Today was the Rush Triathlon, what a beast. The bike and run were not too bad but that dang swim was brutal.
Mount Owen – A Dream Fulfilled
Yesterday Paul and I climbed Mount Owen. What a hike, we left Rexburg at 4:00 AM and hit the trail at 6:00 AM. The first 3 miles we were on the same trail as the grand, we then made a turn to the north on the Amphitheater Lake Trail. it is about 2 miles to the lake from there. At the lake we kept heading north until the end of the lake. We thought the trail was straight north and ended up at the base of Disappointment Peak (well named) from there we knew we had to get down to the Teton Glacier. There was no safe way down so we had to back track for about 1/2 mile to the lowest part of the north rim of the lake. From there we descended a short distance and headed east along the base of the Disappointment Peak cliffs.
We kept heading straight for the Teton glacier up and down a few times much like a roller coaster. From the glacier we headed straight up the Koven Couloir, there were a few places where it would be wise to rope up but since we were able to find some great hand holds we just hurried up it. Once to the upper section of the Couloir we had to get out the Ice Axe, they work like magic. That allowed us to ascend right up along side of a huge ice glacier. Once we made it to the top of the Couloir we headed east again up the ridge line. We made a strayed too far to the south and found it was necessary to rope up and climb straight up a 120′ cliff. We made it almost all the way to the top where there was about a 3′ ledge, but from there it was not possible to get up the last 20′ of the cliff there were no hand or foot holds within reach. I tried it once but after getting about 10′ off the ground I fell and landed on my right ankle. I heard and felt a loud snapping noise, I thought for sure it was broken. But when I tried to walk on it I found I could put weight on it it just hurt. So we chose to continue on, this time I stood on Paul’s shoulders and was able to reach a better hand hold and climb to the top of this cliff. I then threw the rope down to Paul and he “supermaned” up the rope.
From there on it was not too difficult we just kept heading east to the Upper Bench, from the top of the Bench we made a direct north turn and proceeded around the west face just about 100′ from the top. This was much like the cat walk on the Grand. We went clear around the top along the cliffs where we ended up on the north side of the top, just about 20′ from the top. We could see the top but found there was a 60′ deep and 3′ wide cliff between us and the top. From there we threw the rope over the peak and had Paul belay me as I made the plunge. This was by far the most challenging part of the climb. There were not very many holds and the ledge was sloped down. I hugged the cliff and worked my way around until I was now on the east face.
It was just a 20′ scramble to the top from that point. What a Hike. Paul came around the same way with me top belaying me. We found on the way down there was a much easier chimney on the west face to come down, and it would have been a much easier way to the top (next time). All in all it was a very challenging climb but well worth the view. We ate a quick snack on top, called Jodi and took some photo’s. It was now almost 3:30 so we had to get headed down. It seemed a lot longer coming down that it did coming up for some reason. Especially since I had a very bad sprained ankle. We just kept plowing away to get down, walking in the dark for the last 1/2 mile or so. Time well spent.
Lagoon 2007
Mount Timpanogos in the rain
Today I climbed Mount Timpanogos for my first time. At 11750′ and only 15 Miles round trip I figured it would make a great hike to train for the Mesa Falls Marathon. I started on the trail around 7:15 AM, I had intended on starting earlier but I missed the turn and drove almost all the way to Heber City before I realized it (Dang NPR was on the Radio). You turn at the Sundance Resort and drive past it about 4 miles to the Aspen Village area, which is ran by BYU alumni. The trail is very well marked and has water and facilities. I started the first few miles trying to run up the trail, not a good idea since it was very slick because of the rain and also gets steep pretty fast after about the first mile until the third mile. From there on it is mostly switch backs you gain some elevation pretty fast but it is eased with the winding switch backs. There are several pretty water falls along the way, and you cross at least a dozen streams. At about 10000′ there is a beautiful lake and camping spot. Just past that is the old ranger shelter. From there on it is pretty loose rock and shale. You work your way up to the ridge and then just follow the ridge line for about 1/2 mile. At the top there is a steel shelter which was nice since it was sprinkling on me. I had the top all to myself for quite some time. Great Hike, it was getting pretty busy on the way down with hikers wanting to see the water falls about 1 mile up the trail. But all in all very fun. Next time I will have to come on a clear day.
The Top! |
Fish Scramble
Alexis was excited to participate in the Beehive Credit Union’s annual Fish Scramble this past week. The incentive for her wasn’t as much catching the fish, as was the tag that is on the fish that declares if you win money. There are amounts of $25, $50, $75 and $100. After catching two fish she was disappointed that winning tags weren’t on either. I’m glad she is more adventurous than I, this was a lot of fun for her. She ended up giving her fish to someone at pack night later that night.
Dance Festival 2007
Lily’s Locks of Love
Today was a big day for Lily – Aunt Jana cut 10″ of hair off! Lily has been thinking about doing it since the beginning of the summer. Recently her cousin Paige cut hers off too, this reminded Lily that she wanted to do it as well. When I told her that they use her hair to make wigs for people who have lost their hair she said she wanted to give her hair to her dad or Uncle Scott. After explaining that it is used for cancer patients, she was o.k. with that idea too. She walks around shaking her head and exclaiming, “I just love my short hair!” When you see her next time she might ask you to take part in her poll, “Do you like my hair long, short, or both?” I think she looks darling with BOTH!
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FHE on Journals
Tonight for FHE Jodi gave a lesson on the importance of keeping a Journal I decided to share my experience as a blog entry. Lily got a really bad cut tonight when she was caught in the cross fire of a match box car. Alexis was attempting to scare her away but accidentally hit her in the eye. It was bad enough for stitches but we had some super glue so we glued it shut, better than new. Earlier today the kids all took part in a primary pioneer day parade. The kids decorated their bikes and Mason and I put a cover on his red wagon so he could have a covered wagon for the parade. He pulled Olivia around the block in the wagon while Alexis and Lily road their bikes. What a fun time they all had. It hit 100� today, way too hot for my tastes.
Climbing Teewinot
Today we (Paul, Myself, and Hans Redd) climbed Teewinot, we started around 8:30. This is a great hike but very very steep, so you get a great workout in a short amount of time. As I sat on top I couldn’t help to notice how tempting it looks to climb Mount Owen, just have to find someone to go with me now. Here are some shots from our trek. We gained 7123′ in 3 miles just to give an idea of how steep it is.