AMX Christmas Party – we were given two styrofoam balls and five toothpicks to create a snowman for a prize… we won!We have been enjoying our Christmas Season … it is nice to have the heart opened a little bit larger and eyes more forgiving and countenances more full of light. Here are some pictures of a few of our simple pleasures over the past week.
 A new friend at the nursing home named Agnes. |
 Have I done any good in the world today? |
 Olivia had a run in with a fork – it was a traumatic experience. Mason (and all the others) were quick to her aide. Mason volunteered to read her a story and she stopped crying and he read her to sleep. sweet moment! |
 Charity taught us about toys for tots. |
 Telling the Fire Fighters in Rexburg “thank you and Merry Christmas”. When we went to leave Olivia said, “we didn’t go to the fire station”. She wanted to see a fire truck – so we went back and showed her the brand new “lellow” fire truck! |
 Alexis put on 10 pair of socks over her cast so she wouldn’t get left out of the winter fun! It was funny watching her crawl around on the snow. |
 We missed the Baldwin Christmas party in Blackfoot because of a nasty storm…we decided to use our white elephant gifts and have our own party. |
 Mason found out that White Elephant gifts aren’t always a good deal. |
 This guy had a lot of fun with an almond m&m he found on the floor. |
 Now exposed – Uncle Trevin was employee of the month and didn’t even tell us! |
 Parker Snowflake Production |
 Having fun in the snow. |
 Trimming the tree downstairs. Our favorite tree to unpack the
ornaments each child has received over the years – it’s very nostalgic, but Olivia doesn’t understand why Alexis has more than her. |
 Thanks to Grant and Grace who gave our family a Gingerbread House kit for Christmas! We had a lot of fun for FHE decorating it. |
 Our Christmas Elf, Charity, left popsicle sticks for us to make snowflake ornaments for the Nursing Home residents…Mason and Lily wanted to get right to work. |
Jana said…
What fun times and great memories…on the Craigos billboard it says “make memories this year not landfills” Love that you are doing just that with all your fun family events.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 7:15:08 AM
Anne said…
Looks like you are enjoying the holidays! So fun! It all looks like good times!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 9:00:52 AM
Mom and Dad Parker said…
Looks like lots of fun times. It looks like it will be a white Christmas there. Merry Christmas to you guys.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 12:00:49 PM
Tio Pablo said…
Thanks for inviting me too! Maybe Charity told you to invite me over cause that really made my day. Thanks!!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 3:44:44 PM
Magan said…
Fun Stuff!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008 4:16:29 PM