A resolute FHE

This entry is written for my children to read in 2032 when they are parents and the thought comes across their mind, "why do I subject myself to this insanity?". Referring to being a commander on the battlefields of parenthood and literally dragging & muzzling (if feels at times) their children through FHE, family prayer, scripture reading, and attending Church meetings as a family. Because it really feels like sometimes it would be a lot easier to just go to your room read a book.

resolute |ˈrezəˌloōt; -lət|

…an adjective which means "admirably, purposeful, determined, and unwavering".

Last night Lexi asked if she could teach our family "the" lesson during FHE. I was thrilled and gave a hearty "YES!" I had been thinking of an activity, but hadn't gone as far to detail a lesson. Here is a typical family night at our house: spend 15-20 minutes locating and collecting children (and adults) to designated area, double check with Lily if all of the tags telling what each person is responsible for are correct on our board. Listen to kids take turn deciding what song they can play for an opening song and who will get to play it. Last night Olivia played the piano while we sang the song, "Happy Family". About this time, we are wondering where JT went. He comes back in and we have him hold a board book of the Book of Mormon Stories to keep him focused. We sing a slow version of Happy Family and use patience as the piano needs extra rests to accommodate note corrections. The song ends and we wait for JT to finish looking through every page of his book to fold his arms for the opening prayer. We are still resolute in having this FHE, but as you can tell it isn't without a little work.

Lily gives her favorite scripture, 1 Nephi 3:7 and bears her testimony of it, and then (since she is the one conducting) she turns the time over to Lexi for the lesson. Lexi stands and asks everyone to turn their scriptures to 1 Samuel 16:7. Before we read it, she explains the background of what has transpired and then asks for a volunteer to read the scripture. Three eager arms shot up (including Mason's) and he was the chosen one to read. At this point JT has brought in about 6 toys and Olivia is treating Stephen like he is a jungle gym. So Mason reads the scripture and then Lex proceeds to explain how the Lord looks on the inside of a person. At this point I am feeling very grateful for the Seminary program and how much Lexi has learned this year. She loves seminary and apparently really listens when she is there. She finishes off her lesson by having us read about David and Goliath and helping us realize what some of our "Goliaths" could be. (I'm thinking lack of PATIENCE is one of my Goliaths) I also can't help but think about this boy David and his resolute faith and look around the room and wish it for all of my precious children! If each is blessed to have a portion of that kind of determination to trust in God, we will be set. I say a silent prayer for this.

JT begins ringing bells and it is a good signal that FHE is about to wrap up. Lily stands and closes announcing the closing prayer, treat, and activity. After the prayer we journey to the kitchen to eat Lily's cake pops that she has made from one of her Christmas presents – delicious I might add. We then finally create our 2012 New Year Resolution Posters. We have fun cutting up magazines and finding the perfect representations of our goals. This is all interspersed with melt downs, frustrations, and distractions. I put it this way to prove a point: Even when "perfect" times with family can't be found, consistency CAN. I believe and have "resolute" faith that Heavenly Father will bless us in ways we don't even realize. I take comfort in words found in Elder David Bednar's October 2009 General Conference address, "More Diligent and Concerned at Home." He said:

"As our sons were growing up, our family did what you have done and what you now do. We had regular family prayer, scripture study, and family home evening. Now, I am sure what I am about to describe has never occurred in your home, but it did in ours. Sometimes Sister Bednar and I wondered if our efforts to do these spiritually essential things were worthwhile. Now and then verses of scripture were read amid outbursts such as “He’s touching me!” “Make him stop looking at me!” “Mom, he’s breathing my air!” Sincere prayers occasionally were interrupted with giggling and poking. And with active, rambunctious boys, family home evening lessons did not always produce high levels of edification. At times Sister Bednar and I were exasperated because the righteous habits we worked so hard to foster did not seem to yield immediately the spiritual results we wanted and expected. Today if you could ask our adult sons what they remember about family prayer, scripture study, and family home evening, I believe I know how they would answer…The consistency of our intent and work was perhaps the greatest lesson—a lesson we did not fully appreciate at the time."

Gearing Up Life

Mason said his favorite part about Christmas Vacation was NO SCHOOL! Some things never change. He is my boy that would be happy to stay home everyday and putter around doing nothing. He creates his own fun and is rarely found in front of the TV or Wii – although he does enjoy it once in a while. He is getting very excited about Snowboarding at Kelly Canyon beginning this coming Friday for the month of January. We went to the cabin yesterday and he was able to give his snow bike a test drive down the hill. I love to see the smile on his face when he is truly happy. It is priceless!

