Young Woman Medallion

     Last Sunday I received my young woman medallion. I am so excited! It is gold and has a red ruby in it. I love the young women values and experiences. I am thankful I had the opportunity to earn this and the great things I have learned along the  way. I have enjoyed reading the Book of Mormon and visiting an elderly lady in my ward. I hope I can continue to live these values and habits. I am thankful for the testimony they have given me.


Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

All we expect from you is perfection. You are a great young lady and are a wonderful addition to your family which includes all of us old people too. Thanks for all you do.
Thursday, May 26, 2011 8:24:30 AM

John said…

Great Job! Just keep on progressing like you are now and you will have incredible success. You are an amazing young lady.
Thursday, May 26, 2011 8:35:40 PM

Anne said…

Great job! I am so proud of you :).
Saturday, May 28, 2011 6:53:52 AM

Young Women of the Sugar 6th Ward

Alexis has a great group of Young Women in our ward. We have had 3 exchange students here from Italy, Tailand, & Austria that are about to leave so they gathered to take this photo. They are so sweet. The one from Austria, Susy, genuinely has an interest in the gospel.  It has been neat to see her testimony begin to form from the family she has been with and the examples of the youth in Sugar City. 

Productive Saturday

I love productive Saturdays! It is such a good feeling. The boys joined forces to move some trees out front and make the mom of the house happy!  We decided to move all of the young pine trees in our front yard to the forest and also cut down the curved tree that used to be out front. The boys had to add a line to the sprinkling system to ensure water will reach all of the transplanting that is happening.  We will also get to plant a little grass where the trees were. It is exciting to make goals and see them accomplished.

Stephen also mounted our bench on the deck on wire to become a porch swing. It was quite a task and he even broke the chain link on his first try at sitting on the bench. A quick trip to Cal Stores and we were back in business with a stronger option. It is fun to gently rock on it. It is my job to sand it down a little and stain it to match things on the deck. Fun project for early summer days.

The Untraditional Easter

This year I "uncharacteristically" became the [nice?] scrooge of Easter. I mean I'm usually all for complicating and specializing in holiday celebrations! Go big or go home is usually my mentality. It isn't that I was trying to make some sort of official point of rebellion against commercialism. I just wasn't gravitating toward it this year for some reason. I am pretty sure it was a bit of let down to my younger three children who have been pumped up at school and in every store they visit. I provided no coloring Easter eggs, no Easter candy, and no Easter basket. I told them I even asked the Easter bunny not to stop at our house this year! WHAT?! Lily thinks I am insane…she really just wanted his autograph. Only a new Easter Church outfit from me and a delicious Easter dinner provided by the famous Grandma Parker were the physical evidence that Easter came and went. (Oh, I forgot that we went to the Sugar City Easter Egg hunt with grocery sacks in hand so that JT, Olivia, and Lily could feel festive)

What happened on the inside though, I wonder? My children and husband were very supportive and "got" what I was doing without complaining or feeling left out of the Easter social circle so to speak. Just goes to show that once in a while – it is refreshing to be simple and stick with the basics. I hope their thoughts were able to be directed to the miraculous and awesome gift that our Heavenly Father and Brother Jesus Christ allow for us: the opportunity to be able to live with them and our loved ones forever! As for me: "I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me, confused at His grace that so fully he proffers me….I know that my Redeemer Lives! What comfort this sweet sentence gives."


Stephen said…

It really was nice to be focused on the real reason to celebrate.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:25:31 AM

Michelle said…

Good for you-it is easy to get caught up in the fluff! I love the dresses-super cute!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011 1:06:47 PM

One of a Kind

Stephen and I often refer to our third child, Lily, as "one of a kind", and she is in so many ways! Today I have a story to prove one of those ways…

Last night as I tucked Lily into bed she showed me some coupons she had been making. They said things like, "will babysit for free", "will mow your lawn", "will vacuum your house". She wanted me to get the keys to the car and drive her around the neighborhood to drop off the coupons to all of our neighbors. I thought it was such a thoughtful gesture, but the hour was much too late. So I offered to help her make a flyer to take around today instead in hopes of a deferment. She went for it!

