Spontaneous Utah Fun

We hung out in Utah this weekend – not wanting to leave the security of the hospital too soon after Lily’s excitement. We ended up getting to do some fun things:

It was fun to spend time with my sister on Thursday morning. She has entered a very busy time in life and it is rare to get to see her for very long before she is off to help the next child. She stayed in the hospital and chilled with us until we left. We stopped in at Einstein bagel for lunch. We have invented a new label “the Michelle treatment”. She came bearing many treasures of thoughtfulness.

Obviously staying with Grandpa and Grandma Baldwin was the highlight! It is much fun to get to visit and play there. Grandma loves to go to the movie and Lexi was way excited about seeing High School Musical 3. The match was made, so we went to the matinee showing of Friday. It was a girl party – Lex, Lily, Me, Grandma, and Olivia. It was a cute show and the girls really had a lot of fun.

After that we got to experience Gardener’s Village first hand. We have loved looking at pictures from others, but it is much more exciting to see it in person. Lily’s favorite witch was in the canoe and Mason loved the witch in the out house.

John and Michelle were next on our list to visit – since we were going in that direction. All of our kids had fun – like always – getting to hang out for a couple of hours.

We went to a “Halloweenie” party with my parents that night. Bridget and Abby came over too! We woke up the next morning and had a giant breakfast and rolled down the road to home. We wanted to catch up with Lance and Anne, but they were gone watching Kassie play soccer. We’ll get you next time!

We were able to go visit my Grandma Baldwin in Blackfoot. It was good to see her (even if it cost us $75 – Stephen got a speeding ticket and we weren’t even really speeding. We decided we are even with the law because the night Lily took her ambulance ride, Stephen was for sure taking some liberties!)

It was good to come home. A little angel came into my house and washed my dishes and changed the laundry! It made coming home that much more enjoyable. The thoughtfulness that people have given to us this week will inspire me for years! I hope to lift another persons burdens the way mine have been shared!

Cousins at play

Slumber party with Grandpa and Grandma.

Dad and Daughter, Lily.

Alexis striking a pose – like always!

JT enjoying our picnic at Cabellas.

Took awhile for Livvy to warm up to the “not real” witches.


Grandpa Baldwin said…

It was our pleasure to have the family here. We are so happy and blessed that Lily didn’t have to have surgery and that she is doing great. We thank you for taking time, although it was an expensive extra 15-30 miles to visit my mom (grandmother, great grandmother). I know you lifted her day and brought happiness. You might recall (or review) D&C 130:2 and know that you were laying the foundation for a Celestial life.
Sunday, October 26, 2008 11:27:37 PM

Mom_Grandma Baldwin said…

We loved having you here with us! We’ll see you again soon for Thanksgiving.
Monday, October 27, 2008 12:16:26 AM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Way to make lemonade out of lemons.
Monday, October 27, 2008 1:09:40 PM

Anne said…

So glad everything is well with Lily! Wish we could have seen you guys. Glad you had some fun too. So glad you could go and see the witches. Hugs!
Monday, October 27, 2008 8:46:27 PM

Jana said…

Looks like you wore those kids out!! I love the picture of the girls sleeping in the back seat!! Harry and I had ad good laugh. Glad Lily’s well and that you are all back safe and sound!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 9:39:35 AM

Pam said…

It is nice to have this modern technology to find the good news that all was better with Lilly. Tara ended up coming home to California for her brother’s Homecoming Football game and we had a fun Saturday all together as a family. “All’s well that ends well”.
Thursday, October 30, 2008 1:53:27 PM

A Halloween Tradition

The reason we all got together.It was time for the traditional Parker Pumpkin Carving today. It is an event that we have all grown accustomed to, especially our children. Jana and Ryon invited us over to carve our pumpkins and eat chili. (BTW – we learned that Jana is an excellent chili chef, she even won first place at the chili cook off at Ryon’s office last year) Our kids enjoyed eating donuts tied to string and going home with a homemade caramel apple, compliments of Stephanie. Stacie was on her way home from the hospital. Yesterday was a big day for her family – sweet little Cooper was born!

