Freshman Soccer Season 2012

Sweet shot of I do say so myself, check out the thigh muscles!

Lexi had the privilege of playing with the Sugar Salem High School Girl's Soccer Team this year where she was known as "Parker". She had a fabulous year. She grew mentally and physically as a player and was the best darn "stopper" out on that field. She was fortunate enough to get to start and play the entire game every time – pretty exciting to say as a freshman. Her coaches were Amy Feik, Trina Eirchenbach, and Hannah ?. They really boosted her confidence as a player because they believed and encouraged her. The girls on the team were top notch girls. There were 8 seniors and each senior was so sweet to go out of their way to look out for the younger girls on and off of the field. Lexi has made many lasting friendships with her soccer sisters. This week was the district tournament. They won their first game and made it to the championship game against Teton. They played strong and tied 1:1 and ended up having a 10 minute overtime in which teton scored on them and won. 🙁 It was a sad moment. On the goal Sugar got during the game, Lexi had an assist. We are sure proud of her and the way she dedicated herself to being her best. It is hard for her to think about the season being over, but she is already talking about indoor soccer and spring soccer. I'm not sure if we are going to get a break? 🙂

It was also fun to watch the SSHS Boys Team this season. They are an amazing team and the championship game last night left all Digger fans in turmoil. I don't even think I can type it up right now. I will leave it at they really did WIN the game as far as I'm concerned!

I really just think soccer is the coolest sport ever. I figured out this season, that when Lexi is a JR. if Mason makes the boys team as a Freshman, that we will get to watch both play for 2 years together….and then Lily will come along, and Olivia, and hopefully JT. We are just getting started aren't we?

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