Mason enjoys scouts and the camp outs that come with it – every month! He is determined to get his year round camping award. He missed the camp out for November with the scouts and took it upon himself to camp out on his own. Stephen and I were in Idaho Falls at the Forgotten Carols on one of the last nights of November when we came home to a note etched in Mason's script: "I am sleeping out in the cabin in the Forrest." Stephen went out to check on him and he was curled up snug as a bug inside our Island Parker Cabin located on the north side of our house. I was impressed with his initiative and determination to camping out.

Mason wouldn't say that he is becoming a great trumpet player, but I will! He is very shy and not excited about playing in front of ANYBODY, but when we coax him to I am so delighted! He is a great little player. Although he claims he hates it and won't play in front of anyone, he seems to enjoy being in the band with Mr. Sear. He even told me he has aspirations to play in the High School Jazz Band. I really hope so! I love Jazz and to get to see my boy play it, it would be just awesome.

It has also been fun to watch Mason grow up this year. This is the year that Mason has become more aware about looking & smelling good. Every mother must love this awareness! One of his Christmas Gift requests was for cologne and deodorant. LOVE IT! He is growing into such a handsome guy, don't you think?

Today is the day that his Remote Control Car will arrive! To say he is excited would be an understatement! He helped Stephen fix up some old computers to sell in order to have enough money to purchase his dream Car. He was disappointed that all of the holidays were delaying the arrival of his sweet car. I can't wait to see him drive it around. He spent countless hours window shopping on the computer every morning during the entire Christmas break for this moment to arrive…


JT is growing up! I am ashamed at the fact that I haven't written down anything for such a long time. This little guy is such a joy to have around!

On Sunday JT officially joined the Primary as the youngest Sunbeam. He was such a big boy and sat on his chair most of the time. I am so happy that I get to be in there with him. He tried to hang out with me a couple of times, but I was so busy that I had to just keep helping him find his chair by his teacher. When he saw Olivia and Lily sitting in their seats, it helped. I can't believe he is already old enough to come to primary. I know he will surely miss Nursery as it was always one of the highlights to his week. His new teacher is Alaina Lloyd and there is only one other child in his class, Bella Jex.

Christmas for JT was such a magical time. He was so into Santa this year and not afraid of him anymore. If he was crying or upset all we had to do was distract him with talk of Santa or Rudolf and he was hooked. He had fun sitting on Santa's lap at the Christmas Dance in Burton and probably changed what he was going to tell Santa he wished for about 5 times. On Christmas morning he was so happy when he saw his new "Cars" table and chairs and loved unwrapping the long awaited Christmas presents from under the tree. I think he ate every piece of candy from his stocking before 6:30 am. 

One of JT's favorite things to do is go visit his Grandpa's and Grandma's houses. Anytime we get to go visit either the Baldwin's or the Parker's is a great day for him! 

He doesn't like to sit in his car seat at all, and tries to sneak a regular seat belt on like the big kids. 

He was able to go to a High School run preschool for 3 weeks this past fall and he really liked it. In a few weeks he will attend the BYU Idaho Child Lab for 3 months and likes to boast that, "I am going to Preschool at College".

JT loves to say the prayer and will volunteer every time. He gets upset if someone else gets to do it! We are working with him on trying to not get so excited that his words are too mumbly. 🙂

The other day, JT was in the back seat of the van and we were waiting to pick Lexi up. As he sat there he decided to serenade me, he sang, "I'm sexy. I'm sexy and I know it." This is one of the songs that comes on the radio periodically and the older kids think is funny. I felt a little heartbroken as I realized that I may have possibly failed him! My oldest children were singing primary songs when they were his age…Such is life as the youngest child I suppose. For the record I think JT is pretty darn cute, and he sings the truth!

Update on Lex

So Lexi had a blast on her Great Day Temple Square Choir Tour. She had her eyes opened to the life of HS kids on busses and being away from home – some good, some bad. She had fun hanging out with Stacy Roberts. I also went along and drove down with some of the other moms. I was proud of Lex with her singing, her standards, and her respect towards me. She is a great gal.

My sister, Michelle, picked us up after the tour was over as our family was coming to spend the weekend in SLC to see the lights at Temple Square. Michelle took us to lunch at Zuppas (one of my favorites!). She also took us shopping and paid money toward Lexi's prize purchase of the weekend – sparkling silver, glitter "TOMS". A "cool" shoe that she has been excited about owning and wearing.

Lexi also just had a great experience being invited to play futsal with her friend, Tanner and his pals over the Christmas break. She was a bit intimidated, but her excited-ness won out over her nerves and she chalked it up as one of her highlights of the break.

She also loved having her cousins in town – Parker and Baldwin! Bridget was able to stay at our house for 3 nights and accompanied Lex along with Grant and Jed to our Stake New Year's Eve dance.  It is so much fun to watch these amazing young people grown up. 

