I was lucky enough to get to help out at Lily's Class Party this Halloween. Her party was on my anniversary and Lily asked if I should wear a dress and look fancy since it was my anniversary. I said I'd pass. 🙂 She was also concerned with the fact that I had lost my voice. On Tuesday I woke up hoarse and unable to use my full voice. When she came home from school and we looked at different options for the party she asked several times, "do you think you'll get your voice back before Thursday?" I think she was worried I'd get sick and not be able to come OR maybe she was worried about being embarrassed. Either way, we were covered because I got my semi-normal voice back Thursday.
She decided we should do a spooky & gross game because the boys would think it was cool. We decided on the Ghoulish Guess game. Students had to put their hand into a hole in a box and feel random items and decide what it was – I gave them 2 choices to help the game go more quickly. It helped. It was soo funny to watch their faces and see their reactions when I told them the different choices and they touched it. Lily got some gross objects to feel – Dracula's Heart & Eyeballs…. It seemed to be a hit even though it was scary for a few – I don't think I scarred anybody for life.
Mostly I loved being there with Lily. Life is going by quickly and she is doing such great things in life. She is a fabulous student and very concerned with following the rules. The teacher she has is perfect for her….she comes home to play school with Olivia and I see the things she is being taught. She teaches Olivia all that she knows – book smarts and street smarts. Olivia is a luck girl to learn from Lily.