Gray and Red visits

Gray is a pretty color, just not sure I”m ready for that change yet?!The past few days I have noticed that among my brown hair are unwelcome “natural” highlights. I was in denial until today when I leaned closer into the mirror and plucked out several strands of gray. They are gone now (ouch)! It is only a matter of time until they move in to stay. I actually think gray hair is very pretty. I’m just not so sure I’m ready for that change yet.

On a happier note:

Let’s think of the color: RED. As in Red Rocks! I am getting so stoked for our family trip to Moab this weekend! The 13 miles I have to run on Saturday to grant me the pleasure of this visit will be well worth it – not to mention I can burn a few calories too. Stephen and I feel like kids at Christmas, can’t wait to breath some warm air, soak in some rays, hopefully get a sunburn, and enjoy some beautiful country – all with the people we love the most (our kids). YIPEE!


Dad and Mom Parker said…

Nature has a way of changing us. Sometimes we just have to grow into the changes. You can’t think of it has gray. It’s silver, that makes you feel better about it. Remember you earn all of those silver hairs.
Monday, March 16, 2009 8:30:59 AM

Michelle said…

Good luck on the run. I am impressed! Wish we could be there to cheer you on!
Monday, March 16, 2009 8:42:19 AM

Stephen said…

I love gray hair…make you look more intellectual
Monday, March 16, 2009 9:34:46 AM

Anne said…

Can’t wait to see you guys this weekend! Looks like it will be warm. Hey, I think you are beautiful just the way you are and my way of having the glass half full is…we just are going to maybe learn to be humble better than those perfect hair people out there.
Monday, March 16, 2009 12:21:28 PM

John said…

I am glad you get to do it again. It will be much more fun without a sick Stephen. Gray is where it is at. I am filling in nicely with my new color of hair. I think the red rock has magical powers to refresh and make you happy. Have a great weekend.

Monday, March 16, 2009 9:15:18 PM


Days from long agoFLASHBACK #1
Today I was out in the hallway at church getting ready to join the ward choir for rehearsal. I was running late (as usual) and had to stop when I heard the music. They were singing one of my FAVORITE choral songs ever, “A Gaelic Blessing” by John Rutter. It was like hearing from an old friend – WONDERFUL. I really do love this song if you can’t tell. I leaned over to the person seated next to me and let her know that this song has to be sung at my funeral. When I came home and told my family, Alexis said she would sing it at my funeral for me. Thanks Lex, but I’m hoping your grandchildren will do it instead because I’m not that eager for it to happen yet! I was introduced to this song as a high school girl singing with the Madison Bel Cantos. My rooted emotions stem from the simple joy and profound pleasures of building a stronger testimony of my Savior Jesus Christ through song. Not only is the music very beautiful, the words speak volumes of how I really feel about people and life – even from back then 15 years ago! I think it speaks of our road to happiness as we realize the love of our Savior and then wanting deeply for others to find that same joy.

I recently returned from visiting my brother, Scott, and his family. It was such fun! They are pretty much the coolest family, they have it all figured out – what an inspiration to be around them for a few days. I was even kid-free so I could enjoy their kids (Which included a sweet newborn baby boy) without any distractions. SIDE NOTE: My husband deserve serious props for taking on 5 kids by himself for 5 days! Not many men would have been up for that challenge – but then again he is always up for a challenge and he really loves his kids. Onto the flashback now – Scott is a very talented musician and always has been. He whipped out his guitar and we sang a little music from “Big River” just like the olden days. We sang a lot at my house as we grew up – mostly on Sunday nights and sometimes after dinner during the week. Music was one of my favorite things about my house. It was fun to sing hymns, musicals, or whatever else we were in the mood for, even music from the 1930’s and 1920’s. While in Texas we also talked about the scripture that my dad had us read on more occasions than I can add up. The scripture is Mosiah 4:14-15. It is about loving and serving one another. We read this a lot because it was used as a teaching tool after we were yelling or fighting with each other. Scott pointed out to his daughter that we would fight over who was going to turn the T.V. off – silly? I know! It was fun to see that scripture come to fruition…I had fun trying to serve a little while I was there and of course the love has multiplied now that he has a wife and three children.