Fall Festival and a double digit birthday

Lily participated in fall festival and was soooo excited when she got her score sheet back – 100 points, a perfect score! I am biased, but also realistic and when I say she deserved it, you'll have to believe me. She practiced extra hard and played her very best. She put a lot of pressure on herself to do her best and she should feel so proud of what she was able to accomplish. Her teacher will be helping her enter another festival in a few month for song writing. Lily has made up a few of her own songs (songs that I thought she had learned from a piano adventure book). Her teacher will help her put her song on paper and record it to CD. I am excited for Lily to do this and she is very excited to spend her own $10 to do it. She found out about this festival right after her birthday and decided this would be the perfect use of her birthday money – I agreed.

Speaking of birthdays….Lily is now sporting two digitis when she writes her age down, 1 – 0. She had a fun birthday. She really wanted to invite friends over to play – so that is what we did. Her friends rode the bus over and then I took them to pizza hut to get their book-it pizzas. After that we traveled to the new Kiwi Loco Yogurt shop and got some yummy yogurt. Her friends from her church class, Hannah Miler and Emma Moss, were who she chose to celebrate with this year.

Olivia is such a Doll

Olivia got to be in her first school program this year. Every year the Elementary school puts on quite a production for Christmas and this year was no exception. Olivia's class was instructed to dress up as a toy – we decided she should be a doll. Lexi helped her with her hair and make up and Olivia looked just as cute as she always does. She made quite a hit during her classes performance as she danced all over the gym with her magnetic smile. She was also such a good singer and very animated in her face and with the actions. I received several compliments – even from strangers, about what a great job she did and that she was their favorite toy to watch. She is a performer we will always make time to go see! Love my doll.

Olivia has really enjoyed attending Kindergarten this year. Her teacher is Mrs. Clinton and she tells me that Olivia is at the top her the class. Her classmates ask Olivia to read them the questions on the homework pages or books. I think it is a very good thing for her self esteem. I am happy for her and that she is doing her best while at school. She likes to play with Emily Miller and Andy Jane at school. She also gets to go to a playgroup every Wednesday morning with Emily, Jaden Lerwill, and Matthew Taylor. These boys have also become some of Olivia's good friends.

Olivia also began taking piano lessons when school started. She takes from the same teacher as Lily, Holly Miller. Olivia did such a great job at her first ever recital. The room was full of lots of people and she just stood right up without thinking about it and did a flawless performance. When Olivia gets up in front of people she has a cute nervous habit of spinning her hair on her fingers and getting the cutest smile – it is so cute! When she got up to introduce her song, she did this and it melted more people's heart than just mine. She also does this same twirling thing when she gives the talk or scripture in Primary – even the primary program. I am proud of her willingness & confidence in being in front of people.

Olivia is becoming a very good helper around the house as well. She unloads the dishwasher like a pro and vacuums her room and cleans her cubby up without any help! She has had to become an independent child as her mom is very distracted and busy with managing the home front. Olivia reminds me that she needs to practice the piano or do her homework! What mom wouldn't love that kind of initiative?!

Wrapping Up 2011

The year ended in a fury. Fast, furious, and fun!

We had many highlights that we will cast through pictures. Sadly, our camera didn't make it all of the good times, but we ended the year happy and healthy. What more can anyone ask for?

Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2012.

p.s. I am in love with the weather…it feels like winter, but the sun is shining and there is minimal snow (if any) on the road!

Great Day

Lexi has been involved with the Great Day Choir this fall. Last night was their dinner show. It was really great. They, along with the other "Swing Choir", entertained the tables of people for 1 -1/2 hours straight! I was impressed. This is the kind of choir that dances and sings – they had to have gotten a great work out! She looked so cute and I was so proud of her. We went with both, Grandpa and Grandma Baldwin and Parker. Lily also begged and pleaded to come and asked if it could be an early birthday present. I know she was so proud of her sister and dreams of the day that she will get to follow in her footsteps. November 30th these choirs get to travel down to SLC to perform in the Temple Square Concert Series. I am excited for Alexis to have this opportunity as it was one of the highlights from my high school career. 🙂

Last Thursday we were thumbing through our newspaper and came across this article about soccer. We looked closer and were so excited to see some of Lexi's friends listed. We got to the second column and saw the name: Lexi Parker and screamed with delight! Something we weren't expecting or even knew about – what a great day! The only freshman listed on the all district soccer selection? She was more than happy about.

Farewell October

Drove home one day and had to stop and take a picture I was so happy with our yellow and orange trees!