When she woke up, the first thing she reminded me was of making the flyer. When she got home from school, some of the first words out of her mouth were, "can we make the flyer now?" I put her off long enough to finish a project and she was so helpful with JT and Olivia so I could hurry faster. Finally at 5 o'clock this evening we sat down to the computer and made up this flyer. She was soooo excited to make her list of the people she wanted to take it to. I drover her around and she delivered the flyer to 7 lucky recipient's doors all by herself and with a smile. As she walked to the doors I was silently praying in my heart that someone will really take her up on her offer someday, because it would mean so much to her. Right before bed was her/my payoff. A call came in while we were saying family prayer. Stephen played the message out loud after the prayer.  A very sweet and kind man (Uncle Trevin's dad) left her the perfect message saying how kind and thoughtful Lily was and that he was sure he would need help later and he would give her a call. As I noticed Lily's satisfied face, my heart felt joy for Lily.  She loves to serve as much as her dad. She has also uncovered the secret of service at a young age- that when you willingly serve you are rewarded with as good a feeling as the person you serve.

She really is one of a kind. I learn a lot from Lily's thoughtfulness and caring nature and am humbled to be her mother.

Tell all of your friends & mark your calendars!

Stephen has a goal to recruit 100 riders to cycle in the AMA Challenge this year – his goal is to raise at least $1000. I am helping with publicity and most of the time word of mouth works the best. So please put some of these words in your mouth when you are talking to fellow bike riders. It is a great ride for a scout working on a merit badge too….

Officially a Deacon

Mason is now officially a deacon for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He felt very loved and supported by many of our family members who live close by. Thanks to all who showed your support and faith in Mason in this new and special step in his life. He is lucky to have so many wonderful righteous men to look to for examples. What a blessing!

Unfortunately when I was put on the spot to bear my testimony before Mason's ordination I rambled without making much sense and bearing my testimony of the priesthood. My mind was so full of many thoughts it was hard to sort them out and communicate them properly. I am much better expressed in writing. So someday, if Mason every refers to his blog, I want him to know that I have a testimony of the priesthood. I am very grateful for the priesthood in my personal life, and also grateful that our world has the power of God on the earth! I can not even begin to imagine living without it in my life. I am amazed at the blessings that come from the temple and also as we humbly partake of the sacrament in particular. Of course having a husband who honors his priesthood and strives to live worthy of it, is also a close and special gift. 

I know Mason will continue to be a wonderful individual as he grows older. He has many "specialized" gifts and abilities that make him unique and are preparing him to fulfill the mission he is supposed to perform here on earth. I enjoy being his mother and watching the transformation.


Michelle said…

Congratulations Mason-What a wonderful step in your life. You are such a great example to all of your cousins. Wish we could have been there.
Monday, March 21, 2011 8:23:11 AM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

It was a wonderful and special day for us. We really are thankful to mason for his goodness and diligence in serving the Lord. All we expect is perfection. Thanks for the opportunity.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 9:19:40 AM

Anne said…

Very cool Mason! It is a very special responsibility, we know you will hold it well :).
Tuesday, March 22, 2011 11:34:09 AM

Message for You

Dear Mason,

This is such a special time in your life. Tomorrow you will be ordained to the office of deacon in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Heavenly Father loves you and He trusts you! You are one of His valiant spirit children from heaven. You are growing fast and with great faith. I appreciate how you try to understand the importance and value the Priesthood has for you as well as all of us here on earth. Your testimony is growing and I can see how your heart continues to absorb and understand the messages you are being taught. It is as if you are remembering what you already know from the spirit world. You have always loved the scripture 1 Nephi 3:7 – it says, "I will go and do the things the Lord commands for I know he giveth no command save He shall prepare a way…" You remind me of Nephi in how much your trust and honor your earthly father. You have an awesome heritage and responsibility to uphold two special family names: Parker and Baldwin. Both of your Grandfathers as well as your dad are great examples of worthy priesthood holders. The righteous traditions they have worked to establish are and will continue to be a wonderful blessing to you now and in the future as you understand things more fully. I have a lot of confidence in you and know you were placed here on the earth to accomplish very specific things to carry out our Heavenly Father's Plan.

