The Harvest is greatI am just reminiscing on how much fun this last week was, I had a lot of good things happen and a few not so fun ones as well.
The not so fun thing this week was having to speak in church today, I told them I would rather run a marathon than speak in church. I spoke on Mosiah 2:41, it went pretty well the best part is that it is over now. Thanks Jodi and Dad for helping me write my talk.
The highlight of the week would have to be attending the Twin Falls Temple dedication tonight with Alexis and Mason. It was such a neat experience, to see President Monson in a more casual manor, he was making jokes and really opening up. He opened his talk with a funny comment about the choir, they had just sung and there was one lady who was trying to break glasses with her high notes. President Monson said something to the point, “I bet you haven’t heard that note in a long time.” It was very funny yet tactful. Good times on the Parker homestead…
 It was fun to have the kids start school again and see how excited they are to learn new things. |
 What a cute little angel |
 Looks like my love for trailers is getting passed down to the kids. |
 Ride like the wind Lily |
 I was working from home as I looked out the window I saw Lily and Olivia having a fun time together. |
 Cute little JT make every minute fun with his cute smiles. |
 Jodi’s parents came to visit and that was fun. |
 You want soup take a bowl… |
 Alexis the photographer doesn’t miss much |
 Go! |
 The bike rally was a blast for me, took me back to when I was a kid again. |
 Alexis doesn’t seem to get slowed down much by her broken arm, she was out pulling Olivia with a bike. |
 Looks like my love for trailers is getting passed down to the kids. |
 My favorite view, looking at my family at home. |
 Mason and Lily had to have their own little bike race, Alexis was the official flag girl. |
 Mason is becoming a true gentleman, he could have beat Lily but chose to let her win. |
 Awesome Idaho sunset |