I love the fact that the weather is changing, because now I get to drink my beloved hot chocolate more often! This little addiction surfaced when I worked in Jackson Hole, WY the summer after I graduated from high school. After a long day of work my friends and I would stop by LeeJay’s Sportsman Cafe and have a cup of “chwoclate” complete with whipped topping! It really does warm my heart and make me smile. Swiss Miss makes a delicious one and it’s sugar-free! Have you had one lately?
Category: Jodi
Music makes me happy
So I am trying to get back into the violin scene and pretend like I know what I’m doing. Last night was the first practice for the Rexburg Tabernable Orchestra and it was quite enjoyable. It is nice to have a goal to work toward and be surrounded with lovely music. I have to admit it is extemely intimidating being around such accomplished players. I find my spot in the back of the second violins to be most comfortable as I miss a note here or there. I have also been teaching Alexis, her friend Lacey and most recently my neice, Paige. It is actually quite fun for me. Alexis is getting better and better. I get some satisfaction with thinking that I taught her to do what she is doing. Music is such therapy for my soul – I love it. I have come to realize that even though I am not extremely proficient on the piano, violin or even singing – Music always makes me feel happy and that is why I keep finding myself involved in these endeavors.
A Varicose Vein Lesson
As I am getting further into this pregnancy the sad reality of varicose veins is coming back to haunt me. I looked in the mirror the other day (remind me not to do that again) and I was horrified with what I saw. I really am only 32 years old – not 92! YIKES. In the midst of my pity party I found this photo on the internet and decided to be happy for my lot! Doesn’t this pic scare you? It does me, you know that could be me someday. Seriously speaking, it IS such a small price to pay for a wonderful, cuddly baby – right?
What are varicose veins?
Arteries bring oxygen-rich blood from your heart to the rest of your body and veins return oxygen-poor blood back to your heart.
Varicose veins are swollen veins that you can see through your skin. They often look blue, bulging, and twisted. Left untreated, varicose veins may worsen over time. Large varicose veins can cause aching and feelings of fatigue as well as skin changes like rashes, redness, and sores. As many as 40 million Americans, most of them women, have varicose veins.
You have three kinds of veins in your legs; the superficial veins, which lie closest to your skin, the deep veins, which lie in groups of muscles and perforating veins, which connect the superficial veins to the deep veins. The deep veins lead to the vena cava, your body’s largest vein, which runs directly to your heart. Varicose veins occur in the superficial veins in your legs.
When you are in the upright position, the blood in your leg veins must work against gravity to return to your heart. To accomplish this, your leg muscles squeeze the deep veins of your legs and feet. One-way flaps, called valves, in your veins keep blood flowing in the right direction. When your leg muscles contract, the valves inside your veins open. When your legs relax, the valves close. This prevents blood from flowing in reverse, back down the legs. The entire process of sending blood back to the heart is called the venous pump.
When you walk and your leg muscles squeeze, the venous pump works well. But when you sit or stand, especially for a long time, the blood in your leg veins can pool and the pressure in your veins can increase. Deep veins and perforating veins are usually able to withstand short periods of increased pressures. However, if you are a susceptible individual, your veins can stretch if you repeatedly sit or stand for a long time. This stretching can sometimes weaken the walls of your veins and damage your vein valves. Varicose veins may result. Spider veins are mild varicose veins. They look like a nest of red or blue lines just under your skin. Spider veins are not a serious medical problem, but they can be a cosmetic concern to some people.
Back to School Bittersweet?
Our annual Back to School Night Dinner was held this past Monday night. On the menu were alphabet soup, sandwiches, carrots, pickles, grapes, chips and a black cherry old fashioned soda. To top it all of we ate bus cake – complete with dual back wheels thanks to Mason’s suggestion. This has become a fun tradition – the family likes being served on cafeteria trays! It helps me and them get all geared up for school. Since the time has finally come to send the kiddies back to school, I am not sure if I want to do the happy dance or cry and be depressed – isn’t that the woes of a typical woman? GONE ARE THE DAYS of sleeping in, basking in the sun, playing in the sand, camping, going to matinee movies during the week, watching my children make wonderful memories with each other, giggling, exploring, eating watermelon, taking naps because we stayed up too late, canoeing, seeing Mason’s grin when he catches bugs, snakes, or furry creatures, Alexis learning to sew & bake brownies, Lily being brave on the rides at Lagoon and joining soccer just for the treats, Olivia (well she’s still around) being silly and crazy. NOW ARE THE DAYS OF many schedules, waking up early, homework, early morning practicing, having a routine!, bed time!, hopefully a clean house for at least 2 hours!, SPACE!, going to the bathroom without somebody knocking on the door, hoping my kids make good friends and are nice – especially to their teachers, growing up one more year. It is time to EMBRACE THE MOMENT!
A Fourth of July First
First 5 K for Alexis Parker and proud of it! The goal: to finish the run� which she did well! Friends, Maddie and Trisha Galer, invited us to join them for �The Freedom Run� held at the nature park in Rexburg, ID. Alexis and I ran our first race together. Hopefully this is the first of many more to come Alexis!