So I am trying to get back into the violin scene and pretend like I know what I’m doing. Last night was the first practice for the Rexburg Tabernable Orchestra and it was quite enjoyable. It is nice to have a goal to work toward and be surrounded with lovely music. I have to admit it is extemely intimidating being around such accomplished players. I find my spot in the back of the second violins to be most comfortable as I miss a note here or there. I have also been teaching Alexis, her friend Lacey and most recently my neice, Paige. It is actually quite fun for me. Alexis is getting better and better. I get some satisfaction with thinking that I taught her to do what she is doing. Music is such therapy for my soul – I love it. I have come to realize that even though I am not extremely proficient on the piano, violin or even singing – Music always makes me feel happy and that is why I keep finding myself involved in these endeavors.