
Yesterday I decided to wear my glasses instead of contacts. While out working in the garden they were abruptly and accidentally knocked off as Lily stepped in too close and whacked me in the face. I was a little stunned for a minute but then went intently back to work. Since I rarely wear them I didn’t really notice that my glasses had been knocked off. Then I looked up and things began looking blurry. (for those that don’t know, I am legally blind without glasses) I couldn’t figure out what was wrong because I’d forgotten that I’d been wearing glasses. (for those that don’t know, I have sporadic bouts of amnesia 🙂 ) Once I figured out that I was previously wearing glasses I started summoning for help. I knew that if I made one wrong step I could break the glasses. Stephen and Mason came to my aide and Mason eventually found them lying in one of our square foot gardens. I placed them back on top of my nose, smiled as I realized how amazing it is to see with full vision once again and then continued weeding. I began thinking about how wonderful it is to be able to see and how grateful I am for eye correction in these modern days.

As night set in, I thought of an analogy using my glasses experience as I contemplated Stephen’s impending trip to Guam. I decided that Stephen is like a pair of glasses for me. When he is physically away from me my life is hazy and not completely in focus. He is my support and cheerleader amidst lifes challenges. He stabilizes me and gives me vision in life. He takes my breath away and can encourage me in a way that nobody else will ever be able to do. I am happy to announce that after 15 years, I am still in love with the boy who knocked me off of my feet and made me begin to think spontaneously. I know when he comes home with his big hug that my vision will clear up and my heart will smile.

Another analogy that presented itself because today is Mother’s Day, is how a mother is her children’s pair of  glasses.  A righteous mother who desires to teach her children of “who they really are, why they are here, and where they came from” is like her children’s pair of spiritual glasses. My mother guided me along life’s journey for 19 years and taught me many important values and principles along the way. She gave me vision and understanding as she went about joyfully serving (and still does). She sharpened my view as she bore testimony and shared personal examples of how choosing the right was the best choice. I didn’t have to learn many things the hard way because I knew I could trust her and the things she taught by the spirit. She walked with me into the ward chapel each Sunday and encouraged me to keep my promises. She expected and anticipated that one day I would spiritually see 20/20 on my own. Now it is my turn to pass on some eternal vision & legacy that has been placed before me.

p.s. Thanks Lily for making me feel so special today. You set out all of the gifts you had prepared from school and activity days last night and insisted I go back to bed so that you and Olivia could bring me breakfast in bed. I appreciate you gearing me up with excitement yesterday as you said, “I bet you are so excited for your special day tomorrow.” I am the luckiest mom in the world.

Lemonade vs. Jamba Juice

The saying goes, “When life gives you lemons – make lemonade.” It is such a wonderful way to live and think and truly the most healthy, rewarding, and beneficial. BUT….

What if when life gives you lemons you just want to go out and buy a Jamba Juice? Easy, Peasy, someone else will squeezy?

I encountered this attitude yesterday when I decided to listen to the little man on my shoulder feeding me full of rationalizations & excuses. I was frustrated and fed that frustration turning it into a negative result. I wanted to take the easy road and have someone else fix the “lemon”. I wasn’t ready to own the “lemon”, in fact I didn’t want the “lemon”. I didn’t even ask for this “lemon”. It just decided to place itself in my life. I really wanted to ignore it and sit back and relax. I was ready to bask in my self-deserving atmosphere of pretending I was not to blame. But alas, I found out what I already knew….A lemon doesn’t turn into Jamba Juice.

Therefore I abandoned the notion of entitlement & ease, finally coming to own the lemon that was placed before me. The change in my attitude was sweet. I knew I needed to take that lemon, squeeze it into juice, and even add an extra cup of sugar (after all I live in Sugar City) – that would give me the drink that was intended. Lemonade is filled with much sweetness.

Moral of this story: The best way out of a sour situation is to make yourself sweet. It is up to you, nobody else will do. (If only it were as easy to do this as it is to write it…)

Speeding Along

I love the way Stephen can smile through any challenge! It is a gift that I greatly admire.

Current Status: Speeding Along

It can be really tricky – Speeding along Life’s Freeway. Many times life is fast, thrilling, and exciting while trying to fit everything in (it is fun to see how much I can actually fit into one day). At other times I wonder how I can catch up to the other “cars” in front (how are people so efficient) or even how I forgot about the “cars” behind me (I meant to read, do, say, make, fix, give “that”). Sometimes I find myself in a big rut trying to get out (power struggles & conflicts). On a rare occasion, I experience a blow out (literally & figuratively). Right now I would like to slam on my brakes (while making cool track marks on the freeway of life) and just put on my hazard lights (I’m tired of speeding). Instead, I will undoubtedly pack up the trunk, put on my seatbelt and get back on cruise control (tomorrow’s another day).

My life in the fast lane.

You are Here

The other day I caught myself going through the motions again, I had turned on my auto pilot switch unconsciously. I was in a hurry. I was completely and utterly distracted. I most definitely was NOT ready to appreciate and respect the NOW.

I remembered having a conversation with my dear friend who is watching her father prepare to exit this temporary life in which we live. She commented on how she would not be taking any precious moments for granted. With this in mind, I stopped and thought about what I was doing and how I could cherish it more. I wonder why it is such a hard thing for me to appreciate the gift of life and choose to make a conscience effort to take all of life in tangibly.

I easily saw that I have become too busy – I need to slow down a little and zone in on what is going on. Let’s think of the Mary and Martha story from the scriptures…I’m sure many others could go along with this thought as well.Can you see where this is going? Yes. A new year’s resolution – and more! I have now decided to make this my mantra for the year – Live in the Moment (notice my new slogan). I found the following article a helpful reminder on how to, Slow down…Zone in…and Live in the Moment.