This is Wanda. Wand and Me.
Saturday I took "Wanda" out for her first ride of the season. Her tires hit the pavement of the back farm country of cache valley. She took me past many interesting smells, gorgeous scenery, and great company.
If I rewind a couple of days you would see me sitting on the floor of my closet dusting off my cycling items and wondering aloud, "What am I doing? What makes me think I can do this thing which I have not prepared for?" I wasn’t feeling too bike happy as I peered out into the gray skies and rain mixed with wind. It has been a cold, wet, or windy spring with little time to go outside for a ride. The longest I had attempted was in my basement on my bike trainer – a whopping 8 miles! Stephen encouraged me like he always does and told me it would be easy and fun. I was glad for the vote of confidence, but very skeptical.
As Stephanie and I drove down we encountered several serious rain showers – not giving me the most comforting feeling. We pulled into to Logan and found ourselves in the Desert Industries parking lot. Stephanie is a good luck charm at that store. She found an awesome jacket for kyaking – I found an awesome yellow jacket (for Lexi). We also found a sweet pair of red shorts with stars down the sides. I was planning on wearing them for the ride, but they clashed with my jersey, I was happy that Anne wore them! Anne found us at DI and then we met up with Jana. We drove to Lewiston and picked up or packets. It was feeling cold and moist. After that, we decided to dine at the Firehouse Grille – delicious! The rain descended upon Logan in its furry and we ran into the movie theatre to view, "Letters to Juliet." When we got out, it was still raining as we headed to Walmart for last minute needs. We were all feeling anxious about riding in the rain and probably checked the weather 5xs on our iphones. Anne, Steph, and I stayed with Anne’s nice friend KellyAnne.
We woke up with the sun peaking through the clouds and debated on what to wear. We checked the weather again, ate breakfast, and loaded the bike rack. I chauffeured Stephanie and Anne to Super Red headquarters and we parked at the side of the road – later to estimate about 1 mile away from the starting line. We bedazzled, banded, and starred ourselves to enter in super fashion. When we met Jana I discovered she had an extra super cape, giving me the finishing touches for my costume. We accidentally made it in time for the costume contest and ended up each winning a mug in the group category! (Mind you we were the only group participating) We mounted our bikes and pedaled away feeling the warm rays of the sun. We had a glorious ride with minimal hills and lots of sunshine! Perfect combination. Stephanie had a great first ride and has found a new passion, Jana kept us giggling and persevered with a smile, & Anne kept us chugging along with a good pace. I felt happy to be with great girls on a beautifully sunny ride.
We crossed the finish line with smiles & sweet burn/tan lines – forgot that as we dressed up or armbands & stars would leave a memory for days to come! We also enjoyed the posh spread of food and sparkler drink.
Ended the journey with a trip to Hobby Lobby, dinner at Chilis, and cheese from Gossner’s Cheese Factory. Only regret it that I didn’t bring a cooler to load up on creamies from the creamy outlet! Next time…
Oh ya, as we were riding someone put the thought into my head, wondering of my bike’s name. Silly me, I realized I haven’t name her after 2 1/2 years. I decided to go with: Wanda. It comes from the ride Super Red – Wonder Woman theme. Wonder made me think Wanda. Are you with me?
So Wanda it is. My goal for me and Wanda is to conquer a century ride before I’m 40. Wish us luck!
POST EDIT: I just realized that when I receive my bike Lex and Lily named her "Zoe", I have never called her that and had forgotten. I will be giving "Wanda" some TLC to make up for the years of neglect…;-)
 Super Jodi |
 Super Anne |
 Opted to do the 33 mile route together this year |
 Jodi & Jana |
 The capes felt awesome with the gente breeze blowing – did you notice the stars on our calves? |
 I am really happy there is sunshine and it’s warm – it was a perfect temperature |
 I have ridden this ride with Anne for 3 years! |
 End of the road for us |
 finish line |
 Saw Magan while there – someday I will be as awesome as her, she is my biking hero |
 The swag bag and my stinky shoes |
 The big bad wolf was there too. We are holding our awesome mugs from the costume contest |
 Super Jana |
 Super Stephanie |
 Super Red Emblem |
 Firehouse – mmmm, mmmm, good |
 bedazzled thanks to Steph & Jana |
 Parking at the side of the road 1 mile away – good thing we had our bikes 🙂 |
Lance said…
Good Job! I always name my Bikes/Cars too. It makes them go faster..
Tuesday, June 08, 2010 10:05:13 PM
Sami said…
Good job, Now I’m going to name my bike Dorie.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010 10:13:37 PM
Diana said…
I love it! What great memories. I will have to make it next year!
Wednesday, June 09, 2010 7:46:52 AM
Bruce said…
You ladies were certainly the prettiest girls on the road. Keep smiling.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010 2:57:58 PM
Magan said…
You ladies looked adorable! Just realized I was calling stephanie, Stacy.. Oops. I am glad she loves biking I wish I had someone closer to ride more with.. We will have to ride together next year…
Wednesday, June 09, 2010 5:27:36 PM