Brain Exchange

Somebody took my brain away and I don’t know where to find it – help!

It is no joke – I’ve either lost some brain cells (a likely probability after 5 kids) OR I’m on brain overload OR I am just a “special” mom who needs some special education. Something really did happen to my memory, what little of one I had to begin with.

Here is the problem… I used to be able to rely on a pencil and paper. If I wrote something down, I could be depended on. Now I can’t be trusted. You can’t count on me…I don’t like the sound of that.

Here is the most recent brain disappointment from a whole lot of ’em…I like to go running in the morning, but I have had a few brain lapses on the correct meeting time in the past previous weeks. I’ve chalked it up to an honest mistakes, but I know something is really wrong because of what happened last night:
I got done talking to my running partner after we made a plan for the week (we are in training for the Canyonlands 1/2 marathon in March). I reassured her that I would write it down and would FOR SURE be ready. I immediately went to my alarm clock to set the correct time – So I wouldn’t forget and I would be ready! After that I went along with my business finishing up nightly tasks. I hopped in bed double checked my alarm one more time (I would feel so bad if my friend had to get up and wait in vain once again) – I was determined to be dependable, no more excuses. I went to sleep, slept pretty well, and woke up using my internal clock 20 minutes after my alarm was supposed to ring! Apparently I unset my alarm when I double checked – dub! It wasn’t a happy time for me or Stephen who had to listen to my melt down – I punished myself by running 4 long miserable miles alone on my hot, lonely, treadmill! I hated making the call to my understanding friend with my latest excuse. I’ve decided I tired of excuses, just give me a new brain. It is really sad when I try so hard – even over try!

I make a big deal of this incident because it seems like running was the last thing in my life that I had control over – and now that’s gone!

Help – I really want a smart brain, can I have yours?


Dad Parker said…

You don’t want mine. I have forgotten so many important dates that you would be happy to stay with yours. I forgot to speak at a missionary farewell years ago, and I was the only speaker at the meeting because he didn’t have an active family. I forgot to go to the Sugar-Salem Jr. Mister to be a judge. The list is pretty long. I just rely on Sharon to keep me from embarrassing myself. I even forget that we haven’t eaten all day when we travel. Relax, it will keep you humble.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009 1:28:22 AM

michelle said…

Jodi-thank you for letting us know that you are normal. I pretty much think you have it all together. You even get your thank you cards out! I just think about and kick myself until it’s embarrassing too late. I agree about the brain thing. I had to get that little palm phone to sing at me anytime I am supposed to be anywhere. Please just tell me it’s a mom thing. You are doing great!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 2:14:26 PM

Jodi said…

Phew – I feel better now…thanks for the sympathy! It’s nice to now it happens to the best :).
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 8:32:26 PM

Riley said…

The list of things I’ve forgotten is endless!!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009 1:47:49 PM

Susan said…

Jodi, sweetie, trust me, I KNOW for a fact that you don’t want to trade brains with me. As long as you remember yours , Stephen’s, your kid’s names and that the church is true, you’ll be just fine! Laughing at yourself is a great talent!
Thursday, January 29, 2009 12:47:01 PM

Megan said…

Ya, this kind of reminds me of one of the times when I was Primary chorister (the calling I have now incidently–it keeps coming back to me!). I was teaching “Beautiful Savior” and I think we had whipped through the first verse fast and so I approached a brief rundown of the 2nd verse before I had really prepared to teach it. So I’m up there and the verse goes “Fair are the meadows,Fair are the woodlands,Robed in flowers of blooming spring” and I (without a brain at the moment) pronounced “robed” instead as “ro-bed”. So I’m up there talking (no thinking going on here)”…Hmmm…Ro-bed..boys and girls, I think I’ll have to look up that word and let you know next week what it means.” Yes, and this was in front of teachers and everyone. I still can’t sing that verse without smiling and blushing a little. (The gem lives on!)
Saturday, January 31, 2009 12:21:40 AM


By the way, please don’t read this if you thought our family was perfect – I would hate to shatter the image of what I wish sometimes were a reality!

