Bear Lake Photo shoot

Here are a few of the fun shots from bear lake….


Mom and Dad Parker said…

Thanks for the great pictures. We printed them all and are showing them to everybody. You all look so beautiful. Even the boys. We enjoyed the Skype call also. Thanks for everything.
Friday, July 11, 2008 3:35:11 PM

mzb said…

Jodi how come you look so good in a camping picture.
Friday, July 11, 2008 4:24:20 PM

Stephen said…

You can’t hide Beautiful. 🙂 She always looks good to me.
Saturday, July 12, 2008 10:54:54 PM

Aunt Susan said…

Thanks for the pix! It was great to see you all together! I was having my own “fun” at girl’s camp 🙂
Sunday, July 13, 2008 8:32:21 AM

Stacie said…

Those are great! I love the goofey face one! Thanks for the fun memories! Traditions are a good thing to have!
Sunday, July 13, 2008 10:50:36 PM

Grandma Baldwin said…

What a nice looking family! By the sounds and looks of everything, all of you must of had a great time. How wonderful to all be together and enjoy one another’s company. You are a great family. Bruce and Sharon have done a lot of right things to have such a neat family. (“Hello Bruce and Sharon! I hope your mission is going great for you.”) And of course, I’m a little pleased with that cute girl, Jodi that has joined the Parkers. You have all been so good to her. Thanks! And, thanks Stephen, for sharing all of the fun times you have by putting them up on the blog.
Sunday, July 13, 2008 11:33:29 PM

Fun that never stopped

Parade Line UpIt was a big day for our family this fourth of July. All week long we had been preparing to be in the Rexburg Parade. Stephen made a house on wheels that we decorated in American fashion on Monday night for FHE. This house was designed to be pulled behind the go cart that Mason and Stephen made the previous week. And both of these would be pulled by Stephen on his bike. While we were decorating this Paul and Stephen decided it would be fun to build a “Nacho Libre” bike.

Tuesday they began manufacturing this work of art! My old mountain bike was donated to the cause and also a couple of tires from old kid bikes. The steel used was from tractor packaging that Stephen had, and the seat was a piece of an old church pew. Yes, all of these items were found at our home. The only thing purchased was the spray paint, which Paul donated. Paul came up with the name, “Sancha”. It is a fun bike. Come over and try it out sometime! One of Paul’s friends gave Mason the idea that he could park at Broulim’s and take the college girls back and forth from their apartments – he thought that sounded great! Anything to make a buck – maybe in a few years :). Really though, you just have to laugh and smile – which is what we did! Paul looked great pushing his load, and Stephen had his work cut out for him pulling his crew! (He pulled Mason, Lily, Olivia, Harry, Quinn, Kate, and Paige) They made a good memory and had lots of fun being in the parade.

After the parade we went to the Parker/Brewer Homestead for the annual water slide. Like every year it was a blast for all that participated. Check out the photos! Jana graciously donated her dish washing soap and people were lathering up and sliding off of the plastic. It ended up being a beautiful day.

We drove to Idaho Falls to the Kirkham’s for a festive BBQ. Dana knows how to have a party and we felt privileged to be invited now that our family has increased in size, we can be overwhelming! Mason loved trying out the skim board, and did really well. Addy made everyone iccee’s after dinner and we even got to break a piniata. Lex and Ashton had fun doing what they always do, and Lily and Olivia hung out with whoever was doing the funnest thing to them.

After we sang Happy Birthday to America and had cupcakes and ice cream, we drove over by the green belt to watch the fireworks. This year they boasted they were shooting off 13,000 shells! Very cool, I am glad that I was talked into going. Surprisingly it wasn’t even too crazy getting onto the highway and home. I wish we could have gotten a good shot of ALL of the people walking to their cars – it was amazing how many people were walking along the highway!

What a day of fun times!