Time is speeding up and we are now saying farewell to the days of October. It was as lovely month weather wise and we hate to see it go. Stephen and Mason have enjoyed riding their bikes out on the jumps out in our backyard and Lexi still has found time to play some soccer amidst her other activities. JT and Olivia have loved playing on the playground out back as well and racing around the driveway circle on their bikes. I was pretty obsessed with plans for the Primary Program, sharing time,  and restaffing the sixth ward primary. I have also enjoyed my small involvement with the parent advisory committee in Sugar City. I get fed a Subway sandwich for lunch once a month and get to talk with other ladies in the district about the needs and concerns of our schools. 

Lily spent a good 3 weeks of the month talking about how excited she was for the upcoming mom and daughter Halloween dress up Party for Activity Days a few days before Halloween. We stewed and wondered what we should dress up as and finally decided on a cupcake and baker. After deciding this, I had to come up with the cupcake costume. I did some homework on the internet and came up with what is pictured. Meanwhile a dream of Smurfette was being born inside of Olivia and I decided to jimmy rig a costume up for her. My favorite part is her hat! the blue part of her costume is from a cut up man's sweatshirt. I couldn't find a royal blue shirt and leggings/tights anywhere in Rexburg – which would have been my first choice. I have to admit, it was fun getting to sew on my sewing machine once again refashioning something. I had fun going to Olivia's classroom and helping with the Halloween Party.  We made skeletons from q-tips and I took my touch and feel box of creepy things (the one I used at Lily's party last year). JT loved playing with the blocks in her classroom. 

Halloween night we went to our ward trunk or treat. Mason and Stephen scarfed down the doughnuts like no other! I think Mason ate 3. He later became very sick to his stomach – I wonder why? We went past the assisted living center to go visit Uncle Everett – Stephen had been earlier that day during his lunch hour and was concerned about him as he had fallen out of bed and fractured his back. When we got there he was sleeping and hurting pretty bad. It was very hard for all of us to see him in such pain. We left some treats for him on his dresser and went to visit with the other old folks at the center. They were so fun to talk to and I think really enjoyed seeing our kids in costume wishing them a Happy Halloween. *Post edit: Found out the next morning that Uncle Everett passed away. 🙁

Wishing the people at the assisted living center a Happy Halloween and the caramel popcorn ball that my mom, Grandma Baldwin, was passing out at her door were my favorite parts of Halloween night. My mom invited us out to come trick or treating and really made it worth the trip! I had avoided eating all other candy this day so I could sink my teeth into the luscious caramel ball. It was worth it. Delish!!

On that happy note – here we come November.

love the yoga instructors face! Smurfette had a few itches on her chin too!

This lion loves his electrical tape claws on his gloves – he kept trying to eat them.

Olivia is doing so well with her piano – we love to hear her tickling the ivories.

Brother and Sister Hillman from our ward helped Stephen and crew press some apples into cider.

This man is a hoot!

Lily is lovin this party!

Came in last place! I don’t have very good mummy making skills.

The cupcake and baker with their newly decorated pumpkin. Wasn’t Lily a clever little decorator?

Smurfette without her blue face. She sure did love her outfit and it made my heart smile to see her so happy.

Mason and I decorated his bedroom wall during Potato Harvest. He really likes it.

LIly with her solar system project at the 4th grade Solar System Expo.

LIly and her friend had a paper and pen next to their projects to see how many signatures they could get. Silly Lily!

Date Night with Lily and Olivia topped off at Jamba.

Before this we went to the Choir fest up at BYUI. I loved this date!

This is what Stephen and I find 75% of the time when we wake up. Same two KIDS IN OUR BED crowding us out!!! Good0bye now. 🙂

Lexi and her adopted grandma – Mable Sakota. Sweet memories that these two share from the last few years.

Mason and his friend dared each other to wear a tie to school. I loved it! He is such a stud. He also bet the same friend that he could dance with more girls at the JHS dance last week. He danced every song but one! Way to go Mason!!!

Whole Class of Lily’s

This is Lily pictured at the Ryan Shuppe Concert

I got back from parent/teachers conference with every mother's dream report. Lily's teacher said, "I just love Lily. I wish I had a whole class full of 'Lily's'." I really appreciate Lily too. Lily is very self-motivated and a thoughtful person. She is a pleasure to have around. She is usually found writing a story or pretending to be a teacher or playing the piano. She recently took up the violin in an after school program offered through our school. She also just joined the geography club. She is very conscience of eating "healthy", even though she is a normal kid and forgets she is trying to be healthy. It makes me smile. She is an awesome big sister and is also very dependable. I find her going to bed at night with a book in her hand and a quest to keep up on her reading chart for school. 

She loves positive reinforcement and words of affirmation. When they are used she exceeds all expectations! We love Lily in our family. Her dad always tells her, "you're one in a million, Lily!"

Age 10 is a good year for miss Lily.