Last night my family and I finished watching “Singles Ward 2”. I couldn’t hold back the laughter when I saw the camera span over the Sunday congregation and stop on a mother with a bunch of children to take care of. She pulled a gallon of milk out of her church bag and started pouring bowls of cereal for her kids. A few seconds later you see her making a peanut butter sandwich for her little boy. – Cracked me up! I thought of it as a large exaggeration of a typical LDS sacrament meeting at least in Utah or Idaho, but after church today I’m thinking I might want to try that plan of attack! Maybe that is the trick to avoid the humility my children seem to give me the pleasure of learning.

I’m am almost positive that on one Sunday or another many latter-day saint moms wonder if it is worth subjecting themselves to the struggle (yes, I want to accentuate that word) it is to take children to church. I even have the added luxury of having my husband sit with me on the pew – lucky me!

I usually double up on the deodorant for Primary, but I’m going to have to consider tripling up the efforts in that department, because here is what happened today during sacrament meeting:

1. We have Olivia! She is one of the cutest 3 year olds in the entire world and sweet as a button but chooses (because I know she knows how) NOT to whisper. She talks loudly or laughs loudly or gets upset loudly. O.k. so it probably seems louder than it really is when we are in a reverent quiet atmosphere such as sacrament meeting.
2. We have Lily! Again, one of the cutest, sweetest 7 year olds on the planet BUT don’t make her mad! She will make you pay and it is not pretty! (literally and figuratively)
3. We have JT – I forgot that I shouldn’t wear knee length skirts with a climbing baby – oops the people around me got more than they bargained for if they saw the show! Oh and I hope they shampoo the carpet at the church regularly because he has left several spit up remnants to help “break in the carpet”.
4. We have Alexis – now usually I can’t get on her case because she does a pretty good job, BUT today I looked over and she had pulled out a deck of face cards from her purse and she was telling Mason “pick a card”. Seriously, I got done listening to the new callings and bam – Lexi and Mason are playing with face cards? How did that happen, I didn’t even think we had a owned a deck cards? They were quickly confiscated – I am sure the people behind me loved watching that transpire because I was REALLY shocked.
5. We have Mason – honestly today, he did fairly well during sacrament meeting. But last week I looked over at him in Primary and he had an origami paper stuffed in each side of his nostrils.

Of course I am dwelling on the negative to prove my point – there really are some good things going on as well, but WOW the bad sure do stand out when you want things to go smoothly :).

I am learning about humility on my Sundays at church…I hope someday it will evolve into something much deeper and meaningful, but for now I am just hoping that I can pick myself up and gear up for one more Sunday!


Magan said…

I think you guys spiced up church this week. Very funny. I can’t believe Olivia, I have barely heard her say one word.
Sunday, January 18, 2009 4:47:03 PM

Grandpa and Grandma Parker said…

This reminds us of what Sister Lent said in the worldwide training. She said a lady watched her at church and said “if my kids were as good as yours and if it was as easy for me as you, I would have a large family too.” They never know how hard it might have been, getting there. Keep up the good work, it gives others hope. They are good kids!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 4:37:13 AM

michelle said…

I’m with you Jodi! I have left many sacrament meetings feeling like we were the show. Zach chose to sing the closing song this week in his primary, scream at the top of his lungs, voice. The entire chapel could hear. I like your great attitude about being humbled. I will think of that each week as I am also humbled.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 10:05:58 PM

Magan said…

Eric reminded me how could I forget you want a bad church experience. My child pulled the fire alarm at stake conference!
Friday, January 23, 2009 4:48:26 PM

4 miles in "his" shoes

Today Stephen and I went on a lovely cross country ski date with two other couples from our neighborhood. We woke up at 6 am and were at the trail head near Cave Falls by 7:30ish. What a beautiful site to behold – the calm serenity was a big plus for a life that always seems on the go!

As we were unloading and finding our skis our friend, Matt, noticed that they had given him 2 extremely different shoe sizes at the rental shop. He was gracious and said he would just watch a movie in the car, etc. not wanting to damper our fun…when who came to the rescue? My husband – Stephen. He offered to wear the shoe (which was 3 sizes too small for him) – he then transferred his shoe to our other friend, Casey, who quickly saw the need. He then took of his shoe to give to the unfortunate Matt. Matt and Casey were each wearing a shoe that was two sizes two small on one foot. I’m sure all three will be sporting a nice blister tonight, but have absolutely no regrets or complaints.

I have to admit I was smiling deep inside at the analogy of it all. Isn’t that what life’s all about?

