice soccer for hours in the hot afternoon sun. The high school soccer girls have taken Lex under their wing and have really included her – she loves it and them! They all call her "Parker". She is gearing up for BYU soccer camp in a couple of weeks.
She and Lily have also just started a summer babysitting job. They babysit a family of 4 boys while their mom works at the Farmer's Markets on Friday and Saturdays. Lex gets $4 and hour and Lily gets $1 per hour. This is a great opportunity for them to earn some money and share a memory together- we are excited for them both.
Real SL Surprise
Back in the middle of May Stephen and I, along with our friends Casey & Diana, decided to plan a fun post Puzey move trip. We did this so that not only we would have something fun to look forward to after they moved, but give our kids a chance to interact as well. In the preliminary planning stages, we decided to keep it a secret from all of the kids. It was kind of fun having a top secret plan going on for a month.
My niece Ashley is doing her internship with the Real Salt Lake Soccer team and we thought it would rock our kids socks to try and get tickets. We thought Ashley might be able to hook us up with a good deal and she delivered!
The Friday before we left I told all of my children that we were going to be doing something fun the next day, but we were going to have to wake up at 6 am dressed in our bike clothes. They asked where we were going and I wouldn't give any hints. Meanwhile I was trying to secretly pack our suitcases and food, etc. It was very draining and overwhelming to do it all on my own and in secret spurts of time. Whew! Stephen and Mason loaded the bikes and I acted like I was packing a picnic that night. The next morning we woke up and were on the rode by 6:05 am. That is something for me to brag about here!
We drove and texted Puzey parents as we planned to meet them up on the highway somewhere and see how our kids would react. Somewhere around Pocatello, Mason exclaimed from the back seat, "Look, there is Puzey's van! Wait, it looks like they have their bikes too. Can we invite them to go on our bike ride?" As a matter of fact…. Stephen increased his speed and we pulled up next to their van and blowed the horn. The look on Ellie's and Sam's faces were priceless! It was the best. The rest of the day we tried to stay as evasive as possible as the rest of the plans unfolded.
We eventually ended up at Lance and Anne's house and the older kids hit a few mountain bike trails. It was so nice of Lance, Anne, and kids to help us with our surprise and plans. At lunch time I asked Alexis what she would give me if we found tickets to the Real Salt Lake game. She told me she would clean my house for a month! Sweet!!! I tried to keep fibbing and disappointing her high hopes the rest of the afternoon.
At dinnertime we took our oldest three kids "out on the town" for dinner. They thought we were headed to DI afterward when drove past and saw the Real Stadium and the many cars exiting the freeway. We said, "Maybe we can go see if someone is scalping some tix for tonight's game." We parked and walked over to the stadium. Stephen excused himself to "see what he could do" and came back with the tickets that Ashley had placed in will call. It was such a great surprise! All of us had a blast and even though it was a tie game, we were impressed by the pro soccer skills of the Real Salt Lake. After the game, we talked to Ashley and our kids ended up getting to walk onto the corner of the field and get a picture. It was so great seeing the smiles on all of their faces. I forgot to mention that some random guy after the game stood up and opened up a box and started handing out Real Salt Lake cinch backpacks. Of course we fled to him and each kids walked away with a free pack! Sweet. Alexis gave hers to Ashley to have it signed by her now soccer hero – center mid fielder, Kyle Beckerman.
The next day, Father's Day, we drove down to temple square and walked through the north visitor's center. It was a special day to be spent with the world's greatest dad. Stephen is such a wonderful father and we are sooo lucky to have him to bless our lives.
Do the Du 2011
This year we made it a family event, Jodi and Lex were a team and Mason and I were a team. It was fun to take time and spend it playing as a family. Thanks to grandpa and grandma Parker for their taxi service and being our support vehicle. Next year I want to see them doing the du.
Anne said…
Looks like a great time! My kind of family fun :).
Monday, May 30, 2011 7:21:05 AM
Michelle said…
Way to stay active as a family-looks fun!
