What would you do if you were placed in a situation where you had the opportunity to help another in need? Would you pass them by or would you stop and drop what you were doing and help? I would hope that I would be found among those that would be lending a helping hand rather that try and fool myself into thinking that my agenda was more important than what the Lord had in mind for me. If we are to be true neighbors, we will be required to step out of our comfort zone and help anyone in need not just our family or friends or those we already care about.
Being a good Samaritan is not about just doing what is right and being kind to those that are kind to us, it requires that we perform acts of service to all people even those who are not of our faith or of our friendship circle.
“Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?
And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.” Luke 15:28-32
It is my personal challenge that I will always go and do likewise as the Lord counseled us to do.
Stephen, you are a good example of this kind of service and love.