Good times, Good people, Good conversation, and a Good place to enjoy it all!


Mom and Dad Parker said…

“Flexibility is a sign of a happy family”, even a family of friends. It must have been a wonderful day. Looks like there’s plenty of snow.
Sunday, January 11, 2009 1:55:56 AM

Anne said…

Way to go jump in Stephen! Not surprising at all, just the kind of good man you are. Infact, if I can just say ALL the Parker men seem to be so good like that. Bruce you taught them all well.

Looks beautiful and like a great time with friends! So glad you got to go enjoy a fun day together in the beautiful snow and fresh air. Looks like a great date!
Sunday, January 11, 2009 2:43:54 PM

Steph said…

That looks like good cold fun. I am not surprised Stephen would offer his shoes, you have good friends and that makes it easier to want to help them.
Sunday, January 11, 2009 8:45:11 PM

michelle said…

looks like a great time. I love your ambition getting up for an early date. Way to be Stephen-the unselfish Parker way.
Monday, January 12, 2009 9:21:36 PM

Offended? NOT!

this is a picture of cjane from her blogMy friend, Diana, told me about a recent post on a blog that was somewhat comical…I actually loved this post written on the cjane (picture of her to the right) website on January 1, 2009 – It goes to show how well meaning words can be misconstrued. Isn’t it funny that people will openly criticize another’s thoughts on their blog? Because that is what a blog is – somebody’s thoughts, right? Why can’t we all just love each other anyway – and stop worrying, comparing, or being offended. I guess we all have choices, to read or NOT to read – that is the question.

It made me think about blogging…it is a crazy phenomenon. I like that I am able to communicate with my family and friends and share a piece of my life with them while I am making a history of my little family and life. I give a disclaimer that that is exactly what I am doing (making a family/personal history)- it is a selfish motive (just like the reader accused jane of in the above link) on my part I guess as I publish it for others to read as well. I am certain that those reading my blog might not want to see me toot my horn or that of my cute family entry after entry – BUT I guess that is what a blog is, isn’t it?

Personally I enjoy reading about other’s lives and accomplishments. I am happy when they are happy and sad when they are sad and am strengthened by words and experiences that are shared. Offended? NOT!


Mom and dad Parker said…

Did we miss something? Did someone say something about our blogging or something? As for us, we like it.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009 3:35:31 PM

John said…

You go girl. It keeps us folks far away in touch with your family and life. You are quite inspiring as well. I have gained many insights from your past blogs. Keep on typing.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009 4:14:51 PM

Jodi said…

Sorry if I confused you all! I didn’t explain myself very clearly (I made some adjustments so hopefully it makes more sense). Basically, I read this girl’s blog and it got me thinking about stuff…
Tuesday, January 06, 2009 4:34:59 PM

Diana said…

It really got you thinking! I think it is great to blog & to be self-centered, because just like you and Jane said, it is about ourselves.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009 4:13:47 PM

Just passing by

Did you know that a song can heal a heart even when it didn’t realize it needed healing? I got a nice surprise today as I drove home from the Rexburg Temple.

I decided to pop in a favorite CD I haven’t listened to in a while. I skipped quickly through the tracks until track 11 – “Just Passing By” by Doug Walker. I suddenly realized he was singing exactly how I had been feeling over the past few weeks/months and didn’t even realize it – funny how life will do that to a person. I have been contemplative about various things that have been occurring around me – Sudden Deaths, Lack of quality Health as age sets in, Birth, Ward Callings, Sibling Contention, Miracles, Commercialism, Economy problems, insurance, selling cars, extended family dynamics, how to keep my house clean, when to get my projects done, are my children getting their needs met?, are they safe? (physically and emotionally), when will I make homemade bread again, and so forth. Sometimes it is just hard to put all of those kind of feelings into words. It seems like this could be one of those times too :).

Life – what is it all about anyway? This song answered the question for me.

