So tonight I was innocently canning tomatoes when Lily walked into the kitchen and told me about a song she had just written. A song she was quik to add was just a joke. She asked if I wanted to hear it, of course I did. She began singing the following words (which she had written down on a paper) to the tune of "Renegade" by Styxx.
"Oh mamma I’m in sain with you’e drama and I cant keep up with you. Please mama stop the dramaaaaa because I can’t keep up with you. Oh mama Im in sain with your drama and I cant keep up with you".
O.k. first of all it is seriously hilarious! I can’t deny the reality of that song sadly, which makes it all the more funny. She is feeling a little self conscience about it because I laughed so much, although I reassured her it was because it was such a funny joke. It just makes me smile – where did that come from? Who’s hat did she pull that one out of? I don’t even remember listening to that song recently and to add the words she used to that tune was genius! I think she could have a no.1 hit with that one!
Random funnies make being a mom so enjoyable.