Dad and Mom Parker said…

It doesn’t look like you are too proud to have fun. That’s a cool bike, Sancha. Hope it’s still around for us to have a ride. It’s like the bike we rode in from the airport in Puerto Maldonado. Fun times. We love America and our family.
Saturday, July 05, 2008 4:02:24 PM

Pablo said…

Quiero a Sancha!
Sunday, July 06, 2008 12:32:23 AM

Anne said…

Looks like you had a fun time and made some fun memories! See you next week!
Sunday, July 06, 2008 2:33:27 PM

John said…

I love the nacho rig. I feel like I am back in Puno. We will have to go on a ride for old times sake.
Sunday, July 06, 2008 7:03:04 PM

Stacie said…

THanks for pulling my kids in the parade! They had a great time throwing candy! It was a great time! Even if I look like I am not having fun! Thanks ya’ll!
Sunday, July 06, 2008 9:43:02 PM

Jana said…

Good times…I love being a part of this family we have some good memories together I always look forward to making more! Thanks for deleting the pictures of me on the H2O slide those are pretty incriminating!!
Monday, July 07, 2008 10:34:29 AM

America – why we love her!

Happy Upcoming Independence Day from the Parkers!

“I am glad that I can go to whichever church I want to.” Lily

“America is a special place – we can do whatever we want and make our own choices.” Mason

“I have freedom of religion and I can feel safe here.” Alexis

“I love the flag and the stars.” Olivia

“I love the infrastructure we have – the nice road system & traffic laws. The quality of life and food are nice too…” Stephen

“I am happy we live in a land where there are choices. I am glad that I have possibilities at my fingertips and the chance to worship how I choose. It is nice to go to bed at night and feel safe.” Jodi


Elder and Sister Parker said…

We have so many nice things and an abundance of opportunities to enjoy the beauties of life. We are glad our founding fathers were strong men of God who set us up as a God-fearing nation who loves and fights to maintain our freedom. God bless America!
Monday, June 30, 2008 1:30:14 AM

Steph said…

Yesterday in sacrament meeting two little kids sang the National Anthem from the pulpit and I was so proud to be an American. I love the endless opportunities that we have the right to choose from.
Monday, June 30, 2008 9:37:14 AM

Anne said…

It is fun to hear your thoughts on being an American! It is SO lucky, I feel very blessed. My Grandpa Owen always used to cry when we sang the National Anthem, he saw a lot at war, he helped me better appreciate my freedoms. PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008 7:46:02 AM

Patricia Baldwin/Mom/Grandma said…

You all have made such great comments about our country and being an American. I agree with all of them and add my love for this wonderful country. We are all so blessed to live here. “God Bless America, my home, sweet home!”
Wednesday, July 02, 2008 11:33:59 PM

Crazy little man named, Stephen!

I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when this crazy man came into my life! He is just what I need to stay loved, humble, young, energetic, excited, worried, happy, etc…I just love him in all of his craziness, even if at times I seem an emotional wreck because of some of the things he does.

Here are some pictures of our past weekend that will prove the above items mentioned! He spontaneously joined a hike (during his lunch hour) that Tricia Galer and I took to Cress Creek with our kids. He was a welcome site and helped a ton, I was flattered that he took time to be with me. It was such a great stroll for kids – they had a great time and the trail had great information for educating along the way. It had been a while since I’d been there, glad Tricia invited us to go along. It was JT’s first official hike, he even got a little sunburn on his neck to prove he was there.

That evening during Alexis’ late over, Stephen and Mason made a go cart. Mason had been eying one up in his Bear Cub Scout Book and it came to fruition. I was happy to catch a cute picture of them finishing up.

We invited the troops over Sunday evening (Dot and Everett, Stacie, Jana, and their families, Paul and his chiccas, and the Galer family) to take a view of Paul and Stephen’s South America vacation (we missed John’s input). Looked like it was quite an adventure and an unforgettable experience. I am really glad that Stephen was able to go and that Paul and John went with him because I’m not that CRAZY! After seeing the footage I was tired…they went to 4 countries and saw amazing things in only 8 days time. They didn’t leave a minute to spare for any lolly gagging and Stephen loved it all, it is just the way he loves to travel – fit as much in as possible! I was so happy to have him back home and safe.

After the show Stephen got into his compound and dug out all of the go carts he has made over the past few years. He decided it would be so much fun to make a train out of them for the kids to ride on…it was a hit and the kids were sad to leave. Of course I was worried and bogged down with the responsibility of all of these little peoples’ safety, but all was well. He definitely knows how to show a kid a great time and my kids were pretty proud of their dad and his coolness. When all was said and done, I think Stephen had more fun pulling those kids than they had being pulled.

