Jodi surprised me tonight by inviting me to go on a little bike ride with her for our anniversary. It was fun to just take time to talk one on one with her and share memories of the last 14 years together. Her seat had been lowered by Mason, so it was much more difficult for her to make the ride up Summer’s Hill. I remember her saying I am not sure if I am going to make it to the top. I thought to myself, I need to change my mindset so we make this a joy ride not a training ride. We kept riding and talking and before we knew it we were at the top. I said to her I thought you weren’t going to make it to the top. She replied, I have learned never to think that way when I am with you. Great Girl.
When we reached the top we parked our bikes by a spud cellar and she opened up my backpack and pulled out a bottle of sparkling soda, a nice card, a bag of chocolate covered cinnamon bears, a CD with “Our Songs”, and two glasses. She never ceases to impress me. We had out own private toast and treats. It was great to be there with her. We talked about how it is getting more natural to just enjoy one each others company and not worry about trying to make everything just perfect. I am so happy to have spent the last 14 years under the same roof as Jodi. She is a true friend and ally in this life. We are off to a good start.