I saw my old violin teacher while I was on a date at Bajio a couple of weeks ago. I was so glad because I have thought of him often over the past 2 years and had a grateful heart. I have felt a need to tell him thanks for the many things I learned musically. He was a person that I saw every day of my school life from 5th grade on to 12th. My favorite part of playing the violin was performing at an orchestra concert. I didn’t enjoy soloing and still don’t. It is nice to be part of an ensemble that creates a beautiful sound.

A day without making a meal

my new pen that my dad made for me and my new shirt that my mom got for me – thanks!

My birthday was just great – I got out of making lunch and dinner! Which means NO dishes! Even better right? Stephen took me to lunch and then we ended up taking the whole family to dinner, my "cake" was sharing asphalt pie with Alexis- yummy! My kids were so great all day long, no fighting and they were extra helpful and positive. Alexis gave me a bow holder, Lily gave me a mug with hearts on it that she got from DI and Olivia gave me her box of Olivia puppets that we have made together. Fun stuff! My mom and dad were here this past weekend and totally spoiled me as well! I got the deluxe treatment – thanks to them! It is nice to get spoiled once in a while. I will say that I love getting older each year. It is great to live another day and make memories and moments and learn and grow. I’ve got a good gig goin’ on here.


Here are a few of my home made projects…

I made this dress for myself – it turned out pretty well.
I love this skirt on Olivia – I made a matching one for Lily too. I used 11 jelly rolls strips to make both skirts and then added some satin blanket binding. Don’t you love it? I found this idea off of some random blog.
I also love this dress Lily has on – I learned how to do shirring on this baby. Using elastic thread!


Mom and Dad Parker said…

We love the dresses too, but the models are outstanding.
Monday, February 16, 2009 12:27:22 AM

michelle said…

Sooo cute-you are so talented Jodi! Clothes frighten me, so I am very impressed.
Monday, February 16, 2009 3:54:10 PM

Magan said…

I need to live closer so I can learn some better sewing skills. Very cute dresses! can I put an order in
Monday, February 16, 2009 7:14:29 PM

Michelle said…

Jodi- You look like a model. You are so pretty. Nice work on all the dresses.
Monday, February 23, 2009 10:56:26 AM

Top Ten

Great Ladies!I have been wanting to have a Top Ten party for a long time – thanks to Anne’s inspiration. I finally did it this past week and it was a great time! I found that my own top ten have changed since the last time I participated in one. We had fun laughing, telling stories, and eating our favorite foods.

Here are some fun things that were shared:
*Redd Family Food Challenge – one mom challenges her kids (one week out of the month) to make the meals and the best meal receives an award. Of course she has older children than me, but I am going to save that in the back of my mind for future use!
*One friend told us that her favorite saying is when her husband says “I just need to get jiggy with it.”
*I found out that one friend shaves her legs EVERY DAY! Yikes – I think she deserves and award for that.
*Another friend loves the 70’s – a funny discussion took place about hash jeans at this point.
*One person shared her yummy recipe for spinach artichoke dip – so yummy.
*Surprising that one friend loves to listen to “barracuda” when she goes down hill skiing.
*Another friend loves to wear red toe nail polish.
*Did you know ivory soap can be used to take out a stain? I didn’t!
*Many of us love getting a good deal!
*Jane Austen made the list of at least half of the ladies.

It is good to have fabulous people surrounding and supporting one another!

Magical Molasses

Today Olivia helped me make molasses cookies. We had a great time, especially rolling out the dough and then putting sprinkles on them! One of my earliest memories of my Grandma Beattie is helping her make these same cookies when I was just about Olivia’s age. It is funny how certain foods and smells can take you back to another time and place – kind of like magic!


Stephen said…

What a cute little helper you have!
Thursday, February 12, 2009 10:33:49 PM

Grandma and Grandpa Parker said…

That looks like a great tasting way to enrich covenant relationships. The kitchen seems to be a natural place to make sweet memories. We agree with Stephen, She is a cutie.
Thursday, February 12, 2009 11:33:57 PM

michelle said…

Fun memories-I love how you are passing them on to your cute little helper. She looks like she is loving every minute.
Friday, February 13, 2009 7:22:16 AM

Tough Girls

The Blue line is where they have beenI had to smile when I saw Jodi and her friend running in the blowing snow, and ice covered roads. They ran 11 miles in this madness, all I can say is they are tough girls. I snapped these shots from my office window, and tracked her with her phone using GPS. Good Job!


