
I was sitting in probably one of the most beautiful places in Rexburg Friday morning. As I sat there I looked at the draperies they were beautiful swags. I thought about my younger years and when I used to watch my mother make them (along with other amazing draperies) for a living. My dad would install them. I have pretty talented parents don’t you think? My mom learned how to make drapes from my dad’s mom, Lila Baldwin. They did this to supplement the income. The business name was of course, “Baldwin Draperies”.

I remember coming home from school when I was Lily’s and Mason’s ages and one of my chores was to help fold drapes. My mom constructed these drapes with a huge green serger and hemmer. She also had a very large drape table. It was a fun day when she needed to recover it. She would have to use her ruler and pen to write on the canvas the measurements so that she could make cuts easier.

My mom would wake up sooooo early in the morning to work without any interruptions (I can understand that now that I have five kids too). She was such a hard worker to be able to do that work and still take care of all of her children’s needs. I got to play out in the drape room (a room built onto the back of our detached garage) during the day while everyone else was at school. I loved the carpet best! It was a bunch of random carpet samples glued to the cement floor. It was great for playing hop scotch. I also loved using the drape book samples of fabric to pretend I was an interior designer.

Those were the days…


Stephen said…

It is always fun to hear about good memories from the past. Makes me wonder what things are sticking in our children’s minds to be called upon later in life.
Sunday, September 14, 2008 10:21:12 PM

Mom and Dad Parker said…

These are nice and meaningful memories. Mason will undoubtably remember his dad putting together tractors, Matt will remember Trevin’s roofing enterprise, Will will have a smorgasboard of memories, and all have memories of the service their Mom’s and Dads gave readily to others. Memories enrich or sadden our days in our older years. What fond memories we all have of Oregon coastlines, trips to Mexico, and even sad but meaningful funerals that glue us all together and make us hold on tight to our heritage.
Monday, September 15, 2008 12:57:02 AM

Stacie said…

I just attended a funeral of Blake Mortensens mom. She had cancer for 4 years and in the end had the same cancer Grandma Parker had. All of the children gave a little tribute and it was fun to hear their memories of their mother! It reminded me of being young with my mom! Memories are good! I hope when I am old I can remember the good times! Yes there are hard times too and they do make us stronger! I have gained a testimony of journaling lately! So I am going to start writing more! Thanks for sharing Jodi!
Monday, September 15, 2008 9:51:52 AM

jana said…

WOW what a tear jerker…I just am so glad to have the mother and father that I have and the great sisters, brothers, sister-in-laws and brother-in-laws that I can learn from daily you are all amazing and make me smile. Jodi your mom is a neat lady thanks for sharing your neat stories with me.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 8:30:16 AM

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