It’s a Good Thing

Tonight the family gathered together for some hot chocolate before bedtime. I introduced them to one of the things I like to do – dip graham crackers. Everyone liked it, although Stephen didn’t even try it. The little party pooper. I think you all should try it and tell me what you think?
Before that, Stephen took a string of Christmas lights and began shortening a strand he would need to finish a project that he started earlier in the week. As he did this, he called the troops to assemble to explain the procedure, “How a light bulb works”. They were amazed at his knowledge and skill. When Stephen stopped to ask if everyone understood, Lily nodded her head in the affirmative. I was thinking how can a six year old grasp onto this and not me? And then Alexis chimed in, “I just don’t get it.” I then realized whose genes she had received in this department.
And before this demonstration, we gathered around the piano. Stephen played his guitar, Alexis her fiddle, and I took the piano. We practiced the Orange Blossom Special. Alexis is getting really good at this! She really has taken to fiddle music. Mason, Lily, and Olivia built some cool forts from the couch pillows for their talent.
We had a relaxing, fun Sunday evening at home – just the way I like it! As Martha Stewart would say, “It’s a good thing.”


Anne said…

Sounds like we really missed out! I would love to hear you all play your instruments! I am glad you had a nice sunday evening. Those moments are nice!!!!!
Monday, November 19, 2007 9:04:45 AM

Kassie said…

that sounds like alot of fun !!!
Monday, November 19, 2007 10:08:00 AM

Steph said…

Jodi, it’s no secret that the Parker’s all married above their abilities, talents, and knowledge. We are known for spontaneity and stubbornness, you all make us so happy, I can’t wait to hear your family play live.
Monday, November 19, 2007 5:45:57 PM

Hang in There

We went to G&G Parkers tonight for some fun rock climbing, we all got involved. Grandpa challenged Alexis to climb less than 20 seconds with the reward of the last dollar in his pocket. Of course she took him up on it, and made it under the time limit. Olivia had a great time as you can see :-). Grandma was multi tasking and painted her toe nails while watching. Dad and I went around the world together, great fun for all.

It’s always fun for everyone when Grandpa & Grandma Come!

This past weekend Grandpa and Grandma Baldwin came to our house for a visit. My, oh, my, was there excitement and anticipation in the air. Of course with Grandma around there are always treats involved and she brought a load! I think we are all on a sugar rush. Shopping is also involved when with Grandma, the most favorite trip was to D.I. Lex and Lily came home with beautician heads – they love them. They came home and washed their hair and went to work doing hairdos. Mason was tickled to have gotten a box of dominoes for $.25 and a hand held game for $.10. It doesn’t take much. I was also the recipient of the spoilng – and not from D.I., thanks mom! (Can’t wait to wear my new maternity sweater) Our favorite part was just getting to hang out and play. We said our good-byes Saturday morning and then Grandpa surprised us and came back to get potatoes from our neighbor’s cellar. When that was all done it was time to say good-bye for a second time. Olivia was very sad and wanted to go with Grandpa – he took her on a drive around our driveway and then really had to go. Olivia was very sad and ran off crying down the driveway. It was actually really sweet. Thanks for the memories!

We’re Back!

I cannot begin to describe to you the amount of stairs we climbed going to and from the Sub Stations! Who knows how far we walked in a day, but Alexis and Mason were awesome – rarely complaining about walking or climbing stairs. They loved riding the Subway! The loved holding onto the poles and swinging around them if there weren’t many people on the subway. Alexis did not love sitting next to strangers so often, but by the end of the trip got used to it. I personally loved being surrounded by the variety of people and thinking about what they do for a living or where they live – typical people watching stuff that I love. I didn’t love riding in the subway being sandwiched between loads of people – my bubble was bursting. Mason says, “New York was very, very, very, very, very, very, very, cool!” Alexis said, “Wicked was awesome!” And Stephen said, “It was a blast!” We lived it up and loved every second, and were totally happy to be back in the presence of Lily and Olivia – whom we missed!

Fifth and Final Day NYC

Monday was our last serious tourist day! We woke up heading straight for Rockefeller Plaza to catch the Today show. We were able to see Al, Anne, and Natalie, but we missed Meredith and Matt. Darnit!! BUT, Stephen and Alexis tried to be seen in a segment through the windows of a set – who knows if anyone actually saw them, but it was fun all in the same. We then went past Radio City Music Hall and then over to American Girl Place. Alexis decided to use her souvenir money to get a photo of her on a magazine. It is so cute! Stephen then really wanted to go over to Yankee Stadium. So we hopped on the subway and transferred between about 3 trains and finally got there. I think the boys thought it was really cool. We also went to the Museum of Natural History today. So many, many things to look at! WOW. We then made our way back to Times Square to eat dinner and after that we called it a day.