Preferred Elite

Stephen has been bugging me to make a journal entry about this for posterity sake, I have mixed feelings about it but here goes: We’ve been talking with our life insurance agent a lot lately and decided that I should get some additional coverage. With that decision came the need for testing. A nurse came to my house and took my blood and urine sample and I answered a few questions. A week or so later, I got a call from my insurance agent informing me that he thought he quoted me for the wrong status and that they would need to come back and do some more testing and ask me some more questions, my mind started getting worried until he said the words "we think you will qualify for the ‘preferred elite’ status and get an even better rate!" What? Did I hear him correctly? Since when did that happen… I thought the odds were stacked against me and that I was destined for a future health battle with bad genes to blame (heart problems seem to be the trouble for my family). I’m definitely NOT complaining – I think I am just in shock. So last week I got the official call back with the news that I passed the tests! I guess there goes all of my excuses for getting out of some of the stuff Stephen has planned for me in the future :). It is certain that only time can really tell how far my health will really take me, but for now I am going to be proud to be called, "preferred elite!" It might be the only time in my life that I’ll be able to use those words with my name next to it.

Who Cares Anyway?

I live with a very ingenious man, and I have the picture to prove it!

Take a look at this picture of Stephen plowing our driveway today and you can see what kind of mind I get to live with on a daily basis. He decided to wrap his tractor in plastic to make a cab – even remembering to cut a flap on the side to peek out with. You just have to smile at a man who is so happy and confident in his skin that he’s in – he could care less what things look like! Functionality definitely wins out over looks and appearances. This is one of the many traits that make me glad to be married to the inventive/creative Stephen Parker. It is refreshing to be around a person who is NOT materialistic and vain, granted a few reminders from me are often heard (“like you can’t wear white socks with dark pants”). A few times I have caught myself trying to feel embarrassed – like the time he tried to get me to ride the bike with and chain saw engine. In the end do these kind of things really matter? NO! Most always he creates a life that is more fun, practical, and adventurous. I have a feeling I’m helping raise a few more inventors/creators. Life is sure to be full of more future surprises.


John said…

Stephen is a wonderful mix of Genius, Hard Work, and Craziness. You throw in a soft and serving heart and you get one heck of a brother. Thanks for the great example you are to all of us. We all could use a little more “Stephen” in all of us.
Monday, December 22, 2008 9:20:29 PM

Mom, Dad and Paul said…

See a need and fill it. Some say it’s a way to get rich, but it’s also a way to get things done. That’s a nice lookin tractor
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:13:33 AM

Jana said…

Glad to be Stephens sister he sure makes any situation more fun and inventive that’s for sure.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:52:27 AM

lex said…

hey!I like picking out his ties!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008 4:11:07 PM

In Case You’re Wondering…

Just in case you’re wondering, one mile in the pool at BYUI equates into 36 laps – that is counting going down and back as 1 lap! Today I had a good giggle in the locker room with my friend, Diana, as we snapped on our swim caps and felt our brains throbbing. We put on our goggle and looked official as we made our way into the pool. While there, I made friends with a few people who gave me a some swimming pointers. Such good tips (one being that when you put your face in the water you are always blowing out so that when you come up for air you can take in a good deep breath) that I was able to come home and tell Stephen that I swam with my face in the water! This is very huge for me and now I feel more optimistic about my goal. I still have a long way to go, but this is a big first step.

Oh ya, and just in case you’re wondering, the picture from my previous post is NOT me! Alexis asked if is was the other day and I had to think hard about telling the truth. 🙂 When I told her no, she said, “Well I didn’t think I’d seen those muscles before.” (sniff, sniff)

Oh, and one more thing – in case you’re wondering…I came across a wonderful quote today, taken from President Monson’s First Presidency Message in the 2008 December Ensign. Here it is:

“The spirit of Christmas illuminates the picture window of the soul, and we look out upon the world’s busy life and become more interested in people than things. To catch the real meaning of the ‘spirit of Christmas,’ we need to only drop the last syllable, and it becomes the ‘spirit of Christ.'”

That quote for me encompasses all that I hope to accomplish in life – it is a wonderful thought and aspiration.


Bruce and Sharon said…

Thanks for that quote, we really loved it. We have been forced to think more about others this year and it really is a good feeling. We sure miss all of the family but know they are in good hands. You all make us very happy.
Friday, December 12, 2008 4:27:46 PM

Stephanie said…

You go Jo! I will cheer you on the whole way. I can’t get up early let alone to put on a bathing suite and get in a cold pool. You’re crasy! I admire your ambition and hope to get a little some day.
Saturday, December 13, 2008 6:43:55 PM

Diana said…

Swimming is getting better & better. You sound a lot more confident than last week! The “Spirit of Christ”. . . . love it.
Monday, December 15, 2008 1:24:33 PM

This girl’s not in College anymore!