Have a Happy and Safe Halloween!

Eating plums from Grandma’s tree.

Olivia had fun playing in the leaves with Harry and Parker.

Apparently Mason had a scary fall – he went over a jump, rolled three times, and got a fierce grass stain on his hair. Never seen that before – had to take a photo.

Hannah had fun chasing her donut around.

Paul taught all of the boys how to make a fly a pet by using a piece of long hair and tying it to the flys neck. It made us laugh and the boys thought it was awesome.

Stephen had Olivia and Lily choose the face for our pumpkin using his iphone. Carson told his mom he couldn’t carve his pumpkin because he didn’t have a phone. ha ha


Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

Family , food, fun what more could you ask for. Looks like a great day for all.
Sunday, October 19, 2008 3:48:05 PM

michelle said…

Looks like we missed a great party! Everyone looks great! We are lucky to have such a great family!
Monday, October 20, 2008 11:14:25 AM

Grandma Baldwin said…

Hi Family,
What a great tradition with lot of fun and food! I enjoyed all of the pictures and watching the fun video’s. It must be nice having so many of the family getting together for a great time. I love seeing all of the children! Aren’t they what life is all about??? Thanks for the great blog. I love getting all of the latest happenings! Thanks for sharing.
Monday, October 20, 2008 11:45:22 PM

Jana said…

It was a great day the weather was amazing and the kids and adults all had a blast..it’s always fun to get together. Family is what makes life complete! Thanks for being the family blogger Stephen!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 8:15:55 AM

Anne and Sami said…

Looks like lots of fun! Love the videos to!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 4:05:03 PM

Halloween Treat

Lily and friend, Sam, played “Raking up Fall Leaves”. Lily also performed “Halloween Fun”. She is dressed up as an ice princess.Today was the day of our anticipated Halloween Piano Recital at the Nursing Center. All of my kids dressed up to go treat the fine people there.

I have been teaching my friend’s kids the piano in exchange for her teaching mine. We had them learn a Halloween/Fall piece and they also each played a piano duet. This was Lily and Mason’s first experience with playing in public (non family) – they did very well! I’m not biased or anything! Alexis also played her violin and a piano/festival song. It was kind of cool to say these are our students and they are also all of our children!

After the performances we passed out apples and pumpkin chocolate chip muffins – my mom would have been so proud. It is just what she taught me to do when I was younger! I am glad that she was a good example of service to the elderly and also encouraged me to share my talents. I did it a lot more willingly when I was a little lassie – today I broke out of my comfort zone and played a piano piece and fiddle tune. I appreciate the accepting eyes of my audience.

My heart smiles big when I think of those amazing people trapped in the confines of old age…I wonder about each person and what they were like when they were my age and just what their story is. It would be fun to discover that!

Mason played “Halloween Witches” with hisi friend Ashlyn and then “Leapin’ Lizards” with his teacher. Mason was obviously dress up as an army guy.

Alexis wore the costume that I wore when I was in fifth grade for a high school play. She also played the “Tambourine” duet with her friend Tanner.


Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Improving our talents is a big one in this life. It is a good thing not to hide them. Pres. David O. Makay said that it was one of the first things the Lord will ask us when we have a personal interview with Him. In fact, it was #3, right after our relationships with our spouse and children. Keep up the good work.
Friday, October 17, 2008 1:34:54 AM

Sharon said…

Jodi, I’m sure it makes your mother happy to see you following some of her traditions, as well as using your many talents. Thanks for sharing.
Friday, October 17, 2008 1:46:54 AM

Michelle said…

Jodi- You really could have borrowed my outfit from the King & I – you and Lex could have matched. 🙂
Sunday, October 19, 2008 9:03:02 PM

A Roly Poly Good Time at the Cabin

Chilly Sawtell TopWe went to Island Park last week – from Wednesday to Saturday! It was as much fun as we knew it would be. We were welcomed by Stephanie and her family and got to hang out with them Wednesday night.