Dad and Mom Parker said…

That doesn’t look like too much fun, but it keeps you in shape. Be careful not to fall and hurt yourself. You can hardly see you in the snow.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 1:01:47 PM

Jodi said…

Tough or stupid?! BTW – What the poperotzie??? One can not get too comfortable with a photo lurker in the midst! How lucky for me that I have a fan – thanks for supporting me! 🙂
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 2:58:59 PM

Diana said…

We are so cool!
Thursday, February 12, 2009 9:16:40 AM

John said…

Great shots Stephen. Way to keep the poperatzi alive in Idaho. Jodi you are pretty darn committed. In more ways than just running. Fun Blog.
Friday, February 13, 2009 3:33:22 PM

Turquoise, Spoons, and Diamonds

Turquoise is probably one of my favorite stones. I love that color, a lot! I developed this found affection in my childhood as I went to Rock Shows as a little girl. My Grandpa Beattie worked with gems and would go to shows to sell his jewelry and such. I loved looking at geodes, rock book ends, and most of all turquoise. If my memory serves me correctly my Grandpa usually had a large rock of polished turquoise on his finger, my Grandma wore cool necklaces. When they passed away, my mom and her brothers received the remainders. It was always fun rummaging around and looking at the stones and settings. My mom had this cool spoon ring in her collection…I just had to have it. I love it, love it, love it – forever!

Later in my life, I visited my brother Eric in Jackson Hole, WY during the summer after his senior year. He worked in a fun store with a section of jewelry. I remember trying on the great bracelets and thinking to myself, I am going to work here someday too. So of course that is just what I set out to do and accomplished. I talked two of my friends into working with me in Jackson the summer after our senior year. No need to even tell this, but I got to work in the jewelry sections of the store, the shortcut name on the job charts or lingo in the store was “turquoise”. You know I loved that. I was a buffing queen! I buffed and shined silver and tried on as many expensive pieces as I could. I felt right at home behind the counter, perhaps it was in my blood.

I couldn’t make it a profession, working there in Jackson. Too many days working on Sunday and I did have an education to continue, so I moved after Labor Day to go back to school. A year later, I got engaged to this amazing guy who just had come home from a mission and had 0 money! My mom showed him the wedding ring she inherited from my grandma and offered to donate 3 diamonds for the cause. My Uncle Morgan (took after my Grandpa Beattie in the jewelry department and makes it for a hobby) took the diamonds and set them in the setting I picked out. Stacie, Stephen’s sister, loaned Stephen the $300 it cost (which of course was a darn good deal!). I now get the honor wearing this ring – and people say I’m not sentimental!

After getting married I got to know Stephen’s grandmother – Elaine. You really KNEW where you stood with her – I liked that (most of the time). When Stephen first introduced me to her and told her we were getting married she said, “You’re marrying her?” I wish I could add inflection of voice through typing! I was pretty much scared of her for a few years, but I will readily admit now that I grew to love her as much as my own grandma! She was a special lady who left her mark wherever she went. On several occasions, I complimented her on the cool turquoise necklace that she wore. She was so proud to tell me all about how her son, Tom, had given it to her. After her passing, I was fortunate enough to get to take this piece of her home with me. Today I wore the cool, turquoise, bear necklace. It made me happy all day long! I treasure it not only because it is turquoise, but because it is a tangible piece of someone I loved – just like my rings!

My hair has had a long day, but my necklace looks great!


Mom and Dad Parker said…

You wear it well. We also love the memories of things that were valuable to others. Thanks for sharing these special stories and feelings.
Sunday, February 08, 2009 1:18:25 AM

Magan said…

Love this post, I too have been blessed with jewelry from my grandmothers and yours. I love the jewelry for it’s beauty but truly cherish the memory of the exquisite women before me.
Sunday, February 08, 2009 7:42:01 PM

Patricia said…

Jodi, I am so glad you are my daughter. I love you so much! You make me so happy! XOXO Mom
Thursday, February 12, 2009 10:24:12 AM

Happiness List

My mom forwarded me an email and I stole this list from it. I thought they were great reminders:

1. Free your heart from hate.
2. Free your mind from worry.
3. Live simple.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

I am planning on starting with #5!


Dad and Mom Parker said…

That’s a great list. We loves lists, it helps us stay focused. Thanks for sharing these great ideas.
Sunday, February 01, 2009 11:40:10 PM

Stephanie said…

Trevin always tells me when I ask him to give me a move in date that “expectation is the cause of disappointment.”
Monday, February 02, 2009 9:43:25 AM