Today my dad was taking pictures of me doing round off back hand springs after Sunday dinner. On the fifth or sixth time I did it, I landed really WRONG. I ended up breaking both bones in my left arm. It was dipped and very gross. My mom was freaking out and my dad was trying to take pictures of it.
We drove to the ER and they gave me an IV with pain killer, took my xray, and popped my arm back into place. It HURT, but I didn’t cry. My mom and the nurse and doctor were said I am tough. I guess I’ll have to take a “break” from gymnastics, soccer, and piano! I am disappointed about the gymnastics and especially soccer. My first game is this Tuesday! Maybe in a few weeks I can go be in a game? Good Luck Riley. Guess I’ll be a cheerleader without the stunts.
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michelle said…
Alexis-I can’t believe that! What a crazy Sunday afternoon! I can’t believe you didn’t cry-I certainly would have. Those pictures give me the eebies. I’m glad your a tough girl and hope you heal up fast!
Sunday, August 03, 2008 9:36:00 PM
Grandma Baldwin said…
Alexis, what a girl! Your are tougher that nails! I didn’t cry when I broke my ankle and big toe, but I sure wanted to. I hurt like crazy, didn’t you? Take a good break from all the work and try to “observe” things rather than ‘do’ them. Love you lots! Gram B.
Sunday, August 03, 2008 10:49:11 PM
Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…
That is sad news. We about cried just seeing it. I broke my arm doing a back flip on a mini-tramp and the doctor set it wrong so I ended up having an ulnarstyloidectomy ( I only have one bone going into my wrist. It is nice to have documented truth of how tough you are. You can show those pictures to your kids if they get wimpy. You certainly are not a wimp. We love you and hope everything goes well.
Monday, August 04, 2008 12:24:50 AM
Aunt Jana said…
Wowzer girl…that is really crazy. The pictures kinda make my stomach sick! I am so proud of how tough you were- no tears what were you thinking crazy girl?! Glad you are doing fine and hoping for a speedy recovery.
Monday, August 04, 2008 9:11:49 AM
paul said…
ay carrumba! That looks like it hurt. Hope you get better quick, drink lots of milk. I broke my hand once and never went to the doctor it just healed its self because of calcium.
Monday, August 04, 2008 9:18:42 AM
Anne said…
Ouch! I am sorry you broke your arm. Hope it heals quick and you can get back to soccer and gymnastics!
Monday, August 04, 2008 11:00:17 AM
Stacie said…
OUCH! That is really grose!!! i would have been freaking out too! How long do you have to wear the cast? Is it soft or hard?
Monday, August 04, 2008 11:09:56 AM
Kate said…
I know how it feels Lexi! I have done it with both of my arms. It really hurts. I hope you get better soon!
Monday, August 04, 2008 11:15:20 AM
Amy Baldwin said…
LOL…”My mom was freaking out, and my Dad was trying to take pictures of it.” Why am I not surprised?
Friday, October 10, 2008 12:39:29 PM