Thursday, we met up with our new great friends, The Puzeys. We drove to the top of Sawtell in hopes of having a picnic and to hike around. The chill in the air deterred that idea pretty quickly. We did walk around a little and take a few pictures until we couldn’t stand it any longer! Everyone thought it was awesome that the ball on top of Sawtell looked like a giant soccer ball. (The Puzey’s are really good soccer players and fans) We decided to picnic back at the cabin, and had fun playing games and playing piano duets. It was a disappointment that all of the frogs went into hibernation since that was our selling point in inviting the Puzeys up to the cabin. Luckily ping pong was a big hit.
FOOD FOR THURSDAY: we ate a great lunch, cracked open the peanut m&ms, E L Fudge cookies, and other random treats. Had a spaghetti dinner and then made the famous caramel dip for apples and rolled into bed! Of course I brought my cocoa latte machine to crank out hot chocolate whenever our hearts desired it!

Friday we woke up and feasted on pancakes, eggs, and more hot chocolate. We drove to the cabin on the hill and had a picnic inside the cabin and played around up by the ski lift – it is such a fantastic view from there. We traveled back to the big cabin to make the next meal. (Do you see how much of our lives revolve around food? You really notice it at the cabin. It feels like you just cleaned up a meal or snack when it’s time to start another one) The Puzey’s brought a great activity for the kids to enjoy…we made cool shirts with permanent markers and rubbing alcohol. The kids thought they were great. We watched movies, played more games, sang songs, played more piano duets, told fun stories, and had a taffy pull!
FOOD FOR FRIDAY: above mentioned breakfast, a quick lunch, we were introduced to Puzey Grunt – we all loved it!, more hot chocolate, more m&ms, sweet tarts, chocolate cinnamon bears, and yes taffy – our favorite was rootbeer flavored!

Saturday we woke up to a snow covered ground, but the guys decided to go fishing over by the fish hatchery anyway. Lily and Mason thought it was cool – they don’t get to do that very often. On our way home the roads were so slick that a car and turned over on the side of the road!
FOOD FOR SATURDAY: Ate muffins and bacon! Casey was quite the bacon master – he rationed the bacon like I ration cheese! Diana got kicked out of the kitchen for helping too much. We made potato soup for lunch and also had cupcakes!

I don’t even need to explain the title anymore do I? I will be spending the next month trying to make up for one weekend worth of pleasantries, but I guess it was worth it!

With the Puzeys around everybody has a friend. The kids ages in our family match up to the kids ages in their family. I have so enjoyed getting to know Diana through daily morning runs. She is such a remarkable person – I learn a lot from her selfless example. It has also been so much fun to have a friend that loves music as much as I do.

Cabin Update: Stephen and Casey finished nailing all of the trim that was waiting to be done around the windows and a few doors (they just need to be stained now). Stephen also fixed the carpet at the top of the stairs and fixed the fan in the bathroom.


Meg the Gem said…

My Mom was telling me that it was starting to snow up there. You can see Mt. Sawtell from my parent’s house, so it’s fun to get to see what it looks like there right now!

It hit me when I saw you’re cute family picture–I can’t believe all those bundles of coats are your kids!! Jodi!! It’s hard to believe that we have little tribes of our own!
Monday, October 13, 2008 12:11:27 AM

Mom and Dad Parker said…

It looks like a fun time at the cabins. It’s hard to imagine snow already. Way to brave the weather and have a fun time.
Monday, October 13, 2008 2:11:22 AM

Diana said…

Great fun and food was definitely had by all and I dare say that it was worth it. We will just have to run a little bit harder. But, I wouldn’t have wanted to have any less of those M&M’s. Thanks for the memories!
Monday, October 13, 2008 9:02:55 PM

Tall Glass of Water

Conference Weekend is always like drinking a tall glass of water when you are totally thirsty! We had a great time listening and watching conference and feel lucky that we are able to watch it from the comfort of our own home and in our pajamas too, our cups are now full!