 It is so neat to be  your mom here on earth. You have been blessed with many wonderful gifts and abilities. I hope as you enter this role as a priesthood holder you can continue to use them to help others throughout your life. I have noticed many but would like to mention a few specifically: Determination, Dedication, Hard Working, Passionate, Creative, Humble, Teachable, Inquisitive, Courageous, and Trusting.

Determination: I have watched you set your mind to getting good grades and turning your home work in. I have enjoyed seeing how you thought you could do something to knowing you could do it. When you were a little boy of three you would sit and put puzzles together. You would stay with it until you figured each piece out…even after testing all of the different options. You have learned to believe and trust in yourself. 

Dedication: There isn't anything you can't do if you really want to do it. Whether it is jump rope, Origami, Rubicks Cubes, or mt. biking! When your heart it set on something you stick with it until you figure it out.

Hard Working: You have helped our family build several homes as well as do countless projects. It has always amazed me at how hard you can work and the satisfaction you get from work. It is good for you to keep your hands busy – especially while working outside. You have been a wonderful helper to your dad and in the process have learned many beneficial things from him.

Passionate: When you are committed to something you give it all you've got plus 10% more. You eat, drink, sleep it until you have mastered what you've set out to do. This is a very admirable quality.

Creative: Your mind likes to create and build. You like to use your mind to make your hands produce great things.

Humble: You have had the opportunity to learn some of life's hard lessons. When you've found yourself in trouble and facing a consequence I've noticed how amazing you are at acknowledging the mistake and humbling asking for forgiveness or making restitution for the things you've done. This attitude and humility will be a special character trait as you continue on life's journey – none of us are perfect!

Teachable: You are able to accept correction well. You don't seem to get too offended when I offer you advice you didn't ask for. I appreciate you listening and trying to improve in the things that I try to teach you.

Inquisitive: As a little boy you asked millions of questions. I couldn't believe all of the things you wanted to know about – many of which I had NOT the answer and we had to consult dad! This pattern of curiosity is what makes people intelligent, and I truly believe you have a very sharp intellect. As you seek out answers to the questions you have in the future always seek the Lord first and be humble and teachable as the spirit helps you find the answers.

Courageous: Mason you seem to not like being in the spotlight. You would be perfectly happy to watch others shine. I have admired your courage as you've done some hard things to you: like giving talks! Do you know what? I think you are amazing at it. I think as you continue to have courage giving talks will be one of your strengths. You are also very courageous physically. You don't let a scary or hard bike trail or hike stop you. 

Trusting: You have always trusted everything you have been taught by dad and I concerning the gospel. Your faith in us has been perfect. It has been a blessing to have you as a son. The time is approaching now for you to ask and know things for yourself. Trust Heavenly Father and pray to him often and you will know for yourself instead of just trusting dad and I . I hope you will learn to understand what being a child of God means, that you have been put here on the earth to fulfill the mission Heavenly Father has chosen for you, and learn for yourself that this is The true Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints on the earth today. As you get older it is natural to question things – when we question we can grow. I want you to know we are not perfect. We are just trying to do our best – just like you. Dad and I have learned that as we trust our Heavenly Father our lives are happiest. 

I love you Mason and feel it an honor to be your mother here on earth.

Love you forever,


Fun in the Sun

back drop is Arches National Park – simply beautiful ride!

Our little family vacation was all it was hoped to be. Many great moments and memories were made: The rocks were still spectacular, the rides were thrilling, the sun peering through the blue skies was medicine for the soul. We were seriously debating coming home. Stephen and I have decided that in a few years (when we retire) we are going to become snowbirds during the winter and migrate to the south and then spend our summers in Island Park when it is too hot in the desert. We think our kids will still want to come and visit us – maybe even come more often. 🙂