Just a few of the happenings from the crazy little man named, Stephen.


Dad Parker said…

Way to go! You only get one chance to experience life, so cram as much in as possible. Jodi, you’re a good sport like Sharon, just tolerate him and have patience with his excitement for crazy things and you will both have a heartful of memories to live with forever.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 12:23:47 AM

Steph said…

I love my brother too. He has always has an idea in his head. We should make go carts and race them for a family activity this fall. It could be part of the Pumpkin Carving party.
Trisha and her kids look great. Tell them ‘Hi’ from me. I love the people in Rexburg, what an awesome place to raise kids.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 1:16:05 AM

Anne said…

Looks like a fun time! Will is pretty jealous, he thinks that looks cool. We love that hike too. Tell Tricia hi for me and enjoy the summer fun!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 12:20:04 PM

Paulo said…

But it was so much fun!!! It made me glad to be back in Rexburg. Even if there was some drama with the chicas.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008 8:47:45 PM

Stacie said…

The chicas, not meaning your sisters, but the TWO that you brought! It was a good time my kids loved it and hope to do it in the 4th of July parade! The best was when we were younger and the engine lit on fire and Jana is smiling and having a good time! Thanks for the entertainment Stephen! Come and get the motorbike and see if you can get it to run!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008 10:34:20 PM

Grandpa Baldwin said…

Seeing the pictures of pullying four vehicles makes me homesick for the wide open spaces of Eastern Idaho. We love being here and serving a mission and serving in the temple but miss the exciting things the family does. We are pleased with the growth in the gospel that happens when fun family activities happen.
Saturday, July 05, 2008 8:53:07 AM

We’ll be glad when Daddy comes home!

glad as we can be…

Since the father of our home is out of the country for Father’s Day we decided to bring Father’s Day to him – hope he can catch a view of this before or at least on the day of! Thanks to my brother Brad for helping me out with this – he is the best!

Hope you have a good day Stephen – we love you!


Mom and dad Parker said…

What a great tribute to a great dad. No work is more important than “homework”. Good singers too.
Thanks for everything!
Saturday, June 14, 2008 12:25:02 AM

Stacie said…

Jodi that is so cute! I sat here a cried as I thought about by great brothers being even greater dads! Love you Stephen!
Monday, June 16, 2008 8:50:34 AM

We Pull Together!

This morning Alexis wanted to make a treat for the family. I suggested one of my childhood favorites, Salt Water Taffy. Before I knew it she was boiling the ingredients. It turned into a real family ordeal once they saw how much fun it was to pull and stretch it. Only bummer was it is fast Sunday so we had to wait until after church to sample it.


Man this is tiring work!


Paul said…

I remember making that once. It was fun. Looks like Olivia took a sample or maybe two.
Sunday, June 01, 2008 8:42:22 PM

Anne said…

Very fun! I have never done that. We will have to get pointers and do it for a fhe. Way to pull together and make some memories!
Sunday, June 01, 2008 9:04:45 PM

Mom and Dad Parker said…

We always had somebody burn their hands. You all look like you are having a great time. Mason looks a little serious, but what a happy memory.

Monday, June 02, 2008 12:57:36 AM

Jana said…

I would be with Olivia and have a little sample or two! I remember making that as kids too. Looks like fun!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008 4:11:22 PM

Meg the Gem said…

How fun! I’ve never done it, you’ll have to teach me how when we finally get together again!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008 5:38:24 PM

michelle said…

Looks like a good time-we tried making taffy one time. It didn’t quite work. it turned into barbie hair! I’ll have to get some pointers.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008 1:55:54 PM


Dancing SistasMelanie’s Dance welcomed us to “Broadway” last night. Lex and Lily had their end of year dance recital. They were so excited and did very well. It is fun to watch Alexis’ progress from last year and see Lily keeping with the beat her first year!

Alexis’ class did a tap dance to Greased Lightening from Grease. A ballet dance to Chim Chim Cheree from Mary Poppins and a gymnastic dance to Popular from Wicked. Her favorite dances were Greased Lightening and Popular.

