It has been 6 months in incubation. The Teton Dam Marathon, for which I've been training, is about to be delivered: THIS SATURDAY MORNING! I've been committing myself (body and soul) to 4 days of running and 1 day of cross training a week. One of those runs usually ranging from 10 – 20 miles in distance. Some days I have been optimistic, and others full of despair – this trail has been filled with many feelings while I've finally approached delivery, much like the birth of a baby. While I don't want to overshadow the fact that having a real baby is much more miraculous and life changing, I would like to try to relate how training for this marathon has been like being pregnant. Maybe some of the mother's out there can relate a little.
Excitement vs. Reality: When you find out you are preganant you are really excited, you can't wait to hold that baby (or medal if you are running). Then reality sets in and you get morning sickness and are extremely tired ALL of the time. Running those first long distances can make one really tired! And I hate to get personal, but on one of the runs I was pretty sick to my stomach and had to make a quick getaway on my friend's husband's bike – that was utterly embarrassing!
Body limitations: When I'm prego, I get many aches and pains that I never knew could exist in my body – same as running at this level of intensity. Just like when I'm pregnant I have felt the bulge in my right ankle which feels like a bruise. I am also hoping to hang on to the two toenails that have turned black.
Emotional: Sometimes you just want to cry! Whether it be out of joy or feeling overwhelmed.
Sacrifice: Sometimes you have to miss out on life events/parties/meetings all for the sake of running a long distance. It is quite the orchestration to fit 3 peoples' schedules together once a week and then hold your breath that the weather will cooperate! When you are pregnant you seem to have to miss out on hikes, rides at Lagoon or Disneyland, jet skiing, sledding, or riding bikes with your kids.
Neglect: I don't know about other moms, but when I'm pregnant I feel like a terrible mom. Mostly because I feel crappy and tired…I don't feel up to doing much or throwing a party. Running has been a little different – I don't feel crappy, I just have to be gone a lot, and with Stephen coming with me I have felt the sacrifice of leaving my children to fend for themselves week after week. They are amazing and have been a huge support. I know they are well taken care of by Alexis (thanks!!!!), I just have hated to expect that from her and to miss out on the fun things they are doing.
Moral Support: Friends are the best when you are getting ready to have a child baby and even when you are getting ready to deliver a dam baby. I have been encouraged by many friends and it is very nice, because I really need a lot of positive vibes going out on my behalf – every bit helps. My dear friend, Diana, has been running this trail with me and it has been wonderful to have a girl to vent to and have relate to what I'm going through. She has been trying to juggle family time, deal with aches and pains, keep up with all the school events, and have the desire to face one more 5:15 a.m. morning – just like me. I'm here to say, if it weren't for her, I would have bailed on many of those mornings. But knowing that she was there waiting made me be able to push the alarm button and hop out of bed, instead of push snooze and think "I'll do it later today." Which you and I know would never happen.
Duration: lucky for me this big dam baby has only taken 6 months of my life as opposed to 9 months. BUT I do need to add that none of my babies were 26.2 pounds! It is a monster baby.
Gratitude: Just like when I have delivered my real babies, I have complete gratitude and amazement at the ability of the human body – My body! It can do hard things when I allow my mind to think positively. My sister-in-law picks mantra's to live by and this year's is: "If you think you can, you can." She passed me a necklace with this inscribed on it this past weekend. It meant a lot coming from a fellow marathoner and It is true! When I have to run up Summer's Hill on Saturday you can bet I'll be chanting that mantra in my head – o.k. maybe outloud.
My Man: Stephen. He encouraged me to do this because he believes in me, and he has been running right by my side throughout all of these crazy days. He has helped me stay focused on the grand prize and has also given me drinks of ice water – just like any of my other babies. What would I do without him? Just like being pregnant – he has gotten me through this long 6 months because he keeps believing in me when I'm ready to give up. He is why I have done this and I will be thanking him Saturday with a big smile – I might even have to give him a kiss. He knew I could do something that I just didn't have the heart to think about. How many girls can say they've run a martathon with their hubby? I don't know, but now I can add my name to the list.
I will be in labor Saturday morning from 6:30 – 10:30 or 11 am (no epidural). After that I can say I've delivered my Dam Baby once and for all!
Diana said…
I loved every word of that. Great analogy! You could say that you & Stephen will be delivering twins! I am excited to have been on this journey with you!
Thursday, June 11, 2009 7:43:57 AM
Anne said…
Hi Jodi, I was just thinking of you this morning! I can relate to a lot of your feelings. For me…all the good was HUGE! I was amazed how much people told me I was crazy and how much more nervous it made me, ugh! So… yippee skippy…way to go…I am SO proud of you…I KNOW you will do great…a step at a time…If you think you can, You Can…smile every time someone cheers and every time you get tired (it really helps me)…you CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009 9:58:27 AM
Steph said…
See you Saturday at the Park. You will do great, you’ve prepared well.
Thursday, June 11, 2009 1:04:05 PM
Mom and dad Parker said…
Too bad we can’t be there. One good thing. After getting the medal, it won’t cry and keep you up for months. Run like the wind!
Thursday, June 11, 2009 2:59:02 PM
Jana said…
you can do it!! I am super proud of you and wish I had half the heart you’ve got..good luck in the delivery!
Thursday, June 11, 2009 4:43:18 PM