Mr. JT Baby LegsJT grew enough to finally fit into his “baby legs”. I think they are so fun and cute. They are basically leg warmers for babies and make diaper changing very easy. My sister-in-law, Magan, told me about them and we (Alexis, Lily, and I) had to get some for JT. They wanted some for themselves, but baby legs are a little spendy so we took a pair of old tights with holes in the feet and made some for Alexis and Lily. Older kids wear them for arm warmers…
JT is now two months old! He is cooing like crazy and smiling easily and often too. Such fun to have him around. The other night Stephen and I were hanging out with him and put him on his tummy. It was a fluke thing, but we both watched as he pushed himself over on his back. We were startled to say the least. He must be doing push ups in his sleep or something. Lily is just in love with the little guy. Every time (and I am not exaggerating!) she walks past him she kisses him on the head and stops to talk. She has been one of the greatest helpers to just hold him while I need to get something done. (Lex and Mason help too, but they are gone more often)
Alexis was JT’s first babysitter. Yesterday Stephen and I went for a ride with Jana and Ryon on our bikes!!!! I was proud of myself for being able to leave him for an hour (of course with cell phone in hand and a call to check in). Things went well and he survived without me.
Can’t believe how fast time goes by, before I know it he’ll be two years old. I am definitely enjoying every minute!
![]() Smiley Pants |
![]() Trying out his new swing! |
Uncle John said…
He is a good looking little “pippy long stockings” (in the manly sorta way). It sounds like you get lots of help and love for him. It is crazy how fast he is growing up. You know I love leg warmers being an 80’s kid.
Sunday, April 27, 2008 9:54:37 PM
Dad and Mom Parker said…
Hey they wear leg warmers here but they are plain colored. We think it for the cold houses they live in. Babies are all layered up for the cold.
Monday, April 28, 2008 9:43:38 AM
MzB said…
Love the baby legs! Styling dude!
Monday, April 28, 2008 8:14:35 PM
Grandpa and Grandma Baldwin said…
What a handsome little guy! He is growing up so fast. Grandpa and Grandma Baldwin need to take a trip to Rexburg and check this little boy and his brother and sisters out. Cute, cute little guy. He looks like Mason a lot!
Monday, April 28, 2008 10:27:11 PM
Steph said…
Oh! He’s so handsome! I can’t wait to meet him. He needs some camo baby legs. I love your pictures.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008 10:49:58 AM
Aunt Anne said…
He is SO cute! So glad you got out on a fun little ride too. It makes me a better mom when I get a way for a minute. Love the leg warmers! Give him a kiss for me! Can’t wait to see him!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008 2:03:33 PM