Wednesday, June 01, 2011 8:34:04 AM
Fun Times with Cousins
All I have to say is that Lexi LOVES her cousins to death – I will probably be saying this the rest of my life, they are her best friends.
Anne said…
Cousins are the best! Stick by you no matter what :).
Monday, May 30, 2011 7:18:49 AM
Michelle said…
Great memories-fun times!
Wednesday, June 01, 2011 8:35:02 AM
Oh the Silliness
JT came up for church last week and had dressed himself in the craziest outfit. He was sooo proud of himself!
He is always on an adventure and lives life in intense mode. He is also quite a chatterbox with a great vocabulary.
Anne said…
So cute! Perfect future missionary :).
Monday, May 30, 2011 7:17:28 AM
Michelle said…
I love his style! too funny!
Wednesday, June 01, 2011 8:35:47 AM
Stephen B said…
You’ll have to save a copy of JT’s dress up for church so you can compare the difference when he “comes up” ready to leave home as a missionary.
Monday, June 13, 2011 5:22:33 PM
Last day of Pre-School & the Zoo
Olivia had her last day in prechool. She was so excited to know that she will now be in kindergarten! She was really sick on the day her class went to the zoo in Idaho Falls, so she was able to go on the day the kindergartners went. JT and I got to go with her – we loved seeing the otters, the lions, and singing dog the most. I am proud of Olivia and the smart and happy little lady she is turning out to be. A few days ago she told me she wished she could go visit Jesus and see the nail prints in his hands. Her heart is sensitive to the things she has been learning and singing about in Primary and I can tell that she loves Jesus in her young age and wants to follow him.
Anne said…
Zoo trips are always fun :). Olivia is growing up too fast.
Monday, May 30, 2011 7:14:52 AM
Michelle said…
What a cute girl-watch out kindergarten!
Wednesday, June 01, 2011 8:36:59 AM
Etiquette Lunch
For an end of school party this year, Lily's teacher had an Etiquette Lunch. Lily sure anticipated it and was quite a little lady seated at her table, using her best manners! She has been a wonderful third grader and will be an just as amazing in fourth grade.
friends: Emily, Lily, & Bailey |
Anne said…
You look very classy and full of manners Lily, so fun!
Monday, May 30, 2011 7:16:10 AM
Michelle said…
Wow-great way to end the year! looks like fun!
Wednesday, June 01, 2011 8:38:16 AM
Spring Soccer 2011
So proud of this boy!!!! What a great 6th grade year for Mason.
Mason and Stephen just finished the Spring Soccer season last week! Stephen volunteered to be an assistant coach, and ended up being the main coach. It wasn't without a headache and drama either from soccer parents. He LOVED being with Mason and watching him progress. Mason just keeps moving up in skill level, sportsmanship, and determination. It is fun to see him out on the field! I don't remember many games without a coat on. 🙂
Anne said…
Mason, you are doing such great things, keep up the good work :).
Monday, May 30, 2011 7:13:03 AM
Michelle said…
What a great example you are!
Wednesday, June 01, 2011 8:39:41 AM
End of Year – Bittersweet
Lex celebrated the end of the school year with a party! Her and friend McKell Hatch decide to give their friend Tanner Puzey a surprise party and one last hoorah before he moved (yesterday) to Idaho Falls. The "party" had a fun time with marshmallow guns, eating burgers, playing "Just Dance", rock climbing, socializing, and mostly playing soccer! Cute kids and fun friends! Tanner has been a great friend to Lexi since he moved here 3 years ago. It was fun for her to have a friend to lean on when the girl drama unfolded throughout the days of junior high. He has been a good listening ear and loyal & true supporter of her. They have had fun playing soccer, creating music/jamming, and just hanging out while our families bonded.
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Anne said…
Looks fun! It is always hard when a good friend moves, hopefully you can get together often :).
Monday, May 30, 2011 7:10:40 AM
Michelle said…
Fun party-looks like a great bunch of friends!
Wednesday, June 01, 2011 8:41:36 AM