My Thanksgiving

I am grateful to be alive, to have a body that helps me accomplish what I need to do. I am grateful to have a spirit inside of my body that whispers truth when I listen. I am grateful for relationships that encourage, uplift, and motivate me to be my best self. I am grateful for the big picture, knowing the purpose of life and where I come from and where I want to be when earthly things are gone. I am grateful for freedom of country and free agency given from God; to go and do as I desire, to choose as I wish and learn from the consequences that follow whether they be good or bad. I am grateful for maturity and the process therein, to learn from the past and make choices that will prepare for future dreams and posterity. I am grateful for comforts of life – spiritual, physical, mental, financial, etc. I am grateful I have been given the opportunity love and be loved by some very special people; specifically Alexis, Mason, Lily, Olivia, & JT. I am grateful for companionship, and to get to live and experience these mentioned things with my best friend, Stephen Sperry Parker.

It is a blessing to be a alive at this day and time of human existence! 

Just for fun, here are the words to a song that has been on my mind and touched my heart recently. I just wanted to put the words down somewhere.


By, Charles Dickens

The pure, the bright, the beautiful that stirred our hearts in youth. The impulses to wordless prayer, The streams of love and truth, The longing after something lost, The spirit's yearning cry, The striving after better hopes; These things can never die, These things can never die.

The timid hand stretched forth to aid a brother in his need, A kindly word in grief's dark hour that proves a friend indeed; The plea for mercy softly breathed, When justice threatens high, The sorrow of a contrite heart; These things shall never die, shall never die.

Let nothing pass, for every hand must find some work to do, Lose not a chance to waken love; Be firm and just and true, so shall a light that cannot fade beam on thee from on high, And angel voices say to thee; These things can never die, These things can never die.

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