We love Valentines’ Day and it has been a wonderful one.
We celebrated with traditional pink pancakes and milk. As a bonus this year (using inspiration from my groundhog meatloaf discovery) I decided to serve individually shaped heart meatloafs to my family for dinner tonight. Interesting? I know! Wish we would have gotten a picture, but they were actually a hit.
Stephen and the children gave me an awesome picture, "Family Love" (inspired by John I hear). Stephen also gave me a handcrafted necklace from Stephanie’s collection – loved it! Stephen received a year’s worth of planned dates for each of the remaining months of this year….some nostalgic, some fancy, some simple, all going to be lots of fun!
Lily especially had a wonderful year. She was extremely excited about her Valentine Party at school where valentines had been distributed all week long into an envelope that was off limits until the party. She was also the most excited about pink milk and also left notes taped to Stephen and I’s door for when we got home from our date last night.
Lex gave all of her friends a valentine with a cough drop taped to them as a joke. Mason also had an eventful day.
Olivia, JT, and friend Ellie and I made Valentine cookies and Valentine mints – both equally delicious! Now that they are eaten maybe we can get more serious about eating less sugar?! Whew…