Opportunity Cost

I received a phone call a couple days ago, I was asked if I wanted to go to Scout Camp with the 11 year old scouts.  Knowing that Mason was going and this would be his first official scout camp I volunteered without hesitation.  It wasn't until I had hung up the phone that I realized I had just made a sacrafice.  I was planning on running in the Teton Dam Marathon this weekend!

I hate to admit this but I was in a pickle mentally, I really wanted to run and earn a cool shirt, but I also wanted to be with Mason.  Logically it was a no brainer but still the mental battle raged.  I was trying to think of ways I could do both but with scout camp being 1 1/2 away it just wasn't feasible.  I remember well the concept I learned in college economics 111; Opportunity Cost – The price paid when giving up something good for something better.  I just didn't realize how much that cost could hit home later in life.  I had given my word and I knew I wanted to be with Mason far more than to gratify myself in a marathon.

I can't even compare the payoff, I had no idea how much fun and what a great experience it would be to go spend the night in the rain with Mason.  We went from station to station in a  mini pow wow format, in an effort to help the boys progress toward earning their First Class.  We all learned a great deal, but the learning was just beginning.  We attended a flag ceremony, the staff retired the colors in a very professional manor.  They then had us walk down to the amphitheater to have a little program of singing and funny skits.  The closing song was very special to me as they sang the Scout Vesper to the tune of Oh Tannebaum:

Softly falls the light of day,

While our campfire fades away,

Silently each scout should ask,

Have I done my daily task?

For my country done my best?

Prayed to God before I rest?

Helped a friend along the way?

Have I done my best today?

As I walked back toward our camp I was overtaken by the beauty of the song and the fact that Our Heavenly Father created such a beautiful world for each and every one of His Children to enjoy.  I felt the love from Our Heavenly Father as I looked around at each tree and flower, the green grass, the newly blooming wild flowers, etc.  What a gift we have been given to live in such an amazing world.  I texted my personal thoughts to Jodi to preserve the moment.  They are too sacred to share here, but they are still felt in my heart.

But wait there is more!  What happened later that night blew me away.  We were instructed to meet as a troup for the so called "Honor Trail".  I remember going on a few of these but never to this level.  It was so neat to walk through the dark and see the light of a Boy Scout holding a lantern and then hear them recite details about one aspect of the Scout Law.  Then walk to the on in the dark to the next Scout with a lantern and listen to the next point of the law.  It was amazing to say the least.  They each would start with their armed raised to a square with their three fingers raised in the scout salute. "A Scout is…then they would give details of how a scout should be Kind, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, etc. because a scout is…

As we were walking back to camp Mason said, "I want to come back every year."  Priceless.  I loved spending quality time with Mason this weekend.  We are looking forward to the father and sons outing later this month.  To top off the fun we had a nice rain storm all night long.  That just made it that much more fun.  I love my tent.

a song a song, were going to sing song

Wet wood does not burn too well

awesome sunset

Mason wanted this for his wallpaper

the gang

had to stop here for laughs

Home sweet home. My new tent!


Jodi said…

Sweet…Mason is just as lucky as you are! You both have each other. Glad you went and had an amazing experience together.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 11:05:48 AM

Stacie said…

Ya know it was just a race and this was LIFE! Way to go what a great experience! Memories like that are truley priceless and they don’t come around as often as they should!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 5:43:48 PM

Anne said…

Stephen looks like a memory that will last forever for both of you. Those are far and few moments. Way to follow your father’s hunch and be there for your son.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 2:19:02 PM

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