Top of Utah Marathon

You would think I would remember how hard it is to run a Marathon having just run one 3 weeks ago. Must be like having a baby you forget the pain but remember the joy of success. Today was the Top of Utah Marathon (Logan Marathon). What a run, I definitely should have ran more in the last few weeks at least once would have been better than nothing, because I was feeling it today. Very beautiful scenery and run though. Thanks for the support Mom and Dad. Dad ran a few miles just taking pictures, and course Mom fed me (some grapes) to keep me going. The highlight of the run was the last 3 miles when Alexis decided to finish the race with me. These are the moments that I will forever treasure, she was such a trooper running a 8 1/2 minute mile with me. It was such a boost to see her not give up even when I wanted to. Thanks Alexis for making the run worth the previous 23 miles.

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