He can do hard things

Teacher & Priest Quorum members from our ward that rode – Mason came in 4th place!

This is a face that I love! Warning: this is my mom's brag entry.

Mason was so happy to finish his origami three-headed dragon – all 100 steps were in Spanish (and no, he doesn't speak fluent Spanish yet)! He is amazing at figuring things out. He definitely didn't inherit that gene from me.

What will Mason be when he grows up? Oh, the possibilities….he is my little diamond in the rough.

We now have a special spot in our bookshelf designated for impressive 100-step origami projects.

Q. What do you do when you have a little 2 year old that is being too loud in sacrament meeting?

A. Have your older origami master son make him tractors, boats, airplanes, etc out of paper. If you can think it, he'll try to create it.

This is a talent that can come in handy. Mason will make lots of little kids happy on his mission with his art.

Oh, by the way, not only is he an origami master – he is quite a biker. He took Wanda (my bike) out for a 50 mile bike ride on Saturday. Not just any ride. He rode to Mesa Falls from Rexburg. It is a ride for someone who is tough. Lots of hills and wind. I was a proud momma.

He has also been practicing his very first hymn out of the green hymn book, "God Speed The Right." (Only 9 more to go until he can choose to be done with piano – right now he is being forced and we hope we will get thanked later)

Mason can do hard things and this is proof.

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