We read a talk from the October Children’s Friend about a “Reverence Tent” last week. We decided to make one too – Stephen style. (The bigger the better.)

We also made and completed a project we’ve been wanting to add to our downstairs wall in between the Saturday sessions of conference.

Most of all it was just great to have a casual weekend just being together having our conference party and celebration.


Dad and Mom Parker said…

Boy, that’s a good analogy. We had our cups filled also. We had it at our house on Sat. and had snacks and dinner in between sessions. It was good to hear words from our Prophet just for us today. We love the addition to your downstairs wall, it looks great, as does the family too.
Monday, October 06, 2008 3:08:32 PM

michelle said…

You guys are great. I love the tent and the wall. I also love the conference board. Great examples!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008 11:29:40 AM

Amy Baldwin said…

Okay, I love the reference tent. I wish we had known about it when the kids were younger. They would have loved it. It would have made conference more fun and special to them.
Friday, October 10, 2008 12:25:04 PM

Mom Baldwin said…

What a great thing you did to help the kids enjoy Conference. Great memories were made for everyone. You are good parents. Your children are lucky to live in a home where they are always made to feel like they are important and included in all that you do. Carry on!
Saturday, October 11, 2008 1:53:18 PM

Field Trip

Olivia was in heavenI was home watching the kids tonight and thought I bet they would like to go on a field trip across the street to see the Potatoes being harvested. We all hopped in the van and drove over to Randy’s place where Derek was harvesting like crazy. Derek’s daughter gave the kids the royal treatment, she let them climb up the huge pile of spuds to the top and help her unload the trucks. Fun times for all.


michelle said…

I am so amazed by all those potatoes. Something about the whole process of harvesting intrigues me. What lucky kids to be a part of it!
Friday, October 03, 2008 12:59:36 PM

Amy Baldwin said…

That is so crazy! Did they let you take some potatoes home? How fun to go across the street and have a field trip.
Friday, October 10, 2008 12:28:12 PM

Mom Baldwin said…

How fun for the kids!!! Potato harvest time is one of my most happiest memories. I wish I could be there so I could smell the potatoes and the great smell of the (dirt) earth. It’s so awesome! I’m glad you provided the kids with this great opportunity! You’re great parents!
Saturday, October 11, 2008 2:00:27 PM

New Blog Look

Have you noticed that I have selected new backgrounds for my family’s blogs? If so, and you’re feeling adventurous, you can do it too. They are located by clicking on the mona lisa button. After that, scroll down and click where it says “create a custom style”. The new styles are under the outer edge drop down box…LizzieGrace and then a number next to that. On the inner image drop down box, be sure to select “no image”. The font colors are easy enough to figure out I think.

Good luck!


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Thanks. We could use the luck when it comes to computers.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008 12:31:32 AM

Anne said…

Love it! Me and the girls already switched ours on sunday! Thanks for some fun new options!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008 12:16:59 PM

Sister’s Day 2008

Lex made these cute flowers of all of our sisters for the centerpiece at dinner.Happy Sister’s Day to all of the sisters out there! We celebrated and had a happy time. Alexis and I had a sewing late over with a few mothers on Friday night. She decided to make Olivia and Lily a shirt for sister’s day…she had lots of fun picking out the fabric and ironing – I did most of the sewing, although she sewed the hem. It was fun to see her be excited to do something nice for her sisters.

On Saturday Lily showed me her loose tooth…she said she wished it would have come out sooner so she could get some money from the tooth fairy and then use the $ to buy Lex and Olivia something for Sister’s Day. I told her she could make them something, but she really wanted to go shopping I think. I offered to buy a gift certificate from her that she won at the drawing from our Rolling Hills Classic Run. (A movie/popcorn date coupon) She was excited and we drove off to Walmart. She was glad to find a box of goldfish crackers for Olivia and some earrings and lip gloss for Alexis. She had 3 quarters left and talked on the way home about how she should give them to Mason so he wouldn’t feel bad. You can count on her to be thoughtful like that.