Mason is still planning on his honeymoon spot for Moab so as he gets increasingly older please be picking out some tough and rugged girls to introduce him to. The first night we got there he practically jumped out of the car and dismantled his bike for some slick rock ride practice loop teasers. Friday we spent most of the day in Arches National Park and did a couple of the hikes there, but Mason was having a hard time resisting the call from his bike strapped onto the back of our van. Stephen understood his desires and drove us (after our Park fun) along a scary mountainous ledge – as far as I could handle – for the bikers to ride to Gemini Bridges. They loved the thrill of it all. Mason was amazing and finished the full slick rock trail with Stephen and Puzey friends on Saturday morning, he then rode the Bar M loop with our family. and was genuinely upset when we wouldn't let him get his bike off the rack at the city park that evening. I personally couldn't believe his rear wasn't telling him to take a break! We ended our vacation out at the Moab Diner for dinner and Stephen gorged himself with the "best green Chile in the state".  Our kids had fun there.  It was fun to choose from a menu with Moab wording and the milk shakes and malts were as big as the Moab rock mountains! Sadly, Stephen spent the duration of his his time in Moab cuddled up to the toilet – sick as can be. I think I counted him throwing up at least 3 times. Poor guy, he is just glad it didn't come on until the last night. Needless to say, I drove all 8 hours home while he nestled in a blanket in the passenger's seat. 

it was a perfect getaway – o.k. everything except Stephen's flu bug…lol. 🙂

tired little children

Bar M Loop Riders

biking babe

Happy before the flu storm hit

wow! she had to share 2 pancakes with JT because it was “too much food”.

Lion’s Back Breakfast/Dinner

Olivia was thrilled to choose the baby Lion’s Back for dinner

Evolution of the bums

had to fit a little soccer in

we are a little crazy and gave this burley rental a run for it’s money!

Yeah! for Lily – this was an overwhelming ride that she conquered

Mason is in heaven

Lex is excited to fit in a more light hearted ride with her “relic” bike

This was probably one of my top 2 favorite we did in Moab!

The Orage Crush was a good ride

how sweet is this? Can’t believe he can sleep through the bumpy terrain


double yikes


Gemni Bridge Ride in his newly purchased helmet

a little chocolate mustache will do ya good

that is some slick rock

slick rock fun

big bike @ Poison Spider

lizard lovers unite

the windows

my dad is the strongest guy of any guy around

look closely for Olivia’s lizard is about to be caught

so excited

finally o.k. with the rule of “catch and release” – she’s ready to let her lizard go back to it’s natural habitat


parade of the elephants


lots of bikes

is this for real?


fiery furnance

Lots of comments from people on the amount of bikes we fit on here

hiking to landscape arch

always ready to pose for a climbing picture

this is a happy 12 year old

fun surprise sand

truth behind the picture

Fiery Furnance again

made it to landscape arch

boy on a rock

up for a better view

love this picture

unloading for the first ride


excited the pool is open!

Happy to have survived an 8 hour drive without getting car sick!

happy to play outside

ready, set, go!

JT took time to snuggle with mom

looking for lizards on the slick rock

beautiful girl

petroglyph art is one of my favorite things

playing at another park

happy on a donkey

happy thoughts going on inside


Stacie said…

That looks like soooo much fun! I wish I was going in 3 weeks. What a great place to visit!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 8:19:46 AM

Michelle said…

What a fun time! Great memories-I’m impressed with the biking skills of your kids! That warm weather sure looks inviting!
Thursday, March 17, 2011 8:34:33 AM

Anne said…

Oh YEAH! I am SOOOOOO excited to go on our adventure in a few weeks! Looks like some great memories were made by all! Just can’t beat spring fever any better way than heading south :). What a cute and adventurous family you are!
Thursday, March 17, 2011 3:27:08 PM

Bikes or Bust

The excitement at our house is so thick you could cut it with a knife!!!!! We are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited to load the bikes Thursday morning @ 6 am for the Redrocks of Moab UTAH. The best traveling birthday party Mason could have hoped for. We were originally going to try to surprise our kids with this vacation, but totally failed with keeping the secret because WE were too excited not to talk about it. Stephen surprised me with a new mt. bike for valentine's day and my little "orange crush" is calling my name! Mason is almost more excited for me than I am for myself. 🙂

Check back for a full report.


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Have a great time.
Tuesday, March 08, 2011 9:04:10 PM

Anne said…

I am sooooooo excited for your family! You know how much I love it in Moab :). Hope Mason enjoys his b-day trip. Your kids are going to want to repeat that birthday party for sure.

Can’t wait to hear about it!
Wednesday, March 09, 2011 12:33:39 PM