16 Years Old

Our anniversary came and we grew another year older – 16 years officially together! Life has been so glorious it makes me want to giggle, smile, and weep and also so normal it makes me want to giggle, smile that it's over, and weep 🙂 . Without normal, we might not feel the reality of mortality that keeps us learning and refining ourselves. Humility, Charity, Loyalty. Words that have grown with us over the years.

Here are 16 random examples that I can name today to explain the past 16 years: amazing vacations to Guam, Hawaii, NYC, Paris, & Portugal; little pet peeves; five beautiful & healthy children; five overwhelming house building projects; fiercely worrying about whether or not Stephen will come back alive from climbing "the" mountain; diabetes; funny inside jokes & secrets; my cooking hopefully improving; better tolerance toward one another's weaknesses; varicose veins; emergency room visits; running a marathon together; various church callings; spooning every morning 🙂 ; me squealing in terror every winter while he drives; two-way love and admiration that continues to expand – getting even closer to unconditional! 

For our anniversary we did a room makeover. I was in the mood for simple & peaceful, and like usual in the decorating department, Stephen put his trust in me. It transformed from green to "Chintz" (taupe/gray) in one night! We both kept saying, "I hope we like this," as we painted. In the end we both love it. We spent a day in the second week of October painting. The next week picking out a comforter and making shelves. We are still putting finishing touches on it, but this is where we got by our anniversary.

I love the song "Everything" by Michael Buble and dedicate it to my man this year. Here's to many more years of making wonderful memories & laughing together, continuing to refine ourselves, and having faith in the Lord to accept whatever is placed before us.


Ma and Pa Parker said…

Congratulations, you two are really a great pair in accomplishing good things. We hope the very best for you always.
Thursday, November 04, 2010 7:36:15 AM

Diana said…

congrats on so many years together!!! You two have both blessed our lives. Your room is beautiful!

Friday, November 05, 2010 9:54:40 AM

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