This will be me someday – I hope?!The weather is changing here in my neck of the woods – which makes running NOT seem as fun as it normally does. Because really it is just about my favorite thing to do everyday (wake up at 5:30 am and bundle up to hit the pavement with a nice cold head wind prevailing)- NOT REALLY! I guess I do actually enjoy my emotional therapy session with friends and being able to get exercise out of the way is a nice benefit, along with seeing shooting stars and watching the moon change through its cycle. O.k. so maybe it’s not THAT BAD – especially not bad enough to merit what I am now succumbing myself to do on Tuesday mornings!


My friend Diana did the research and gave me the news that we could go swimming at the college during the cold months. I thought I would enjoy trying to get good enough to maybe attempt my goal of doing a triathlon. Last week was a rude awakening! Here is what I learned:

1. A 33 year old body that has had 5 children looks a lot different than it did when it was in college! (I hope I didn’t scare any of the cute college girls out of having children when they saw my 90 year old looking varicose veins from behind!) I am SO keeping it real for them! I guess I am going to opt for looking at my aging body as a trophy. I earned each little flaw and roll and sag! I am who I am – a REAL person. FYI – the swimming suits are very modest!

2. Swimming for me is NOT going to be easy. In fact, I am a little bit overwhelmed with how far I need to go. The truth of the matter is, I can’t even put my face in the water. So I am have a 90 year old body and a 3 year old mind when it comes to swimming. I thought of all the times I have lectured my children about how you have to pay your dues and build a little bit at a time to achieve hard things. FYI – little did I know that I would be eating my words!

3. Do you even know how many laps you have to do to swim a mile? A whole stinky a lot – WOW! And it is really good for the upper body because mine was a more than a little tight the day after! FYI- I think I may have swam 8 laps (that is counting down as 1 and back as 1), pretty funny huh?

Well here is to life out of my comfort zone – is tomorrow really Tuesday?



Mom and Dad Parker said…

Sounds like a brave thing to do in all three ways. We think that any woman who has five kids and still has the courage to make a serious attempt at keeping physically fit is a champion human being, especially with all the other things a Mom has to do. You certainly are a champion in our book. May all those young ladies be so happy and physically fit as you when they are 33.
Monday, December 08, 2008 3:12:42 PM

Diana said…

Whatever. . . . . You put us all to shame, you haven’t fooled anyone! However, I am very proud of you for doing something you don’t want to do! It takes a lot of courage!
Tuesday, December 09, 2008 7:17:07 PM

Patricia said…

Good job, Jodi. I am very proud of you. Keep up the good work! Love you, Mom
Thursday, December 11, 2008 8:06:46 AM

Whitney said…

You are always trying something new and experiencing life to the fullest. Good Job! That is a lot of laps. Swimming is hard work. So is a mile your goal?
Friday, December 12, 2008 11:31:19 PM

Just a dot

I really don’t dream big when it comes to traveling. I really am content living everyday life in my little town. Stephen really has helped me branch out in this area. I’m afraid I would be just fine checking out a book from the library to experience or learn about another place.

The truth of the matter is, I didn’t know I was having a dream come true by going to Europe until I was there. The weather, the atmosphere, and most importantly the company was a special gift I will cherish forever. Taking it all in, breathing the air, seeing amazing historical places, experiencing life in another world, simply CHARMING!

We took so many pictures that my smile became a permanent fixture.

I loved watching the people of Europe and wondering about their lives. There are so many people in this world. It is amazing to think of the complexities of each person’s life, their trials, their joys, young, middle-aged, or old, and then realize that we are all just a dot here on earth, but that Heavenly Father is mindful of each one.


Mom and Dad Parker said…

We believe that traveling and visiting anywhere is of real value. Children learn to understand, accept and love people all over the world by family vacations, whether it be to a camping spot, Southern Utah, or Brazil. People are basically good just about everywhere. Cheap or expensive, it all enriches our lives.
Sunday, November 30, 2008 8:10:42 AM

Anne said…

Looks like a wonderful time and memory! So glad you could enjoy a wonderful trip together and visit with Bruce and Sharon. What a testimony builder! Good times!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008 10:13:17 AM