Olivia loved her shirt and crackers and Mason whipped up all of the girls some origami figures out of their favorite colors. I am glad that Mason invented Brother’s and Sister’s Day…it’s nice to make people feel extra special and loved as often as you can!

My only regret is that I didn’t choreograph a number for them to do using the song from “White Christmas” entitled no other than, “Sisters“. There is always next year though.


Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

Sounds like a great idea. We have been learning about charity this transfer and it sounds like we have some good examples in the family. Way to go, thinking of how to make someone else happy always makes you feel good. Thanks for being great examples to us.
Monday, September 22, 2008 11:36:38 AM

Meg the Gem said…

What a fun memory. I’ve been trying to think of different ways to “set up” experiences for my kids to serve each other. This is a great one!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008 5:13:49 PM

Jana said…

looks like another successful “sister’s day” at the Parkers!! Fun stuff.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 8:39:52 AM

Amy Baldwin said…

Okay, where in the world do you find out about all these special days? I struggle just to celebrate birthdays and holidays, let alone these other days. You are the ultimate mom. I don’t think that your girls will be able to compete.
Friday, October 10, 2008 12:32:18 PM

Fall Foliage Photos

We just couldn’t stop talking about how beautiful the fall foliage was today as we drove through Mesa Falls Scenic Byway. What a treat to get us all excited for the days ahead. Alexis, Lily, and I decided to do a little photo shoot while Stephen had his bike challenge.

It is absolutely my favorite time of the year…wearing sweaters, drinking hot chocolate, looking at beautiful foliage, pumpkin stuff!, the scents I can burn in my scensty candle warmer, making soup, cinnamon rolls, AND STILL NOT BEING TOO COLD.

Perfectly perfect.


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Oh what stunning beauty! And the leaves were pretty too. It’s a great time of year. Way to seize the day.
Sunday, September 21, 2008 1:09:51 AM

Dad said…

Some good looking kids. You can clearly see they get it from their mom.
Sunday, September 21, 2008 10:39:34 AM

michelle said…

I love fall-what a beautiful day! We are hoping to have a photo shoot tomorrow up the canyon! I hope it is as pretty as yours!
Sunday, September 21, 2008 5:41:21 PM

Aunt Susan said…

Terrific pics- what a beautiful family. It’s definitely time to go for a drive up the canyons here. Love to all,
Sunday, September 21, 2008 6:29:16 PM

Mom Baldwin said…

I loved your photo shoot pictures!!! Thanks for sharing. It’s almost as good as being there. I just love the beautiful Fall colors! Your dad and I will be taking our annual drive up into the canyon in the next couple of weeks so we can experience the “awe” of Fall, too. My heart swells with the beauty of the earth this time of the year. We are so lucky to live in this wonderous world where God’s creations can take our breath away and we can witness His hand all around us!
Sunday, September 21, 2008 10:26:38 PM

Mom/Grandma Baldwin said…

What beautiful girls are in the photo shoot!!!
Sunday, September 21, 2008 10:39:56 PM

Quality Family Fun

FriendsToday our family participated in the Rolling Hills Classic, a run benefiting Autism Awareness. We had a lot of fun and it was a beautiful day in Rexburg, Idaho. It was fun to cheer for each other and be proud and spend time together doing something good for our bodies.


Dad & Mom Parker said…

Sounds like a worthy cause and a fun family activity too.
Sunday, September 14, 2008 7:27:29 AM

Jana said…

I can cheer like nobody!! I love a good cause to cheer on my family at any event.
Sunday, September 14, 2008 7:16:14 PM

Stacie said…

We have such a cool family! I was happy to be the cheerleader! Way to go all ya’ll!
Monday, September 15, 2008 9:46:25 AM

michelle said…

Looks like a fun time! I love that kids got to run too! You guys all look great. I love the hair Jana!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 10:24:04 PM