Evaluating my Priorities

sweet words from my big boy Mason – loved the picnic I got to go on with him on Friday at school

It is easy to get caught up with "life". When I say "life" that would mean the day to day living the revolves around the people I take care of: Stephen, Alexis, Mason, Lily, Olivia, JT, and I guess myself. Most the time I would describe myself as: Overwhelmed as I go through the days of my life. Before I realize it a week has gone by and then a month until I can’t believe my baby is 15 months old!  Ever wonder what you have to show for your time? At our house we just keep doing the best we can to get through what we have to work with.  I think we are doing pretty good, but on days like this it doesn’t hurt to think on the ways of improvement.

When my kids are standing right next to me am I present? Do I answer them when they have a comment or question? Do I look at them as they speak to me? Do I act too hastily when I am frustrated not trying to understand my child’s reasons behind the actions? I’m the first to admit my faults and weaknesses when I error too often with the answers to these questions and many other things. In fact, if I’m being honest, some of this happened just yesterday on the very special day held for Mother’s. I am grateful for the quick and natural way in which a child can forgive. 

There is one thing I can tell you: I love each one of these people [including my husband]  more than life and would give anything or everything to be with them or serve them. I would take a bullet for them and not even think twice. I will defend them in their time of need like any mamma bear would. I’ve got their backs.

While I don’t deserve the glory that comes from how that all sounds I will take credit for the fact that they are my "#1Top Priorities" just in case you were wondering.

So today I am going to do something I’ve never done before, and perhaps it is unethical or at least untactful. I am going to wish myself a happy mother’s day. Because becoming mother is what I have set out to be since I was a little girl holding a baby doll, and being a mother is something I would never want taken away from me. I am living my dream.

Sweet note and smells from Alexis

fun treasures from Olivia – a lightbulb, screw, crayon, ribbon, puzzle piece, and paper clips.

Lily was especially good at keeping her gifts a secret this year. She even said she wanted to wake up at 5:00 am so she could set it out before I woke up.


Stephen said…

I think you are a great mother and friend. I wouldn’t change a thing. Keep up the great wrok.
Monday, May 11, 2009 9:19:39 AM

michelle said…

you are a great mother-thanks for your example. I love the gifts-the lightbulb and screw may come in handy sometime.
Monday, May 11, 2009 9:54:06 AM

Mom and Dad Parker said…

THANKS for that great blog. Being a mother is the greatest. Time does go so fast and before you know they are out of the house and you wish you had it to do over again. You’re good with words, that’s the way we should feel about being mothers.
Monday, May 11, 2009 2:55:17 PM

John said…

Inspirational words from an inspiring person. It is great to have you in the family. We are all sure blessed to be surrounded by wonderful mothers.

Monday, May 11, 2009 9:34:20 PM

Anne said…

Happy Mothers day to you! You are a great mom and I think you are doing a great job! Thanks for your thoughts!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009 4:38:24 PM

Diana said…

Your priorities are right where they should be! Thanks for being an example & friend to me.
Thursday, May 14, 2009 2:03:19 PM

Megan said…

Great message, I totally agree!

Fun to visit here. Life, like you said, gets busy and due to all of our craziness here I dropped out of the blog world for a while. It’s fun to catch up on you and your family! I’m so glad to see that you’re doing well!

BTW–are you on facebook?
Wednesday, May 20, 2009 5:32:47 PM

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