What difference does it make?

Last Saturday I ran the dreaded 5 mile run up the grueling Sunnyside Road Hill.  I made a goal long before evening starting to train for the Marathon that I wanted to run up it in 45 Minutes or 9 Minute mile.  That doesn’t sound like much when I am training on the flats and can run 6-7 minute miles fairly easy.  It is a whole different game when you have to run up 2000′ vertical feet in 5 miles.  I thought I was going to explode my heart was beating so fast, my legs were gone (I think that is because I installed 80 yards of carpet, vinyl and a flight of stairs two days before with just a knee kicker).  It started off pretty smooth I thought it would be fine, but that hill starts steep and just gets steeper and steeper.

About 3 miles into I kept thinking any time now I will get in the groove and it will get better.  It just kept getting harder, I chose to wear my pump as well because it worked great in the marathon two weeks ago.  But I found out that the pump is only good for moderate work outs, when it is extreme the pump is the enemy.  It was a great relief and boost when Mason came and ran with me for a bit, I wish he would have ran more I needed the help.  I kept looking down at my GPS to make sure I was under the 9 minute mark, I was doing good until 3 1/2 miles into it.  I was giving my all but my legs were gone, my back was hurting me, my lungs felt like they were bleeding.  I slowed to a 9 1/2 minute mile, then to the sinful 10 minute mile.  I was out of gas, I was getting low on blood sugar so i had to tell myself the new goal is to not walk once.  I kept that goal and kept pushing myself until I pushed farther and harder than I ever remember.  This was much harder than the 26.2 miles a couple weeks ago.  I was so close to just stopping, and walking, I mean what difference does it make?  It wasn’t like I was getting paid or an award if I made my goal.

1 Mile to go now, I can see the finish line but this is the steepest part yet.  I kept thinking about what our team experienced in the marathon, when Diana lost her knee and just kept pushing through the pain.  I kept pushing her and pushing her to keep going, little did I know I would eat my words today.  1/2 mile more, I am getting light headed I can see floaters and stars in my vision, my hands are starting to shake uncontrollably.  I need Trevin and now with is IV of Glucose. 100 yards to go, I see Mason and Lex and start yelling honey, honey, get me some honey.  Jodi comes to my rescue and walks me back to the van to give me the nourishment I need from honey and juice and fruit.

So what difference does it make?  I ran harder than ever on this hill, I ended up just over 45 minutes by a matter of seconds.  What difference does it make?  It makes a big difference!  Knowing that no matter how hard it gets I can keep plowing.  My destiny calls and I go.  I do it to show my kids, I can because I try.


Jodi said…

Man of La Diebetico strikes again in his determination to conquer the body. With you, your mind/determination will always win in the end! (Sometimes it’s good to listen to your body though- just for future reference!) 🙂
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 11:01:08 PM

John said…

Way to work through the pain. I am impressed. Great Job. Keep some honey in the pocket next time and the story may be even better. You are quite the brother.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009 8:25:07 AM

Anne said…

Way to go! Sounds like you powered right through it! If it were me I would be running 12/13 minute miles and felt proud! Way to conquer some demons and rely on your WILLPOWER!
Wednesday, July 01, 2009 10:11:14 PM

michelle said…

holy cow-that sounds like the monster hill. You know you are pretty much a bionic man or something. Thanks for showing that we can overcome hard things.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009 10:22:10 PM

Stephanie said…

Monte said you were like the Bionic Man and he was right. Be careful though you only have so many moments like that before your body says no more. ‘Take it easy’
Thursday, July 02, 2009 9:28:47 PM

Magan said…

I think your ready for the Sawtooth, great analogy that is what I felt like on that mountain pass
Tuesday, July 07, 2009 4:36:01 PM

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