Lily’s class did a gymnastic dance to Mamma Mia from Mamma Mia. (they looked so cute in their boot spats!) A ballet dance to Part of your World from Little Mermaid and a tap dance to a Broadway Medley. Her favorite dance was to Broadway Medley.

Special thanks to Mason for gladly entertaining Olivia out in the hallway for the two hour production! JT enjoyed the loud music and dim lights and didn’t start fussing until the last 20 minutes. Stephen was in true character as camera man. We had to send apologies to the people around us for all of our public displays, all of which included Olivia.

Until next year! (Oh, just kidding – I think they are moving on to taking just gymnastics)

Greased Lightening

Mama Mia

Chim Chim Cheree

Part of your World


Broadway Medley


Uncle John said…

Fabulous dancing! Who needs to go to NYC. You have it right in Rexburg. Keep on dancin’. You girls look great. Nice hall monitor work Mason.
Sunday, May 25, 2008 8:42:36 PM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

Way to go ladies! We always enjoyed seeing our family learning and presenting talents on stage or at home evening. You both looked beautiful.
Monday, May 26, 2008 1:50:59 AM

Steph said…

How fun! I love going to those things, they are always a treat to watch. Mason is a good brother, I’ll bet he didn’t mind not watching all the dancing. You girl’s look so cute in your costumes. Keep dancing!
Monday, May 26, 2008 10:58:26 PM

Aunt Anne said…

You two look so cute! Glad it was great night!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 1:11:52 PM

Magan said…

What a fun dance theme! Alexis looks so grown up.
Thursday, May 29, 2008 6:30:17 PM

Cinco De Mayo

In true Parker spirit Jodi cranked out some awesome Mexican eats tonight. She had the kitchen all decked out with festive ornaments, even some soothing Latino background music. It was great food and a great party. The kids especially loved the sombreros. We wish Paulo could have stayed to teach us some spanish and eat with us, and we all commented on how we missed Grandpa and Grandma Parker. Wonder what they ate for the occasion?

even JT was part of the fun

Mother may I?

Alright all of you “Green” wannabes! Now is the time to make a change. Stephen and I recently watched a show that is inspiring us to be more kind to our Mother Earth. It really isn’t that hard, we just need to be more conscience. One simple way we are making a change is by only taking 5 minute showers. What are you doing to make your “mother” happy? We want to know . . . so we can be better and pass on a good tradition to our kids. (I noticed some recycling bins over by the library for all of the Rexburg folk.) A little love goes a long way they say…GO GREEN.


Steph said…

Hear in Vancouver they take green seriously and everyone has 3 recycling bins and the school recycles all of the paper and even the organic food waste in the cafeteria. At home we try to cut down on water too but for us it is important to reuse plastic containers. Our recycling center only takes containers with an opening smaller than the bottom. Buy yogurt in a big container so you only have one to throw away instead of many. They are also good for left overs. Anyhow, I am kind of a green fan, in my Patriarchal Blessing it says I will help protect and preserve the environment. I don’t think I am a granola or anything but I am trying to be conscious of my ‘mother’. Thanks Jodi
Thursday, April 24, 2008 10:16:04 AM

Bruce and Sharon said…

They have recycling bins here, well acutually there are 3 bins for metal, plastic and glass and then just trash. They put cloths and other things that are useful by the bins and people just go by and get things they can use. We are very aware of water here too. Thanks for the advice.
Thursday, April 24, 2008 3:02:50 PM

Anne said…

Good reminder for us! We recycle, plus I have some big bags I try and bring them when I shop to cut down on plastic bags. Since I watched the go green Oprah show, I try to use less napkins too! Every little thing helps.
Thursday, April 24, 2008 4:21:03 PM

Jana said…

We do need to be more aware of our mother earth.. we have been trying to recycle more than usual and to turn our water off while we are brushing our teeth instead of letting it run the whole time…every little bit can help I guess.
Thursday, April 24, 2008 7:20:58 PM

Amy Baldwin said…

Use fluorescent light bulbs instead of the regular incandescent ones. Whenever one of mine burn out I change it out with a fluorescent one.
Friday, May 16, 2008 7:44:41 PM