JT two month old hand.Being Mother’s Day and all I usually go in with the attitude of remembering my own mother – careful not to dwell on my insecurities and inadequate mothering skills. Today was a different day, possibly because I have been gone away from my children on the Parker Girl Retreat and haven’t had any recent mothering woes. As I sat listening to motherhood tributes my mind wandered to the past and I recalled some of my own personal favorite moments of being a mother.
Alexis – child of firsts! I loved brushing her newborn hair and dressing her – very careful to choose a matching blanket and burp cloth. When she was 2 1/2 years old we would sing “I’m so glad when daddy comes home” when Stephen got home from work. About this time, I was sitting with her singing at the piano and she said, “I want to go back to live with Heavenly Father.” It was a tender moment for me. Alexis has a beautiful smile and fun laugh – it is contagious and makes me happy still to watch her be silly. She has always had loads of energy and a zest for life, always ready for an adventure. She has always liked to be silly and goofy to make people laugh.
Mason – Pleasant surprise, we thought he was going to be a girl. He is passionate and inquisitive. It almost feels like you can tangibly see the wheels turning in his head. He seems to always have a question, idea, or thought. When he was in nursery Stephen was serving in a college ward bishopric so Alexis would help me retrieve him after Primary. One Sunday I asked Alexis where he was and she didn’t know, we ended up finding him outside shoveling the sidewalks of our church house. When we moved into our second house in Idaho Falls, I remember looking out my kitchen window to watch Mason walk outside to play. I stayed there watching for many moments thinking to myself that one day he will grow older and not play with his Tonka trucks and dig in the dirt. Mason loves fruit, especially strawberries. I love to see him smile whenever he gets to eat them.
Lily – intense, independent, thoughtful, sweet, helpful. A few words to describe life with Lil. When Mason started kindergarten, it was just me and Lily at home. We had lots of fun together, she always likes to work alongside me and continuously compliments me. Once, while we lived in Idaho Falls, she walked over to our neighbors house who didn’t have any kids left at home. She knocked on the door and told them she was hungry and wanted a peanut butter sandwich. Of course they just laughed and made her one. At church a few months ago (age 6) she was writing down the words to the song, I am a child of God. She had misinterpreted the word earthly as nearthly. I tried to correct her when she asked me if she had dictated it the right way. She stayed firm in her belief that it was in fact nearthly. I opened the hymn book and showed her where it said earthly to which she replied, “Whoever wrote that book is wrong!”
Olivia – sweet and funny. She endured building a house and moving during her second year of life. What a whirlwind – wish I could remember more. It was a few years in between her and Lily and we welcomed her with much love and anticipation. I love to watch her play with her older siblings, she can keep up! It is a joy to read stories with her and hold her on my lap while the other kids are at school. When she tells me a secret she puts her arm around my neck and her cheek next to my cheek and starts whispering – needless to say I don’t get to hear much of the the secret, but is always makes me smile.
JT – can’t wait to make some more memories with him. But for now it satisfies me to listen to him coo and mimic him. He also is very good natured and smiles easily. My heart swells a little bigger when I’m holding him!
As tough a job as motherhood can seem at times, the sweet and tender moments make it all worth it! Glad I get to be one and hope I do them right…
 Smart little kindergartner – loves to read and write! |
 Alexis one month old. |
 Olivia 6 months old |
 Snuggling with my baby, JT. |
 Olivia Michele Parker – two years old. |
 Mason – strawberry lover! |
 “I make dirt look good!” |
 Sweet Lily girl – 2 1/2 years old. |
 Crazy Lex – do not try this at home! |
Stephen said…
I am so glad you are the mother of our children. They have a great example of a loving mother.
Sunday, May 11, 2008 7:17:52 PM
Patricia Baldwin/Mom said…
Very sweet stories, Jodi. I love watching you as you are raising your children. What a great Mom you are. I believe you are enjoying your role as a Mother. There is just nothing better, is there? Your little girls will enjoy motherhood, because they see you as a great Mother in action! Your are doing a fine job. Keep up the good work. It is work, but very rewarding. I love you very much. Your mom
Sunday, May 11, 2008 10:39:16 PM
Mom and Dad Parker said…
We love it when Moms are so in love with their children and really enjoy being a Mother.
Monday, May 12, 2008 11:28:16 AM
Jana said…
I love to listen as you talk about being a mother.. It really is expressed through your words and actions that you are indeed proud to be a mom! Thanks for your example.
Monday, May 12, 2008 1:27:24 PM
Anne said…
You are a great mom Jodi. What sweet memories and thoughts of your children. Keep up the good work and loving your children.
Monday, May 12, 2008 3:22:06 PM
Stacie said…
What a great tribute to your children!
Monday, May 12, 2008 4:32:07 PM
Steph said…
You are a great example to your daughters. They will be better moms because of your teaching them. It’s great to be a mom, even with those sticky fingers, we still love them all.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008 10:08:56 AM
Pam said…
Hi Jodi, thanks for commenting on my blog. It was nice to hear from you. The Parker family so inspire me in so many ways. I appreciate all of you. About Primary, it’s going as well as can be expected. Every week is a new challenge for a President when teachers go home sick and substitutes fail to show. Other than that, it’s been great, I love being in Primary, I’ve been in primary most of my life. I’ve had a calling in every part of Primary now except music because I can’t play the piano. I’ll let you know when I’m in need of an idea . . .I’m sure you’ve had some good ones.
Friday, May 16, 2008 1:49:31 PM
Kristy Staker said…
Jodi, you are amazing, althouh I notice you hear that a lot. I read your blogs and just hope someday I can grow up to be just like you. The reason I stopped by the blog today was just to see what Jodi was making for dinner tonight. Thanks for being such a great example.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 3:57:03 PM